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Pushing The Flame War Envelope

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: This blog entry is directed towards BZP rules and guidelines that have been set up specifically to prevent flame wars. The biggest rule regarding this is the "No Politics & Religion" rule. Often times, people will forget this vital and important detail describing this rule:



There will be NO exceptions here.



How hard is it to understand that "NO exceptions" means "NO exceptions"? Yet, often times people do think that there are exceptions.


I have seen it plenty of times when someone might respond to something in the Immediate Association Topic with the name of a president. Granted, people don't have the time to retaliate to it because of the speed of the topic, but it still remains there. I have seen it when someone will say something negative towards a political group, religion, or nationality and try to soften it by adding something along the lines of "but that's just me". On and off, if you look, you will see that the rules are broken in the BZP underworld.


Even if nobody retaliates, it doesn't mean that a particular comment is acceptable. Although perhaps flame wars don't always get started right away, offensive or suggestive comments can still leave certain observers offended, whether mildly or critically.


To the people who make these kind of posts, they usually don't think much of it. Once the posts are published, and if no immediate action or recognition is taken place, they will think that such behavior is acceptable. If they get away with it one time, they will think that they can push the envelope further. This has the potential to lead to a flame war, and the worst part is that the participants will think that it is okay.


Flame wars are forbidden because the staff does not want anyone to be offended and hurt by the words and attitudes of another person. It takes away from the light atmosphere that BZP is meant to be, a place where one can freely discuss their opinions and tastes on Bionicle. The friendliness of the community is meant to be carried on to the CoT forum, and it usually is. However, whenever a flame war arises, the strong bond between BZPers is broken. Even if one comment does not take things to further heights, it alone can still do damage. No one deserves to be insulted on this island we call BZP.


In short, we should not post offensive material. The rules state their policy on flame so simply, and there is no excuse for not following them. The smallest offenses, even if you can get away with them, are as wrong as major ones.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh


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Who in their right mind would say those comments. I can't believe I never saw them. I wanna know who said them. :P


But yeah, this entry is full of win.



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Oh boy... you know... I find this to be rather ironic. You see, in posting about it and giving examples you in turn broke the rule you were advising people not to break. By throwing in all of these quotes you broke the No Politics and Religion rule.


Entry Locked. No Exceptions.



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