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Reason For Thursday's Good Mood



Golden Brown, of course. God I'm tragic. Or creepy?

No, nothing extraordinarily fantastic, but once again in a Maths tut we had a really good time together, I felt. I actually got to know her a lot more too, which was great. And she asked for my number again. In what I hope was insincere begrudgingliness (like in a way that really meant I was thrilled while disguised as "Oh, OK, I suppose...") I gave it to her, and she gave me hers (enthusiastically, I think). And she wrote a humorous message in the back of my phone, like where you can put pictures and stuff. So yeah. I'm wondering how that will go...

Why the good mood didn't last was because I think I was riding my luck and trying to be with her the next day, however she was trying to do a retest and I think I was annoying her, so I left knowing I shouldn't have stuck around so long. Anyway, I'll see.

Other GB stuff (I'll continue boring you, yes?), Intro-Extravert is out of the picture, as he's now going out with someone. Best solution to that problem, everyone's happy, hooray. And reviewing what I can deduce, I cannot think of anyone (that I know personally, can't account for anyone else) who wants to be with her, or can be with her, or who she wants to be with. I better do something soon. Looks like it's exam time or bust for me.




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Aw, that's nice. I wish you luck with it all. And on a note, if she wants you to be a friend or more--girls actually like getting their pigtails pulled, if you know what I mean. Now I guess it differs on some and don't go all out annoying, but yeah.

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Also, girls causing good moods is really by no means tragic or creepy. Depending, of course, on the context, but this is definitely not the creepy sort of context. :P

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*shrug* If she ever found any of these ramblings that might be weird. This comment probably made it weirder. Then again it could be more awesome. And I mean tragic in a good way. I think? :P But yeah, really meaning the amount of entries about her, not the whole good feeling thing. That's just great.

The one other thing I'm tossing around in my mind is she's already my friend, like one of my best, so there could be that whole weird thing again if anything progressed. Of course, most importantly, I'm hardly the one to be giving opinions on relationships, especially my own (or lack thereof).

Thanks for the advice, LK, I'll keep that in mind. That doesn't sound that grateful, but I am, seriously. I get your meaning. I think. :P



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