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An Addendum.



I'd like to point out that the Joker was voiced by Mark Hamill both in the original and the followup Batman Animated Series. What a great character. He looked amazing. He was wily, insane, clever, and had this great sense of dark humor. His new looks in the New Batman Adventures were good looking, and I loved it. Both visual versions were great. They shared the same creepy, humorous, insane personality, same style of crimes, they were the exact same except for their looks. So I love both versions as the same. And although Harley Quinn's hair color may not matter to most, it's little details like that that make a character realistic. I'm just irked at the amount of 'Artistic license' that 'The Batman' has taken on redesigning the characters. It's ripping my childhood memories up like puppies in a wheat thresher. I can envision a day when I'm talking about Batman to some kid and he says, "Nuh uh, Joker was all big and muscly! That's how he is in The Batman!" That day will test my resistance to the urge to smack somebody very hard.


Oh, and for other hardcore fans of Batman Beyond like me, here's something to note: Batman Beyond was never cancelled, only put on hiatus. So if we throw enough rocks at whoever would have the authority to bring back Batman Beyond, maybe we'll succeed. If not... Well, none of my classmates will want to deal with a guy with a criminal record.


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I sort of hated The Batman as well. Mind you, I liked it to start, but eventually two things happened:

1) The show started becoming really uninspired, with a new bad guy in pretty much every episode.

2) I stopped watching KidsWB altogether. They never keep a good lineup.


Just wondering- how do you like the Joker in the Lego Batman sets?

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Seriously? Just a hiatus? "They" never pulled a pseudo-official series finale? Fascinating . . .


But -- how long has it been since Batman Beyond's been on the air? Syndication? Maybe Cartoon Network could pick it up (if they haven't already), but something tells me, now that the DVDs are available, we won't be seeing Batman Beyond anytime soon on the small screen -- or again.


Apologies for the death knell, but I've felt the wrath of Business with Gargoyles. I know how it is. At least Batman Beyond has two of its seasons out. Disney only released half of season two of Gargoyles, and apparently sales weren't good enough to "justify" releasing the second half.

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While we seem to be on the subject of cartoons, let me just say that there are several cartoons that DEMAND DVDs!


Angry Beavers (from what I can determine off the internet) was insanely popular, and appears to have a rather large fan base. True, it still airs on Nicktoons, but they sadly don't show enough different episodes.....Most of them are ones that I saw hundreds of times........


Aaaahhh! Real Monsters was another favorite of mine. I just love the creativity used in virtually every episode, and the series itself. The design department of that show really just went all out to make monsters as freakish as possible.....Not to mention, they were one of the many shows of that era that were boundless, yet child appropriate........I assume most parents these days would be shocked and disturbed to see Oblina reach down her throat and pull her internal organs out for all to see........


Freakazoid was beautiful. Possibly the best comedeic superhero cartoon to ever exist. Saddly, this is the only cartoon that I can only barely remember......However, I do remember one episode had a monster that extremely similar to Cthulhu, rendering sever squid-face jokes.......


And finally, the number one cartoon of my childhood...........


Beetlejuice! This is probobly one of the many reasons why children of that era grow up to be like me. That show was remarkably twisted for children's eyes. While the show had little to do with the movie, the Neitherworld was a perfect simulation of Tim Burton's art style, as well as some of its citizens (mainly the guy with the shrunken head). Most people would probobly consider the show cliche and of poor quality, but it certainly has pleanty of sentimental value to me. Furthermore, unlike the cartoons mentioned above, I have something to remember this by........


IPB Image

(the lettering's reversed because my computer's built in camera is like a mirror)


I bought these on eBay shortly after buying the movie, wich jogged my memorie of this great animation classic.


The scary thing is, though, that Freakazoid and Beetlejuice belonged to WB, and risk the possibility of being remade............

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