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The Bz-metru Story Chapter 24



Twenty Fourth Chapter

I want freedom for the full expression of my personality.

Mahatma Gandhi

Indian political and spiritual leader (1869 - 1948)


Smeagol4 relaxed in the back seat of his car, on his way back to the library forum. Though it was faster to take the main highway, Smeag liked to go on a secluded road that ran through the only forested area in the city.


“How much longer do you think?” he asked the driver in the front.


“Not long sir, maybe a half hour.”


“Excellent. Say, you’re a new chauffer, aren’t you?”


“Yes sir. The regular is on vacation.”


“Ah, good for him. Everyone needs a break. You know, I can’t quite shake the feeling that I’ve heard your voice somewhere before.”


“Maybe, sir.”


“Ah, well, maybe I’m just crazy. Turn on the radio please, driver.”


The driver pressed a button on the dash. Bohemian Rhapsody, by Queen, came on. Smeag sighed and smiled.


“I sang this at the BZPower Idol, a long time ago. Everyone loved it. I won the competition with it. It was a night to remember. You should have been there.”


“We remember it,” muttered the driver, clutching the steering wheel tighter.


“What was that?” asked Smeag.


“…Nothing, sir.”


Smeag shrugged and lay his head back against the headrest, immersing himself in the music of Queen. He closed his eyes. He soon fell asleep, being very tired from not sleeping the night before.




Smeag opened his eyes groggily, smacking his lips trying to get rid of the bad taste that comes after falling asleep in the car.


He turned his head to face the window and shot straight up in his seat. When he had fallen asleep, it had been seven o’clock, and they had been passing through the forest. Now it was dark, and there were no trees in sight- instead, it was all industrial.


“Driver! Where are we?” exclaimed Smeag, eyeing his watch. It was one in the morning.


“We are lost, Smeagol.”


“What! And don’t you ever call me that, you’re only a normal member so you say sir.”


“Why should we? We outrank you.”


“What in the world-”


“You see Smeagol, we are taking you on a little… detour, from our previously scheduled route.”


“We? What, do you have a mouse in your pocket?”


“No, you cool dude. Ah, I see the word filter is still as strict.”


“Then what do you mean?”


“You don’t even recognize us? You should, Smeagol. We were your idol, the whole reason you decided to fly right and try to become staff. Collectively, we are known as Schizo Kaita.”


“Schizo! What are- everyone thought you were dead!”


“They were wrong, Smeagol. We are very much alive, and we have returned to take care of you and take back what is rightfully ours.”


“Where are you taking me?” said Smeag. He unbuckled his seat belt. He would have to try and jump Schizo.


“Right now, we are in BS01, passing through the industrial district. As for our destination, classified.”


“I take it you’re on Ninjo’s side?”


“You would be correct, Smeagol. Though I didn’t want to.” Schizo’s voice changed to a much higher, more gentle tone to say the last phrase.


“Uh, that’s… nice, Schizo. Now how about stopping the car now?” Smeag said. The change in voice told him that Schizo’s gentler personality had taken over for the time being.


“No! Don’t listen to him! We have to carry out Ninjo’s orders! But we like Smeag don’t we? No, we don’t! Remember, he took what was ours. Yes, yes he did, didn’t he? But- but- But what? We don’t really have to… do exactly what Ninjo said, do we? Of course! Okay, I suppose, but…”


Smeag sat in shock, listening to the split personalities argue. It was maddening. One spoke it the gentle voice, and the other, a much harsher, deeper voice.


He decided he had to do something. While Schizo was occupied arguing with himself, he leapt forward out of his seat and grabbed the steering wheel. Schizo tried to grab Smeag’s arms, but while doing so the car spun out of control. It drove up onto the curb, the trunk smashing into the front of a building.


The force of impact jarred the whole car, causing the airbag deployed, catching both Schizo and Smeag, though Smeag banged his head on the dash board. Schizo opened the door and got out. Smeag tumbled out after him.


Smeag stood up, rubbing his head. He looked around the street, but Schizo was nowhere to be seen.


Where did he go? A madman like that can’t be running loose.


Lights were turning on in the building that had been crashed into. Smeag realized that if it really was BS01, he had to get out of sight, and fast.


He saw a public phone on the opposite corner. He hurried over to it and deposited the required change. He tried the Admin’s Palace first. Black Six’s personal line was busy.


Who calls Black Six at one in the morning? I’ll try Hahli, maybe I can get her.


He dialed Hahli Husky’s personal phone number. The line picked up.


“Hello?” said the other person, Hahli. She sounded extremely tired.


“Yeah, listen, Hahli, this is Smeag.”


“Oh, Smeag, what a wonderful… surprise.”


“Sorry about that, but I’ve run into a little problem, and I’m not going to be able to get there anytime soon.”


“What’s wrong?”


“Listen, I can’t get into that now, I’m in a lot of danger, and I can’t say on the line too long. But this morning, I want you to call Black Six and tell him that the Captain got me, and to not worry about me. Tell him I’ll be fine.”


“But what-”


“Gotta go.”


Smeag hung up the phone and ducked under the shadow of a hotel awning, out from the street lights. Two police cars pulled up across the street, reporting on the car crash.


I can’t stay out in the open like this. This looks like a good hotel. I’ll have to chance it.


Smeag was wearing a coat, as it was getting later in the Fall season, and as such the temperature was dropping. He put up its collar to partially hide his features.


He limped inside the hotel. His leg was aching, more from falling out of the car than the actual crash. The hotel lobby was simple, just a few couches in front of a front desk. Smeag went up to the man at the front desk.


“I’d like a room please, whatever’s cheap.”


“Our cheapest room is the Single Bed.”


“I’ll take it.”


“How long will you be staying for?”


Smeag paused. How long could he stay in hiding?


“Um… I’m not really sure exactly how long I’ll be here.”


“You can have the pay-per-length, where you can stay as long as you want, and just pay when you check out.”


“That sounds good.”


“Here’s your room key, room 82 on the second floor. Have a nice stay, Mr. Smeagol.”


Smeag’s eyes widened. “That’s… that’s not my name, you must be mistaken.”


“I know, sir. Only someone living under a rock doesn’t know your face. Don’t worry though, I won’t report you to the police. No one in BS01 likes being under BZR rule. We don’t have a choice but to support them though. If you don’t do what they say… I don’t want to talk about it.”


“Don’t worry. BZ-Metru is trying to topple Ninjo,” said Smeag.


“Well, I don’t- wait, here comes someone. You’d better go, sir,” said the member.


“Well, thank you for the room. What’s your name?”


“Dorek sir.”


“I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Good night,” said Smeag. Just as another member walked through the front door, he turned his head away and walked over to the steps. The last thing he heard before closing the door to the steps was what he thought was “Who was that?” When he got to his room, he sat down on the bed and began thinking. What Dorek had said got to him- that BS01 was an oppressed country, and the people hated it. Maybe the rest of the BZR was like that. What was the best solution to tyranny?


Revolution, thought Smeag.


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I guess I'm still in the back hiding somewhere. XD


Hmm, I keep getting wind o something Smeag-related and then BOOM, another thing comes along and I start questioning his loyalties even more. Hmm.



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Well, very nice. ^^ This whole chapter reminds me of Philip K. Dick's story Minority Report. Was that your inspiration? :)


EDIT: Never read it, sorry.

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