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Work-related Update Stuff



Nothing exciting, but I figured it was time to give you an update on work-type stuff.


I just finished launching all the local sites (11 languages), after having launched US, UK, and Germany in July. Now I can concentrate on getting the game out there. It's in testing right now, and although I don't think it'll be ready for an August release, it should come in early September. The good news, though, is it WILL be released in all languages - either simultaneously, or right after the US version launches (to check to make sure it works OK). I've had enough of not having games in different languages available. FYI - the Glatorian Arena 1 version (now on BIONICLE.com) will not be released in multiple languages. Sorry, had to concentrate on the next one, which will have most of the first one anyway.


Regarding the DVD portion of BIONICLE.com... we planned on having it go to 4 page types (Movie, Characters, Cast/Crew, and Story) but the last two pages got cut due to resource constraints. The most important stuff is up, though, like release dates and teaser movie clips. I'll dig up the full cast/crew list and post it here soon.


A large part of my time is now directed to working on 2010 and, to a lesser extent, 2011. I have an overview of what we're going to do on the web for the next 2.5 years, which is good. I think a lot of it is stuff you guys will like. Some of it will be quite different from what you've seen or what you might expect. But overall, it's all good. I'm excited, and most importantly of all, it provides me with job security.


I sent out a game brief last week for a game for the 1st half of 2010. It'll be simpler than the Glatorian Arena, and is based on a popular casual game mechanic that you'll recognize right away. I think it'll be what we call "sticky" - you'll play it for a long time, and come back to play it more. It'll have some good humor in it, too.


Tomorrow, I'm heading to Copenhagen for a day-long working meeting about web stuff for 2010. Should be intense but fun. We have way more stuff on paper than we can actually do, so it's time to do some ROI analysis and resource allocation estimations. Yes, this job is more than just putting stuff up on the web site. I've gotta justify my existence, but with you guys all out there, regularly visiting, that's not too much of a problem.


My to-do list is pretty epic, but I hope to get a lot of it done on the train tomorrow.


We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog.


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YAY Nobody cares about me. I need attenton so I wanted to be annoying.!!!! Well I know I shoudn't but, here are some questions:


1. What characters will Glatorian Arena 2.0 have?


2. What is the theam for the 2010 website?


3. Will the Cast/Crew thing have people we recognize?


And 4. On the incompleat cast list, why did you say that Click was done by himself?


The ending sentece was funny

We now return to your regularly shcedualed blog.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: !!!!!!!!!!!!


EDIT: This the real Autodude12. I never said the 1st two sentences. Bink, I know you edited this. I was just exsited because I'm not the 1st one to post in blog entrys.

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Sounds like we have a lot of good things from BIONICLE to expect

But I must ask:

When is this year's song going to be posted for download?

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Awwwwww Bink, you did the same thing with the Mistika game D:


"10 of July"


a week later


"10 of August


a week later


"10 of September"


two weeks later


"10 of September of next year :D"




I hope Glatorian Arena 2 is good, or else, I quit BIONICLE... .com :P

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But I must ask:

When is this year's song going to be posted for download?

I have to ask the same question. Cryoshell's website has had the song available for over a month via iTunes, and they just realeased the music video. You said back in May that they would hopefully be on Bionicle.com in August, but so far that hasn't happened. I really want to download the song for free, so could you give us an update on that?

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But I must ask:

When is this year's song going to be posted for download?

I have to ask the same question. Cryoshell's website has had the song available for over a month via iTunes, and they just realeased the music video. You said back in May that they would hopefully be on Bionicle.com in August, but so far that hasn't happened. I really want to download the song for free, so could you give us an update on that?

August is not over yet. ;)


Anyway, thanks a lot for the update! :) I think you should link to the English version of Glatorian Arena 1 on all local websites, though.


~Gata. ;)

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But I must ask:

When is this year's song going to be posted for download?

I have to ask the same question. Cryoshell's website has had the song available for over a month via iTunes, and they just realeased the music video. You said back in May that they would hopefully be on Bionicle.com in August, but so far that hasn't happened. I really want to download the song for free, so could you give us an update on that?

August is not over yet. ;)


Anyway, thanks a lot for the update! :) I think you should link to the English version of Glatorian Arena 1 on all local websites, though.


~Gata. ;)


I agree with Gata. Better english than nothing. And if I fear that license about the song has been changed, am I fearing right?


BTW, when are you updating the comics section?

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Also, any word about TLR on iTunes? I soo want it on my iPod. Or maybe there'll be a "digital copy" of it on the possible Blu-ray Greg was talking about. Then I could always ask someone to sell me just the digital copy.


So are either of these possible?

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