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I'm Trying To Put It To Bed,

Pakari Master of Limn


But my mind is restless.


These days I am finding it harder and harder to fall asleep. This is summer! It should be easy to sleep! It isn't, not recently at least.

Just as I'm drifting off to sleep, my mind starts running about how I can make this and how I can do this. That's what I get for being an artist, I guess.

Another thing that's adding to it, I guess, is that i just finished 2 weeks worth of game design classes. It taught how to use this software called Multimedia Fusion. The teacher was really cool. He teaches at a local middleschool, which of course means theat i've never seen him before... He was honestly the first adult I've ever met in person who played videogames frequently.


But getting back on topic... If you're reading this and you have sleeping problems, how do you deal??? I need some advice.


~Giganuva Upsilon


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I know exsactly how you feel. My best creativity sparks late at night. So I tend to stay up all night drawing, writing, building... but fortunately it's summer, so I can sleep in late. :P Though I don't know what I'll do when school starts again. :wacko: All I can say is use the freedom of summer while you got it, because it'll soon be over. ;)


:a: :m:



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Wow, that happens to me too sometimes, except with ideas for MOCs, rather than art. For some reason I usually get a lot of good inspiration at night. :wacko:


I usually just try not to think about it and get to sleep (if I really need to), but if it's something that's really bugging me and I don't want to forget it, I just get up, turn a light on, and get to work. :P I try to finish fast though, so I don't lose that much sleep. ;)


Good luck!



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