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what is harry pottar

Better than Twilight.

Yes, but not by much. Seriously, Lego, only the LSW and Batman games were good, stop making games of meh themes.

Didn't you hear? Lego is the new Guitar Hero.

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what is harry pottar

Better than Twilight.

Yes, but not by much. Seriously, Lego, only the LSW and Batman games were good, stop making games of meh themes.

Especially ones that aren't in continuation.



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what is harry pottar

Better than Twilight.

Yes, but not by much. Seriously, Lego, only the LSW and Batman games were good, stop making games of meh themes.

Especially ones that aren't in continuation.



How do you know they're not going to revive the theme? The game's slated for 2010, after all. And since it's purportedly of years 1-4 of the books/movies, I have to assume they'll make another game of years 5-7. This naturally implies that all of those years will have at least one set, so finally we'll be back to doing retrospective sets of past books/films.


I personally loved the LEGO Harry Potter theme and was sad to see it go, but now I know that my optimism based on LEGO continuing to hold the license was not in vain. I just hope the potential sets will be as promising as the game-- and somehow, I don't think those hopes will be in vain either.

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what is harry pottar

Better than Twilight.

Yes, but not by much. Seriously, Lego, only the LSW and Batman games were good, stop making games of meh themes.

Especially ones that aren't in continuation.



How do you know they're not going to revive the theme? The game's slated for 2010, after all. And since it's purportedly of years 1-4 of the books/movies, I have to assume they'll make another game of years 5-7. This naturally implies that all of those years will have at least one set, so finally we'll be back to doing retrospective sets of past books/films.


I personally loved the LEGO Harry Potter theme and was sad to see it go, but now I know that my optimism based on LEGO continuing to hold the license was not in vain. I just hope the potential sets will be as promising as the game-- and somehow, I don't think those hopes will be in vain either.

Cuz I don't see any sets this year for the movie since 1. the movie is too dark for Lego to be making sets (that is what they say) and 2. The game is based on years 1-4, which are sets long gone. And Harry Potter sets started dying anyways around the 4 movie.



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what is harry pottar

Better than Twilight.

Yes, but not by much. Seriously, Lego, only the LSW and Batman games were good, stop making games of meh themes.

Especially ones that aren't in continuation.



How do you know they're not going to revive the theme? The game's slated for 2010, after all. And since it's purportedly of years 1-4 of the books/movies, I have to assume they'll make another game of years 5-7. This naturally implies that all of those years will have at least one set, so finally we'll be back to doing retrospective sets of past books/films.


I personally loved the LEGO Harry Potter theme and was sad to see it go, but now I know that my optimism based on LEGO continuing to hold the license was not in vain. I just hope the potential sets will be as promising as the game-- and somehow, I don't think those hopes will be in vain either.

Cuz I don't see any sets this year for the movie since 1. the movie is too dark for Lego to be making sets (that is what they say) and 2. The game is based on years 1-4, which are sets long gone. And Harry Potter sets started dying anyways around the 4 movie.



Bear in mind a few facts, though. First, LEGO has shown lately with several sets (Batman's Tumbler and the Rogue Shadow come to mind) that the material on which sets are based can be terribly dark, but as long as the storyline overall reflects positive themes it is acceptable in a LEGO set. In fact, I think people concern themselves too much with darkness at face value, but ignore the actual themes of stories (I experienced this for myself after a bout of depression brought on by junior-year English class-- everyone warned me that upcoming stories like The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in senior year might be dark or depressing, but they weren't at all as depressing as Of Mice and Men or The Great Gatsby).


The overall theme of Harry Potter is archetypical, and found in most of the movie-franchise-themed LEGO lines. Good triumphs in the long run, always. Morality and justice are rewarded; cruelty and selfishness are punished. Heck, it would have been awfully difficult to make sets from the climax of SW Ep. III otherwise. Dumbledore died, yes, but anyone who put any thought into it was at least toying with the idea that yes, he must have ordered Snape to kill him (as was confirmed in the next book). Anakin became Darth Vader, but by then everyone knew from the already-released Episode VI that he would live to redeem himself by killing Emperor Palpatine.


Meanwhile, there are other reasons the Harry Potter theme stagnated in later years and finally disappeared. The films after the first two had mixed reviews, and as time went on Harry Potter stopped being such a huge fad. Perhaps stores, Warner Bros., or LEGO themselves were responsible for finding that the theme would not be successful. But LEGO was able to hold onto the license before the success of a LEGO video game could even be fathomed, so obviously LEGO had some reason to believe that Harry Potter sets would not forever be a lost cause.


Also, looking at the fifth film's one set on a whim recently (again, before I'd seriously considered a game of the line), it was not as depressing as I had originally envisioned-- with the countless references to the plot of the book/film, it was clear that had more sets been a good marketing decision, LEGO would certainly have made more sets in order to cram in even more plot elements. I will admit that I stopped buying many sets after the second film, but that's largely because the modular quality of the sets was dumped (and it would have gotten tiresome to stack a third year of sets on top of one another anyhow), not because they were any less brilliant.


It's pretty sad that you're so eager to quelch everyone's happy enthusiasm with your disgusting negativity. I expect more from BZP staff, particularly staff whom I generally regard as mature rather than infantile. Normally I look up to you for several attributes, but you are currently acting like those fun-killers you so often rebuke when they spout their "guys hapori tohu is just a stupid staff joke that makes the site stupid and i hate him" trash. Please, please try to show that you're better than that.

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Bear in mind a few facts, though. First, LEGO has shown lately with several sets (Batman's Tumbler

Which has nothing to do with the Dark Knight.

It's pretty sad that you're so eager to quelch everyone's happy enthusiasm with your disgusting negativity.

My disgusting negativity? What?


I'm just relaying info that Lego told us. Sorry but the truth hurts sometimes, so deal with it.

I expect more from BZP staff, particularly staff whom I generally regard as mature rather than infantile.

Hi not staff. Though I don't see what this has to do with the conversation at hand.

Normally I look up to you for several attributes, but you are currently acting like those fun-killers you so often rebuke when they spout their "guys hapori tohu is just a stupid staff joke that makes the site stupid and i hate him" trash. Please, please try to show that you're better than that.

Ok how is this:


It doesn't make any sense for them to make a video game on a discontinued theme. Especially when it has no relevance to the movie that is coming out soon.


Lego -isn't- making Harry Potter sets for the 6th movie. Because it is too dark.


Don't waste your little lectures on me for something they said.



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Bear in mind a few facts, though. First, LEGO has shown lately with several sets (Batman's Tumbler

Which has nothing to do with the Dark Knight.

I was referring to Batman Begins, which like most Batman media is dark in its own right. The Tumbler is special because it's really the only LEGO Batman vehicle which in its exact depiction can be pinned to one or two clear appearances in Batman media.

It's pretty sad that you're so eager to quelch everyone's happy enthusiasm with your disgusting negativity.

My disgusting negativity? What?


I'm just relaying info that Lego told us. Sorry but the truth hurts sometimes, so deal with it.

The truth hurts, true. But I doubt your whining about how LEGO is so dumb to make a video game of a long-dead theme comes from LEGO's words-- somehow, I get the feeling that the game isn't being made against their will. Some people, theme or no theme, think this video game is going to be cool. And when you're sour enough about it to point out the same fact-- twice-- indicates that spreading LEGO's word was not your intention when you joined this discussion.

I expect more from BZP staff, particularly staff whom I generally regard as mature rather than infantile.

Hi not staff. Though I don't see what this has to do with the conversation at hand.

Sorry, former staff. As for its relevance, it has to do with the fact that you're seriously disappointing me with your negative attitude about this. Suppose TTG were to make a LEGO Final Fantasy game-- wouldn't you expect a theme to come in tow? And somehow, wouldn't you be happy to see the game, with or without a theme to accompany it?

Normally I look up to you for several attributes, but you are currently acting like those fun-killers you so often rebuke when they spout their "guys hapori tohu is just a stupid staff joke that makes the site stupid and i hate him" trash. Please, please try to show that you're better than that.

Ok how is this:


It doesn't make any sense for them to make a video game on a discontinued theme. Especially when it has no relevance to the movie that is coming out soon.


Lego -isn't- making Harry Potter sets for the 6th movie. Because it is too dark.


Don't waste your little lectures on me for something they said.



That's much better. Although, theme or no theme, surely you're not denying that a video game of years 5-8 will be produced?


And next time, if you'd give a source for your info from the start, it would help your case a bit-- the statement "I don't see any sets for this year because..." gives me ample reason to suspect you were merely voicing your own opinion, as I was with my own hopeful speculation. So if I'm wasting my lectures, it's not my fault alone.


And if I misinterpreted your comment by reading "see" as "foresee", I apologize-- that's my own mistake for not making clear that I don't at all expect 2009 Harry Potter sets. What I expect are 2010 Harry Potter sets, which are much more likely given that that's the release date of the video game. Coinciding with the first movie for the last book, 2010 is a time WB is likely to play up the line once more in hopes of making a bigger profit. More attention=more potential profit to be gained from merchandise=greater likelihood of Harry Potter sets.


Furthermore, with more hype, there's more opportunity to release sets retrospectively-- for instance, representing the decadent fifth and fourth years of the series, and potentially even the sixth book if LEGO decides it's OK. After all, I didn't expect to see several Indiana Jones scenes to appear in set form due to dark natures, but then several went and appeared just this year! And let's not forget that LEGO is a genuine company with realistic limits-- releasing sets concurrently with a controversial film will garner parental outrage, but surprisingly perhaps releasing them a year later will not garner so much.

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But I doubt your whining about how LEGO is so dumb to make a video game of a long-dead theme comes from LEGO's words-- somehow, I get the feeling that the game isn't being made against their will. Some people, theme or no theme, think this video game is going to be cool. And when you're sour enough about it to point out the same fact-- twice-- indicates that spreading LEGO's word was not your intention when you joined this discussion.

Ok? I honestly don't care. :P

Sorry, former staff. As for its relevance, it has to do with the fact that you're seriously disappointing me with your negative attitude about this. Suppose TTG were to make a LEGO Final Fantasy game-- wouldn't you expect a theme to come in tow? And somehow, wouldn't you be happy to see the game, with or without a theme to accompany it?

Sorry but not everyone has to be like you and celebrate a Harry Potter game. And I never have a negative attitude, nor a positive attitude. And Lego won't ever get a Final Fantasy theme.


And next time, if you'd give a source for your info from the start, it would help your case a bit-- the statement "I don't see any sets for this year because..." gives me ample reason to suspect you were merely voicing your own opinion, as I was with my own hopeful speculation. So if I'm wasting my lectures, it's not my fault alone.

I did. I said Lego. Twice. Though I figured it was quite obvious they weren't making sets anyways since we saw none at Toyfair.


Also why are you even busting my chops about this? If you are supposeduly excited for the game and fan of the series, don't let my "negative attitude" spoil your fun and just ignore me and get the game anyways, instead of going all fanboy on me.



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