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Car Crash Miracles

Jean Valjean


I'm pretty lucky to be alive. It's not that I have gone through the most impossible of circumstances, but I have come close to being seriously hurt several times.


I was about six years old. I can't remember exactly, but it was around that time. It was around the middle of the day and I was biking with my family. Crossing main street, I was hit by a car. I was thrown off my bike, but got up without a scratch.


I was about thirteen and riding my bike from school. A car pulled in front of me as I was riding off the curb and I hit it. I was thrust off my bike and flew over the trunk of the car, but got back up without a scratch.


It was about a year later and I road around a corner, getting hit by a car. I got a scratch, but nothing more.


It was yesterday, and while reading a blog entry by EmperorWhenua about driving a car I remembered these three occasions and realized just how fortunate I am.


I believe in miracles.


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Two guys were on motorcycles. There was a sharp bend, and they couldn't see what was coming. A big truck came. One of the guys went around him, but the other guy couldn't. Knowing martial arts, he jumped off his motorcycle, onto the truck, and rolled over it, and then jumped and landed on his legs. When asked how he did it, he simply said, "I just rolled."


True story.

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Mostly due to living in fairly quiet neighbourhoods(other than that one guy here who likes to gun his truck engine for over a minute at 3am :angry: ), I've never been on the bike end of such an accident.


We did hit a guy once, but he wasn't hurt(though he sort of pretended to be at first).


Maybe I should get my bike fixed and scare the heck out of drivers.

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Thankfully I've never been in a car/bike accident of any kind before. A number of years ago though my dad got in a single car crash because he slid off an icy road and crashed in a power pole.


I also have a friend who got hit by a car while he was on his bike. The guy who hit him just drove off. Luckily he survived, but his arm didn't look too good for a couple of months.

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Captain Minimatsu,

The cars indeed weren't going terribly fast, probably fifteen miles per hour each time, but I was going faster. I still haven't learned my lesson, because I sometimes go around corners as fast as I can at times, a habit I should break.


Live long and prosper.

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