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What's Up, Ya'll?



Wheeee, yay for week-long blogging privileges!




Yeah, I really should just get a premier account. Someday, someday...


Anyway, nothing much going on except for little random things that don't make much of a story or anything to write home about. I start my freshmen year of college this Monday, but financial aid hasn't come in yet, and if it doesn't soon I may not have classes to go to once Monday comes around...Joy. But it should, and if it doesn't I should be able to get an extension, at least that's what the dean told me when I was over there on my birthday...


Speaking of which, I'm 19 now. *yay!* This be my last year as a "teen"-aged person. My friends are telling me how weird that is. But I don't feel any different and last I checked I still look the same, so yeah, I don't know what they're weirding out about. :P


Hmm...Well lets see... The scanner is on the fritz--again--so it might make entering this BZP AC a little difficult...But we'll see how that goes. Dad thinks he can fix the scanner, but after one look at the Scan of a certain WiP, I'm not so sure that we should really bother to fix it.(By the by, that picture in real life is a black and white Prismacolor portrait on medium-brown paper, just to give some perspective) Honestly, it will probably be dead again in another month as that's been the pattern for the last year now. Scanner breaks, Scanner is fixed after hours of work, Scanner works for a month or so, Scanner breaks, Same song, 27th verse...


Yeeep...Fun first entry in a year, isn't it? At least it isn't an epic, as is my habit on here. So now that I've rambled about some of the most recent events I feel comfortable sharing, what's up with the rest of ya?


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Well, I'm not exactly a Premier Member, more like a "Pretend Premier" member. (Since all members have Premier privileges this week in celebration of BZP's anniversary/b-day) But I'm seriously considering getting a Premier Membership within the year, it depends on how things go financially and time wise. So we'll see how it goes.
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Oh ok, sev just told me that! LOL, Well I hope you do get a membership! That would be awesome! Have you ever gone tubing on the Salt River? I have gone twice and I went today with somefriends and my brother! It was SOOO much fun!


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