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Enfero Lunos


Will probably become the predominant part of my blog, as I come up with things. By the way, Valkren is the name of the world I am "developing." Disk shaped planet, 4 types of life: Organic, Mechanical, Shapeshifting, Spectral (Ghost), and many combinations of the 4. 4 species of intellegent life on the planet:

1: Haldi- Green, Scaly, fairly humanoid creatures, with 4 arms and three legs. Waist rotates with legs. Horned, two tongues, fairly advanced, main (most populous) intelligent species on planet.

2: Sewgren- Aquatic, skin like dolphins, Humanoid body and head, no hair, but many thin tentacles that resemble hair. Strong, but thin arms that end in webbed hands, 4 legs. Feet like Metal Fins. When legs together, can rotate feet like propeller. Can use feet to walk on land. Skilled in use of magic

3: Solva- Two arms, two legs, hovers, entire population lives in one small city/jungle, mostly isolated, extremely advanced, extremely skilled in all forms of fighting and magic.

4:*Unnamed*- Mysterious pure spectral creatures, rarely seen. Nobody knows what they truly are, but very good or very bad luck always follows a visit from them. Silent, but even through appearance convey extreme intelligence.

Planet will have 32.5 degree tilt, and will have fairly extreme seasons.

And thats enough info for now :D

Edit: Will start to put up some of my pictures, gallery when public:Here

Added Haldi Symbol, Symbol for the fourth intelligent species, possible wing designs for Haldi (will have mechanical wings, which will be replaceable), and possible special animal themed weaponry.


Recommended Comments

wow! You could be the next George Lucas!


this idea sounds really cool. Kinda like the Slizer. Is this a Bionicle-inspired thing, perhaps even their peices, or totally different?


sounds really cool. KUTGW

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Pieces? What do you mean?

Anyways, bionicle may have had a hand in the creation, but in bionicle, anything mechanical and living also has organic parts, and I thought everything organic had mechanical parts (until recently). This is more of four types of life, and different combinations of 1, 2, 3, or all 4 types into each organism. But the inspiration from bionicle stops at organic and mechanical together, if it was ever inspired by bionicle. Everything else was completely my own.

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