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Lg Env Touch?



SO I've had several recommendations for the LG enV touch. Anyone have it/messed with it before? :3 it looks cool. lol.


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it's a really good phone, although i recomend that you buy a proctective case (the soft sleeve cases are pretty cool) aswell as inside and outside screen protectors. For some odd reason the enV touch is the only phone that I've dropped all the time, and the touchscreen and inside screens are very easy to scratch.


The phone is very good though, great camera, the keypad is great for sending texts, and games on the touchpad are awesome! :^D

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is the normal enV3 any good?



Customizableish and easy to use. Bluetooths are fun and stuff (Can send/receive musics to/from other things with Bluetooth. I use it to send stuff back and forth on my computer.). Keyboard is reasonably sized. Camera takes pix like this. (Considering that was in the dark and taking a picture of a screen and my finger was in front of the lens, I'd say it came out well). The lens is poorly placed, but it's manageable. 3 mega pixels <3


Pretty much out of my hate for my old Samsung Glyde, I've sworn off touch screen phones. My friend also had trouble with hers, but I forgot what phone it was. I think.


Also, the maroon doesn't look as horrible in person. I still like my blue one, though.


Oh, and if you plan on using phone a fair amount, I would say get the extended battery. I only have to charge my phone like every 9 days.


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I really haven't liked any of the enV's aside from the touch one, the outside panel is really awkward, it almost looks like a calculator, the inside is basically the same as the touch's inside, although i think the touch has more keypad space. Other than the outside, the two phones are almost the same.

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Yeah, I think I'll use it quite a bit, but I don't know that I actually really want a touch screen, that's why I was looking at the enV3's. Also, that picture is sweeeet quality. takes just as good pics as my 4 year old camera. (which aren't that bad...lol)
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Do you like texting with the number pad at least every now and then? Then get the EnV3. I dislike all touch screen phones that aren't iPhones. This is me being used to my Touch though.


Also they come with that plastic stuff on the screens/shiny parts so screen protectors aren't a must. I consider thos enough screen protectors as they are.

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