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Ask Dokuma Anything + Tuesday One



Sorry for my inactivity. Well, no, I'm not sorry at all, actually. xD Working five days this week, and I have two new courses. Heck, I spent about two hours yesterday just in driving.




Due to laziness, I declare this Ask Dokuma Anything a free-for-all.


And there is only one question this Tuesday...

  • Do you forgive me? :(


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What's your opinion on the latest Reign of Shadows chapter?


And no, I do not forgive you.

It was weird for me. There wasn't enough of a tie-in with the last chapter, IMO... I really want to know what Tren Krom's up to. So far all we know is that he seems to have some knowledge of his presence on Bara Magna (gold armor, Ignika, etc.). I dont' really care about what's going on with Brutaka or Helryx or whatever.


But it also moved unusually quickly... i.e., the speed at which it would have to move if the storyline was ending next year.


If you had the choice of being transformed into a giant worm or being transformed into a mute catgirl, which would you pick?



EDIT: @Sunny... the date of whenever you changed your name I suppose. :P

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Chuck Norris and Mr. T are having a staring contest. Who wins?


Assuming I can ask serious questions, do I have to get permission from you to change my name to a Dokuma-related one, or do I just change it and hope you notice?

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Today is the day I get my Avohkii. I would forgive you if you ate all the Bananapooters and they never showed up in comics again.


Okay maybe not. :/

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Oh. Just noticed it was Ask Dokuma too. I am SO unobservent...


Can I be adopted into the Dokuma family since I can't change my name?

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Where are you going to hold your family reunion? I can't think of anywhere on BZPower where all those Dokumas will fit at one time. :P

COT. It seems big enough. :P


Chuck Norris and Mr. T are having a staring contest. Who wins?


Assuming I can ask serious questions, do I have to get permission from you to change my name to a Dokuma-related one, or do I just change it and hope you notice?

Chuck Norris wins. Mr. T, in rage, goes and bench-presses all of downtown Chicago.


Change it! Change it! ;P





*falls into pit*



yum copypasta


Today is the day I get my Avohkii. I would forgive you if you ate all the Bananapooters and they never showed up in comics again.


Okay maybe not. :/

Don't worry, I won't be eating them any time soon. :P


Oh. Just noticed it was Ask Dokuma too. I am SO unobservent...


Can I be adopted into the Dokuma family since I can't change my name?

show me the money >=(


What is your least favorite School subject?


And I forgive you, non-relative...



No idea. I don't have "subjects" per se.

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Assuming I can ask serious questions, do I have to get permission from you to change my name to a Dokuma-related one, or do I just change it and hope you notice?

Just change it. That's what most of the family did. :P He'll pick up on it soon enough.

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Where are you going to hold your family reunion? I can't think of anywhere on BZPower where all those Dokumas will fit at one time. :P

My blog!


All of the preparations are set up. :)

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