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A Sad Day For Bionicle



I'm confused and ashamed by BS01's choice to submit large swaths of fan-created ideas to Greg to be made canon. I understand that Bionicle has had user-generated content before in the form of canonized MOcs and stories, but these were included in moderation and after being properly judged. Yet now BZPower and Biosector01 have decided that they are important enough to decide whatever they like about the Bionicle story. These changes did not need to be made, and Bionicle is the worse for them.


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It's not a big deal, it's not like we're re-inventing storyline.


(I'm assuming you're referring to the various Kanohi)

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Well, think about it. Those masks were never going to be used in any way. Certavus and Surel were probably never going to be a set. So how does that affect the main storyline?

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I think it was completely pointless, as nearly all the fan-idea canonizations have been.


However, like all the others, the only role these masks are likely to have is a small mention in the serials.


But really, the story's so bad these days that it doesn't make a difference either way.

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