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Brick Fair Swag



At last, I have commandeered my roommate's camera (not the anti-emote one, Nukaya, but another friend in my apartment) and have taken pix of some of what was received at BrickFair. So...pictures! (My apologies in advanced for fuzzy photos. These are even worse than my usual.)


(tl;dr? Just look at the pix then.)


BrickArms Stuff (Storm trooper blaster, trans-red scimitar, and Star Trek-esq phaser. I only paid for the phaser. The BrickArms guys were kind enough to toss some free prototypes in to all our BF goodie bags, and one of them said on Flickr to go say hi at the booth and they'll give out free stuff, so after inquiring about a cool looking gun, he showed me that it was for the Storm troopers and gave me one! It's <3 I really wish picture quality was better here because they really are nicely detailed items, especially the blaster.)

More BrickArms and a BrickForge Item (Trans-red gun, and the transparent blaster-thing (I really can't tell if it's sci-fi or historic, but it looks good on the space police fig, which, BTW, looks great if the body is reversed and visor put on upside down (although here he's wearing a gold one) were free BrickArms, and I bought the BrickForge wizard's staff (diamond fits perfectly).) I also got the Power Miner's fig from LehvakLah because she was so nice as to share bits of her set that she won in a raffle (or bingo?). She also gave me a Power Miner wheel, because hey, I'm a spacey and I immediately saw ENGINE!!! (Thanks LL!)

Sets!--Friday night we all drove out to Potomac Mills LEGO Outlet for discounted sets! Now, that being 30 miles away, I was a little hesitant to drive, but Argetlam and Kohaku bought me a LEGO Indiana Jones shirt so it's all good. (Thanks guys!) While there I picked up, as you can see, Mata Nui (for $10 since we all combined our purchase and got 20% off) and the Mars Mission Recon Dropship (normally $40, I got it for $20) which I had been eying ever since it came out. (OK, quick reviews: Mata Nui is awesome for pieces and just looking cool on my shelf. He's got a hole in his belly though, which I might fix simply with a keetorange 3-long beam. The MX-71 Recon Dropship has an amazing build and a few nice little tricks within it. I'm really glad I got it, especially for the pieces in it. The way the mining cart attaches in the bottom is really clever. My only complaint is that the landing gear 1) sticks out and 2) it would be really cool if it folded in.)

And some more stuff! What you see here is my desk at school right now. I've partitioned off a section for LEGO stuff. We all got a BrickFair soda can, and the lid unscrewed and there were LEGO pieces inside! These were then used to build a minifig-scale, working pop machine. Also, on the desk is a yellow and black space-thingy. This is a quick alt-build from Racer set TunerX, which I sort of won at LEGO Bingo. Same goes for the TIE Advanced keychain you can see hanging, and Y-Wing and landspeeder keychains. I kept not winning at LEGO Bingo, so after a while the kind people known as BZPower members/staff said "go ahead CF and get something." Just another reason why y'all are awesome. Thanks!

And let's not forget my prototype.


Also, in the dealer's room, I picked up 3 red and 3 yellow Bitil wings, for $1 each. I also bought a dozen of these in white and some of these in red and yellow. Among other things. (A lot of stuff was overpriced or just weirdly packaged, IMO. Like all canister Bionicle sets for $15 (not MISB and already built) and something like 30 Mahritoran blades or Matoro Mahri shoulder armor all in one bag for...IDK...$12? $18? It wasn't worth it.)


Oh yeah, and I got tons of memories with some of the coolest, most random people on the planet! (Well, everyone I hung out with was from North America (Janusteehee.png), but you know what I mean.)


I think that's it! I think I kept to my budget...mostly. Better than at BrickFest 06, at least.


-CF :kakama:


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Lyi got the Emerald Knight. :D 'Twas a door prize. And at the LEGO store event we got all the BIONICLE vehicles besides the Kaxium and Cendox, as well as a few other awesome sets (that Agents giant robot attack set is the only other one we built, and we only took the BIONICLE stuff to college with us).


Those white fenders are pretty beast. Did you see that we used them on our space fire engine for the bucket of the crane/robot arm? Of course, I'm more partial to the bley ones, just because they've helped me out in our never-realized attempts to MOC our dad's Ford Excursion in 6-wide.


Lyi also purchased one of those pre-built BIONICLE sets: Lesovikk, because we both had to acknowledge that we'd probably never find the set again for a price that was worth the full Sea Sled. They also (thank heavens!) had one in-box Defilak set, which was the main set we had needed and failed to find among the pre-built stuff.


Oh, btw-- an easy way to fix Mata Nui's gap is to swap the two-length pegs that attach his life-counter holder for two black ones of these. But a Keetorange beam might be better (I didn't even know those existed... O_o). And of course, you might be talking about a different gap than I'm thinking (I'm thinking the one on the side).

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Oh, btw-- an easy way to fix Mata Nui's gap is to swap the two-length pegs that attach his life-counter holder for two black ones of these. But a Keetorange beam might be better (I didn't even know those existed... O_o). And of course, you might be talking about a different gap than I'm thinking (I'm thinking the one on the side).

Actually, that might work even better. I wouldn't be smooth then, like a beam would (I got a few in Keetongu), and the black would work well. Or, I just realized, I could take the life counter off and use the two-length pegs to cover up the belly hole, in a pinch.

Thanks for the tips.



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