Blast From The Past
So for work today, I've been trawling through a bunch of old Style Guide material from 2001-2003, and it sure brings back memories. Some of this stuff never saw the light of day, or was released in different formats. One of the images I thought was cool but I don't recall being released was one of the Rahi facing down Tahu.
Of course, my memory could be faulty and maybe it was used somewhere - I'm old, after all. But still, it's a small sample of stuff I've been running across. Some of the layered Photoshop images are fun, since I can deconstruct them to see what layers were used. One of Lewa in the jungle, for instance, had an evil pair of red eyes in the deep foliage, which you couldn't really see. I drilled down until I could see the outline of a cougar with red eyes, very un-BIONICLE but it worked in context.
This is the kind of stuff that geeks me out - the kind of stuff you guys would all spend hours poring over. I honestly haven't put my "BIONICLE fan" hat on too often, although lately it's been more and more since I've become more involved with steering the story. Vive la Geek!
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