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Swine Flu In The Room



Okay, I don't know if it's actually Swine flu, but my roommate's suddenly very sick, with a fever and anything, so I'm taking a guess. He woke me up at about 4 in the morning coughing really bad. Luckily I had some medicine I was able to share... because I am paranio about sickness, so I'm stocked. (Although now I need to buy more for me)


So I'm not sick yet, and I'm not planning on getting sick, and I'm actively working to avoid getting sick... but all the same, I'm a pessemist about this kind of thing and the situation isn't ideal. (Also considering when I told my RA he was sick, she was like "Oh, you don't want to change rooms, do you, because we really don't have anywhere to put you.")


Well, I'll be going home this weekend anyway, so it'll give him some time to recooperate. As long as I can last until then...




Hmm, I feel there is also something else important about today...


Oh yes, midterm tomorrow! Probably should study!




Remember those b-day emoticons from years ago, which would appear next to your username on your b-day? Yeah, they should bring those back.




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