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Amateur Astronomy



I have sorta gotten into amateur astronomy. I've been tracking the Galilean Moons. It's very exciting. I only have two days of it (18/10/09 and 20/10/09), but I think I've figured out which moon is which, so maybe I can predict tonight's positions! It'd be awesome if I got it right.

So, adding astronomy to my list of interests (or was it already there?)


In other news:


I missed QI. I know, terrible. But now I have it set to record at the correct time, instead of the incorrect time, which I believe will help somewhat in my not missing it.


There's a show called "Hungry Beast" on tonight, it has the Chaser's slot. Supposed to be great, I'll have to record it.


Exams coming up, and in a mere week! But I get a free double period during the Commerce exam, because so many people do Commerce, that there isn't enough people not doing it to go to normal classes. So that'll be fun. And the exams only last a week for me (two for some), and then, we get our laptops! Yay! And apparently BZPower isn't blocked on them.


I have waaaaay to many tabs open. I can't even see a single letter of the site title anymore. I only have *cough*22*cough* open!


That's it for now,




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