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A Fairly Decent All Hallow's Eve



Even though I didn't do anything specifically for Halloween, I still managed to have some fun somehow, mostly because of work. There was trick-or-treating going on during the latter part of my shift at the assisted living facility, so we saw some fun costumes and some people we knew and got wayyy behind our usual schedule, though part of that might have been due to the new hire. There was one embarassing bit where I mistook one of the trick-or-treaters for a coworker and grabbed some of her candy. So of course I gave it back and explained my mistake, which probably weirded her out even more than my first encounter had. If I believed in such things, this would probably have been karmic retribution for the banter I had been engaging another coworker in all evening concerning her donkeybunnybatcat ears, bow tie, and tail. Oh boy.


Last night was our little NaNo group's kickoff party. There was a truly excellent spread made from cream cheese, olives, and bacon bits. You must try this dip. I command you as staff. :P


This is one of two sites I should be at all active on for the next month. If you see me elsewhere, tell me to get off. My novel starts in six minutes.


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I command you as staff

We can do that?


oh wait right ;_;



I declare superiority to thee, for I am a tangerine, a fruit of greater importance, value and size than you, thou minuscule blueberry! And with this authority I command thee, by the power of Hapori Tohu, to... Um... Well, I forgot. But should I remember what this order which I have forgot is, then you should recall this moment for the rest of your life as the day that the Emperor of Whenua hath, er, forgotten his orders...


my this is embarrassing



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