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The Bionicle Mary Sue Litmus Test Remix

Kevin Owens


I created this test for one very, very simple reason

To break you

The Bionicle Mary Sue Litmus Test ReMIX Ft. Prince Janus and Friar Tuck

If you are going to post your results then only post the relevent parts and not the whole test!!!!

Please read these disclaimers. First, the title is a little bit deceptive. This is not quite a Mary Sue test, but a cliché test and power. You will be gain Points for being cliché and intensely powerful. Now how this test works. The test proposes a simple yes or no question. If you answer yes, you take the designated Point count. If you answer no, you go onto the next question. Some questions do not have a designated Point value. That's because I honestly couldn't think of a Point value to assign them and often it's relative. You should take it with a grain of salt, and assign the Point value you think you deserve.

ALSO, if your character has access to a power by abnormal means, count the Points for the normal means. For example, if you have a Vortix that can control gravity through some kind of magical power, then you would take the three Points that you would normally get for having a Toa of Gravity. This goes for all mask powers as well.

If you have an ability here that is not listed but you think you should take Points for, please go ahead and make up a Point value for it and I will consider adding it to the test.

I am also aware that I am not taking into account any of the post '08 stuff. That is because I am not as familiar with that as I am the Matoran Universe. Furthermore, I have no intention to pursue post '08, so very likely there will not be a section with that.

That said, this will not be easy to get a passing grade on. This test is a tool that you should use to brutally tear apart your character in order to locate and identify potential weak Points. This is not a test that you take, get a good score on, give yourself a pat on the back, and go about your marry way because you think you have a unique character. Do not be upset if you come close to, or even go several Points over the fail line. This is especially true of RP characters that have been around for any extended period of time, such as 5+ years. This test was originally intended for character concepts or characters that were relatively new. So don't sweat it if you pick up a dozen Points because you've saved the island multiple times.

That said, experience does not excuse you for cliché ridden and overpowered characters. If you are a pirate captain who wields a katana while sailing on the good ship S.S. Doom Rider then you need to take a huge step back and reconsider your character.

And I feel like I need to state this again, but this test is meant to viciously tear apart your character. It is meant to break you. Please do not get upset at me because your perfect character failed because he flies around with wings, backhands makuta on a regular bases, and is a Toa of twilight. This is a test. A tool. Feel free to disregard the results if you think I'm full of it because your totally awesome character whom all your friends love fails this test.

Tired of the disclaimers? Well then let's get started.

Who are you?

What's in a name?
-Does the character share the Author's/Player's name? (This can be their first name, middle name, or the name they go by in chat or an online forum.) 10 Points. Yes, 10 Points. This is actually pretty mild; most Mary Sue litmus tests will automatically flunk a character for this. I admit I'm tempted to do the same.)
-Does the character have a really cool name, like Hunter, Killer, or Death? (2 Points. 4 Points if the name sounds like an AOL user name or a fourteen-year-old wannabe hacker's handle.)
-Does the character's name include the name of a weapon? (Darksword, Gunbot, or just being called Scythe) (1 Point)
-Does the character have more than one name (i.e. a nickname or a pseudonym)? (1 Point for each name)
-Does the character's name have anything to do with disease? (Plague, Virus, Pox, that sort of thing.) (1 Point)
-Is the character's name based on an existing character's name? (Mega Tahu, that sort of thing. If the name is based on more than one character, such as "Gopaka", count the Points for each character.) (2 Points each)
-Is the character's name based on or include a musical term? (1 Point)
-Does your character's name include a color? (1 Point)
-Does your character's name include a title that you use constantly such as Father, King, or Warrior? (2 Points)
-Does he have a name that sounds like an occidental trying to sound Oriental or American Indian (i.e. "Midnight Tiger")? (1 Point)
-Did the character choose his name himself?
-Do you ever, even just to yourself, refer to the character as "me" or "I"? (10 Points. Do not count this if you write from first person.)

Is your character the leader of a major organization?
-A leader of a group of Toa? (1 Point)
-A leader of a group that fights evil? (2 Points)
-A leader of highly trained mercs that kill people for money? (2 Points)
-A leader of a major political power? (2 Points)
-A leader of a group that kicks puppies because they're evil like that? (3 Points)
-A leader of a group of power hungry people who want to rule the city/world/universe/space-time continuum? (3 Points)
-A leader of a group of people who want to rule the city/world/universe/space-time continuum for the lulz? (4 Points)
-A leader of highly trained ninjas? (6 Points. If your men are stealthy and specialize in assassination then count this towards them.)
-Is said organization part of some kind of resistance against a power greater than itself? (2 Points. Note: Six Toa against a Makuta does not count. Six Toa against the government and its Vahki do.)

What is your character?
-A Matoran? (0 Points. If he has Toa powers count him as a Toa)
-A Toa (1 Point)
-A Rahkshi (1 Point)
-A Bohrok (1 Point)
-A support unit (rahi or something similar)? (0 Points)
-A some other species (Krekka, Vortixx, etc.) (1 Point)
-A Toa/Matoran/Rahkshi/Other with powers beyond the norm (5 Points)
-A hybrid of two or more things (2 Points, hordika are exempt from this rule)
-An alien from another planet/galaxy (3 Points. Note: Going from Bara Manga to the Matoran Universe counts as this)
-A Makuta with limited powers and abilities (5 Points)
-A Makuta with regular powers and abilities (7 Points)
-A Makuta with regular powers and abilities, and then some (10 points
-A cosmic and/or supernatural being such as a god, great being, great spirit, or an old one (Honestly, this isn't the test for you. Gods tend to surpass regular beings to the Point they automatically fail)

What's your character's origin? (Choose all that apply.)
-The usual, I guess; nothing to write home about (0 Points)
-A Matoran turned into a Toa by Toa stones (1 Point)
-A Matoran turned into a Toa by some other means? (2 Points)
-From the future (3 Points)
-From the past (2 Points)
-From another dimension (1 Point, if he is from one of the universe above in the hanging out question, count those Points)
____That just happens to closely resemble, or in fact be, modern-day Earth (5 Points)
____Where the universe he's in now is fiction (5 Points)
-Did your character suffer a traumatic effect in his/her past?
-Was an ordinary Matoran/toa until Something Happened (2 Points, and see below)

Does your character undergo any physical or metaphysical transformation in the story or back-story? (i.e., was he something else before?)
Note: MAJOR upgrades count, but most "normal" upgrades don't. A Matoran to Toa would not count. Toa to cyborg that shoots lasers out of his eyes does.
-Genetically enhanced? (1 Point per aspect. Speed. Strength. Etc.)
-Specifically, a Toa/Matoran into a robot/cyborg/similar? (2 Points)
-If so, did they die before being "rebuilt" as a robot/cyborg/whatever? (5 Points)
-Do you wish you could be transformed into something like the character? (2 Points)
-Does the character angst and/or complain about his new form, despite it being more powerful than his old form? (1 Point)
-Or, conversely, does the character just cheerfully accept it and move on like nothing happened? (2 Points. There *is* a happy medium for this sort of thing, you know.)

What do you do?

Tell me, what is your day job?
-Fight Evil (1 Point)
-Own his own lab? (1 Point)
-Sit around all day for no good reason? (1 Point)
-Travel the world as a wanderer? (1 Point)
____In order to get revenge on an enemy? (2 Points)
-Work for a BoM of OoMN? (3/4 Points respectively)
-A pirate? (2 Points)
____A Pirates of the Caribbean esque pirate who really has a heart of gold? (4 Points)
____A pirate that uses a katana? (Automatic failure. You can try to justify it all you want, but I refuse to accept any excuse for this)
-A Ninja (3 Points)
-Kill people for money? (3 Points) (If your character is a bounty hunter, assassin, Dark Hunter, or mercenary, answer "yes.")
-Have an established character (i.e. Taipu) as a student/flunky? (3 Points, 5 Points if he happens to be a major character such as Makuta)
-Hang out with characters from wildly different games/cartoons/movies/TV shows?
____Sonic? (10 Points)
____Mario? (5 Points)
____Megaman? (3 Points)
____Kingdom Hearts? (10 Points)
____ Naurto/Bleach/some other generic anime show (12 Points)

Does your character use some kind of weapon to fight? (Multiple weapons are cumulative.)
-Can't fight (-2 Point)
-My own two fists (0 Points)
-A typical zamor launcher (1 Point)
-A cordak blaster (2 Points)
-A firearm(3 Points)
-A *really powerful* firearm (4 Points)
-Telekenesis (2 Points. 1 Point if this is your only offensive technique besides fists.)
-Explosives (3 points for regular grenades sized explosions. 5 points for medium sized explosions. 10 points if you can take out a base with your explosions)
-A staff or whip (0 Points)
-A knife(1 Point)
-A spear, mace, flail, morning star, or some other kind of medieval weapon that is not a sword (3 points)
-An Exo-Toa or similar robot (5 Points)
-A sword (3 Points)
-A Katana or some other ninja weapon? (5 Points)
-I don't lift a finger. I just use my INCREDIBUL POWURZ (15 Points. note, Toa/Mask powers do not count as this, but stuff such as huge magical beams do)

The right stuff
-My weapon is huge like a claymore or a rail gun (1 point)
-My weapon is made out of protosteel (2 Points)
-My weapon is made out of a material stronger than protosteel (3 points)
-My weapon has laser atributes such as a lightsaber or a laser gun (4 Points)

Because there's nothing cooler than shooting fire from your fingers.
Count each element as a separate power. (e.g. Controlling both Gravity and Shadow would net you 8 Points. 5 from Shadow and 3 from Gravity)
-Does your Toa control a traditional power? (Fire, Earth, Rock, Wind, Water, Ice) (0 Points)
-Does your Toa control an unorthodox power? (Electricity, Plants etc.) (1 Point)
-Does your Toa control a custom power?
-Does your Toa control gravity or Iron? (3 Points)
-Does your Toa control Light/Shadow (5 Points. If you control both then take 10 Points)

What's your mask power?
Note: If your species can not use a mask or your character does not use a mask skip this section
-Elda (-1 Point)
-Kaukau, Rau, Ruru, Rode(1 Points)
-Hau, Miru, Akaku, Sanok, Iden, Arthron, Zatth(2 Points)
-Kakama, Paraki, Mahiki, Komau, Calix, Kandin, Huna, Volitak, Kulasi(3 Points)
-Jutlin, Avsa, Felnas, Mohtrek, Shelek, Crast (4 Points, 8 if a Toa)
-Olmak, Tryna(5 Points)
-Olisi, Krahkan, or Avohki(7 Points)

From here to there. How does your character move about?
-Walks? (0 Points)
-Ride a Kikalano or something similar? (1 Point)
-Takes a Boat/Airship? (1 Point)
____That He/She owns? (1 more Point)
____Via jetpack? (2 Points)
____Via wings? (3 Points)
-A personal hover bike ala Ussa-Nui or something similar? (1 Point)

If your transportation is mechanical, how customized is this thing?
-No bells or whistles or this thing. It's got default factory settings. (0 Points)
-I payed a little bit more for a few little doodads. Nothing spectacular. (1 Point)
-I bought a regular thing and then tooled it to fit my own style. (2 Points)
-I built it from scratch. (3 Points)

Take half Points if you're a Role Player for this next section.
All in a day's work
-Does the character save other character(s)? (1 Point.)
-The Koro/Wahi? (2 Points.)
-The island that he inhabits? (3 Points)
-The world? (4 Points)
-At the last minute? (1 Point)
-Do you fail? (-2 Points.)
-Using a newly-developed move which "takes a lot out of them?"
-Does he then proceed to pick himself up and repeat the move several times, taking less and less time to recover every time?
-Is said move capable of seriously damaging a robot with one hit (i.e. would do 50% damage or more if it was actually in real life)?
-Was that "newly-developed move" literally thought of in the last couple of seconds?
-Does said move kill your character?

Triple all Points for this section if your character just came into existence
-Is the character the son/daughter/creation of a standard character? (2 Points)
-Does the character fight/oppose an army of bad guys? (2 Points)
-And whoop them all with one hand?
-This time, is it personal?
-Does the character rehabilitate a villain?
-Any BoM/DH members? (1 Point)
-Roodaka, Lariska, any other established character?(3 Points)
-A Makuta? (8 Points)
-Does your character accomplish something single-handedly that others have not been able to accomplish, or have been able to accomplish only at great cost, such as killing a Makuta? (5 Points)
-Does your character die? (1 Point)
-Heroically? (2 Points)
-At the hands of the ultimate villain? (3 Points)
-Are the other characters deeply shaken by your character's death? (1 Point)
-Even though they're professional fighters, knew this sort of thing was going to happen sooner or later, and have probably lost comrades in battle before? (2 Points)
-Does the character return from death or apparent death? (5 Points per "resurrection")
-With more power than before? (5 Points. This is being generous. Really, this should make for an automatic flunk.)
-Does the character keep Makuta/The Shadowed One/Some other powerful character on a leash at home, untying them only to use them as training dummies? Do said training dummies enjoy it? (5 Points)
-Does your character's normal moves look like an ordinary game character's super moves? (Let's be perfectly honest, if your character's elemental attacks would be considered a nova blast by many, you should automatically fail.)
-Does the character magically learn an opponent's moves (and/or how to counter them) just by looking at them being used? (2 Points for each one that applies.)
-Does the character dodge everything that gets thrown at him, just 'cause?
-Does the character have really impressive sounding move names, such as "Blazing Super High-Speed Whirlwind Kick of Sudden Death?" (2 Point.)
-And does he/she shout them out in full during battle? (2 Points. Double Points if move names/shouts are in Japanese and your character's not Japanese. Points added at others' discretion if it's really poor, welfare, gutter Japanese that you learned from too much subtitled anime.)

Why do you do it?

Tell me about your parents.
-Does/Did your character work for the Dark Hunters? (1 Point)
-Does/Did your character work for the BoM? (3 Points. Note: Makuta should not count this)
-Does/Did your character work for OoMN? (5 Points)
-Does your character have a "dark past"? (1 Point)
-Does the character feel guilty about something from the past? (Not just forgetting to send a family member a Christmas card, but guilt over major events) (1 Point)
-Despite the fact that it wasn't really the character's fault? (5 Points)
-Does the character have amnesia at any Point in the story? (1 Point)
-Is the amnesia because of something in the character's past? (1 Point)
-Is the character cured of amnesia sometime during the storyline? (1 Point)
-Does the character wish that he hadn't been cured of the amnesia? (-3 Point. Note: This is only if you do it well. If your character is giving off major angst vibes because his past is grim 'n' dark, you don't lose any Points.)
-Have people close to the character died? (1 Point per death. By close I mean something like a good friend, not an acquaintance)
-Is the character primarily motivated by revenge for one or more of these deaths? (2 Points)
-Despite having had an active, strenuous lifestyle that would cause most lifeforms or machines to break down? (2 Points)
-Is your character easily provoked to anger and/or violence? (1 Point.)
-Especially after "being made fun of?" (1 Point.)
-Has your character ever killed someone after being provoked? (2 Points.)
-Does your character kill or destroy anyone/thing he pleases? (3 Points.)
-Does your character ever switch from good to evil, or from evil to good, without major introspection and self-doubt? (1 Point per switch)
-Has your character ever destroyed a fortress, Koro, or similarly major piece of real estate? Even if they didn't mean to? (2 Points)
-Is your character a 21st-century Earth citizen transported to the Bionicle world? (3 Points.)
-Must they stay in that world? (2 Points.)
-Is your character's history remarkably like the history of a canon character? (2 Points)
-Is your character the sole survivor of anything? (3 Points Point)
-Does your character get away with doing things that other people would get into serious trouble for? (3 Points)
-Does he or she make authority figures look like bad guys in the process? (2 Points.)
-Is your character undeservingly despised by the majority? (1 Point)
-Is your character adored by the majority, undeservingly or otherwise? (1 Points)

Why would you do something like that?
-Because it's what my mentor/bestfriend/loved one/dead dog/morality pet would have wanted/wants me to do (1 Point)
-Because I need to right the wrongs of modern society and/or to create a better world (1 Point)
-Because I have an overarching thirst for REVENGE!!! (2 Points)
-Because I need more power/wealth/personal goods/whatever (2 Points)
-Because I feel like it (3 Points)
-Because some things just need to be done. (3 Points)
-The lulz. (4 Points)
-The Evulz (5 Points)
-Reasons? You mean I actually need those? (5 Points)

Where did you learn to do that?
Note: This counts towards stuff like expert swordsmanship, accurate marksmanship, and power manipulation. I will allow you to skip this section if your skill tends to be general, such as going from working on automobiles to working on motorcycles. However this is not skippable if the two fields are related but different. For example, spears and swords are both used in combat, but the fighting styles are completely different so you can not justify going from an expert swordsman to an expert spearsman
-I taught myself after years and years of hard practice. (2 Point)
-I taught myself after a couple of years of hard practice (3 Points)
-I taught myself after a few months of goofing around (4 Points)
-I taught myself after a few weeks of goofing off (5 Points)
-I just picked it up and suddenly was an expert! (Automatic failure)
-I was taught by an expert in the field over many years (0 Points)
-I was taught by an expert in the field over a couple of years (2 Point)
-I was taught by an expert in the field over a few months (3 Points)
-I was taught by an expert in the field over a few weeks (4 Points)
-I was taught by an expert in the field and mastered the technique in a few days so that I surpassed the teacher and now no one can best me in the field (Automatic failure, and you should be ashamed of yourself)
-Does the character happen to be or has been a student of one or more of the major (or even minor) characters in the series? (2 Points)
-If your character has an established character as a mentor, are you deliberately mischaracterizing the mentor to account for her tutelage? (1Point per teacher; 3 Points if this includes the character actually having to not be dead.)
-Does said teacher/teachers respect said student, or even consider him their "successor" and/or newest "rival"? (1 Point (and one pint, too) per applicable teacher and quoted thingie that applies)

What other kinds of relationships does your character have with established characters, if any? Add the Points up for each character who qualifies.
Note: Major characters in RPGs such as Zyrul from the Academy count towards this.
-I don't know him (0 Points)
-I saw him once (0 Points)
-An acquaintance (0 Points)
-A good acquaintance, not quite a friend (0 Points)
-A friend (1 Point)
-A good friend (2 Points)
-A childhood friend (2 Points)
-I'd take a bullet for him (2 Points)
-He'd take a bullet for me (3 Points)
-He *has* taken a bullet for me (4 Points)
-A friendly rivalry (1 Point. Note: Any following Point values towards rivalries override this one)
-A friendly rivalry that he's winning (0 Points)
-A friendly rivalry that I'm winning (2 Points)
-A bitter rivalry over a woman (3 Points)
-A bitter rivalry that will only end in one of our deaths (4 Points)
-Look, the rivalry's bitter, okay? Don't ask why (4 Points)
-I...will...have...REVENNNNNNGGGGGGEEEEEEE!!! (5 Points)
-He respects my incredible skillz (6 Points)
(At this Point the override ends, and you start counting Points again)`

I fought my rival, and:

-I lost (0 Points)
-I won (1 Point)
-I lost, but it was a long time ago (1 Point)
-I lost very badly (0 Points)
-I lost very badly, just now (-1 Point)
-I won, just now (2 Points)
-I won, easily, and my opponent nearly died (3 Points)
-I killed him (4 Points)

Congratulations! You're finished! Now add up all the Points to see how you did.

0-10 Points
Most likely Not-Sue. Characters at this level could probably take a little spicing up without hurting them any.

A character can go either way at this Point, so Authors should pay attention to ensure that their characters aren't getting too Sue-ish. For an RPG or original fiction character, however, you're probably perfectly fine.

Fanfiction authors beware - Mary's on the loose. There's still a chance you can save this character with some TLC, though. Role-players, you should also strongly consider giving your character a workover.

Fanfiction authors, you might just want to start over. Role-players and original fiction authors, at this Point your characters are likely to provoke eye-rolling and exclamations of "yeah, right!" from your readers. (Well, at least from me.) Immediate work over is probably in order.

Kill it dead. Or make sure you read the instructions properly (some people don't do this, which causes freakishly high scores) and take the test again.


Recommended Comments

Alright, here is the test results for my two BZPRPG characters.


Also, why isn't Turaga listed?




Who are you?


What's in a name?


0 points


Is your character the leader of a major organization?

2. I was leaning towards eight, but as Grothak, as far as I know, is the only guy who specializes in stealth...


What is your character?

1 point. He's a Skakdi.


What's your character's origin? (Choose all that apply.)

0 points


Does your character undergo any physical or metaphysical transformation in the story or back-story? (i.e., was he something else before?)

Note: MAJOR upgrades count, but most "normal" upgrades don't. A Matoran to Toa would not count. Toa to cyborg that shoots lasers out of his eyes does.

0 points


What do you do?


Tell me, what is your day job?

3 points.


Does your character use some kind of weapon to fight? (Multiple weapons are cumulative.)

three points, wields a bow.


The right stuff

0 points


Because there's nothing cooler than shooting fire from your fingers.

Count each element as a separate power. (e.g. Controlling both Gravity and Shadow would net you 8 Points. 5 from Shadow and 3 from Gravity)

0 points.



From here to there. How does your character move about?

0 points


Take half Points if you're a Role Player for this next section.

All in a day's work

0 points.



Triple all Points for this section if your character just came into existence

0 points


Why do you do it?


Tell me about your parents.

0 points


Why would you do something like that?

-Because I feel like it (3 Points)

Only thing I could think of to fit Grothak.


Where did you learn to do that?

-I was taught by an expert in the field over many years (0 Points)


What other kinds of relationships does your character have with established characters, if any? Add the Points up for each character who qualifies.

Note: Major characters in RPGs such as Zyrul from the Academy count towards this.

-I don't know him (0 Points)


I fought my rival, and:

Has none.


Total: 9








Who are you?


What's in a name?

0 points


Is your character the leader of a major organization?



What is your character?

I have no idea, seems like Turaga aren't a part of the Matoran species anymore...



What's your character's origin? (Choose all that apply.)

-The usual, I guess; nothing to write home about (0 Points)


What do you do?


Tell me, what is your day job?

-Fight Evil (1 Point)


Does your character use some kind of weapon to fight? (Multiple weapons are cumulative.)


-My own two fists (0 Points)



Because there's nothing cooler than shooting fire from your fingers.

Count each element as a separate power. (e.g. Controlling both Gravity and Shadow would net you 8 Points. 5 from Shadow and 3 from Gravity)

-Does your Toa control a traditional power? (Fire, Earth, Rock, Wind, Water, Ice) (0 Points)


What's your mask power?

Note: If your species can not use a mask or your character does not use a mask skip this section

-Elda (-1 Point)



From here to there. How does your character move about?

-Walks? (0 Points)


Take half Points if you're a Role Player for this next section.

All in a day's work

0 points



Triple all Points for this section if your character just came into existence



Why do you do it?


Tell me about your parents.

0 points


Why would you do something like that?

-Because I need to right the wrongs of modern society and/or to create a better world (1 Point)



Where did you learn to do that?

-I was taught by an expert in the field over many years (0 Points)


What other kinds of relationships does your character have with established characters, if any? Add the Points up for each character who qualifies.

Note: Major characters in RPGs such as Zyrul from the Academy count towards this.


-I saw him once (0 Points)


I fought my rival, and:


Has none


Total: 1 O.o

Link to comment

Is your character the leader of a major organization?


-A leader of highly trained mercs that kill people for money? (2 Points) Ariz (2)


-A leader of highly trained ninjas? (6 Points. If your men are stealthy and specialize in assassination then count this towards them.) Not ninjas, but do do assasiantion. Ariz (6)



What is your character?


-A Toa (1 Point) Zezak (1), Ariz (1), Mora (1)


What's your character's origin? (Choose all that apply.)

-The usual, I guess; nothing to write home about (0 Points) Don't go into it with Zezak's, Ariz, and Mora's.


-Did your character suffer a traumatic effect in his/her past? Zezak, mora, Ariz (not sure if Mora counts since she was a baby)


Does your character undergo any physical or metaphysical transformation in the story or back-story? (i.e., was he something else before?)

Note: MAJOR upgrades count, but most "normal" upgrades don't. A Matoran to Toa would not count. Toa to cyborg that shoots lasers out of his eyes does. know.)


What do you do?


Tell me, what is your day job?

-Own his own lab? (1 Point) Zezak

-Sit around all day for no good reason? (1 Point) Mora


-A Ninja (3 Points) Ariz

-Kill people for money? (3 Points) (If your character is a bounty hunter, assassin, Dark Hunter, or mercenary, answer "yes.") Ariz


Does your character use some kind of weapon to fight? (Multiple weapons are cumulative.)

-Can't fight (-2 Point) Mora

-My own two fists (0 Points) Zezak, Ariz


-A knife(1 Point) Ariz

-A sword (3 Points) Ariz, Zezak



Because there's nothing cooler than shooting fire from your fingers.

-Does your Toa control an unorthodox power? (Electricity, Plants etc.) (1 Point) Ariz, Mora

-Does your Toa control a custom power? Zezak


What's your mask power?

-Hau, Miru, Akaku, Sanok, Iden, Arthron, Zatth(2 Points) Ariz

-Kakama, Paraki, Mahiki, Komau, Calix, Kandin, Huna, Volitak, Kulasi(3 Points) Zezak


From here to there. How does your character move about?

-Walks? (0 Points) Mora

-Ride a Kikalano or something similar? (1 Point)Zezak



Take half Points if you're a Role Player for this next section.



Why do you do it?


-Does your character have a "dark past"? (1 Point) Well Ariz existence is dark..so this might count.


-Has your character ever destroyed a fortress, Koro, or similarly major piece of real estate? Even if they didn't mean to? (2 Points)

-Does your character get away with doing things that other people would get into serious trouble for? (3 Points) Well considering he is an assassin..Ariz.


Why would you do something like that?

-Because I need more power/wealth/personal goods/whatever (2 Points)Ariz, Zezak

-Reasons? You mean I actually need those? (5 Points)Mora


-I taught myself after years and years of hard practice. (2 Point)Ariz


What other kinds of relationships does your character have with established characters, if any? Add the Points up for each character who qualifies.

Note: Major characters in RPGs such as Zyrul from the Academy count towards this.

-I don't know him (0 Points) Mora..to everyone.

-I saw him once (0 Points) Ariz.

-An acquaintance (0 Points) Zezak to all toa Mata, and Turaga.


I fought my rival, and: None of the three have rivals...


Ariz 26 ( I feel like this survey is biased toward assassins...)


Zezak 11


Mora 6

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Alan, Day Run:


Who are you?


What's in a name?

Nothing. Makes me happy.


Is your character the leader of a major organization?

Again, nothing.


What is your character?

He's kinda between a Toa and a hybrid, seeing as he's a custom species that's like a Toa. So I guess I don't count it...


What's your character's origin? (Choose all that apply.)

-The usual, I guess; nothing to write home about (0 Points)


Does your character undergo any physical or metaphysical transformation in the story or back-story? (i.e., was he something else before?)



What do you do?


Tell me, what is your day job?

-Fight Evil (1 Point)

He was a traveler, now isn't, so I won't count that.


Does your character use some kind of weapon to fight? (Multiple weapons are cumulative.)

-Telekenesis (2 Points.)

-A sword (3 Points)


The right stuff

-My weapon is huge like a claymore or a rail gun (1 point)


Because there's nothing cooler than shooting fire from your fingers.

-Does your Toa control a custom power? (I'd say 2 points)


What's your mask power?

Mask not listed. It's a mask of emulation.


From here to there. How does your character move about?

-Walks? (0 Points)

-Takes a Boat/Airship? (That he/she owns, and it's technically an airship. 2 Points)

-Fly? (Via wings. 3 points)


If your transportation is mechanical, how customized is this thing?

-I built it from scratch. (3 Points)


All in a day's work

-The island that he inhabits? (He's part of the police force. 1.5 Points)

-Do you fail? (-1 Points.)



-Does the character fight/oppose an army of bad guys? (2 Points)

-Does the character dodge everything that gets thrown at him, just 'cause? (I'll give 1 point. Because it's his element to feel everything around him, and he can stop it.)


Why do you do it?

-Does the character feel guilty about something from the past? (Mainly failed missions and such. 1 Point)


Why would you do something like that?

-Because I need to right the wrongs of modern society and/or to create a better world (1 Point)


Where did you learn to do that?

-I was taught by an expert in the field over many years (0 Points)


What other kinds of relationships does your character have with established characters, if any? Add the Points up for each character who qualifies.

-An acquaintance (0 Points)

-A good friend (2 Points)

-A friendly rivalry that (s)he's winning (0 Points)


I fought my rival, and:

N/A, unless you consider everyone his rivals. If so, I fail. So I'll say N/A.


Congratulations! You're finished! Now add up all the Points to see how you did.

24.5. Ouch. And he's probably least Marty Stue/Mary Sue-ish of my chars, besides the wings. I guess I just suck at creating characters. XD

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I feel like this survey is biased toward assassins...


Given that assassins and mercs are extremely common tropes in RPGs, I decided that they should take a decent chunk for being cliche.

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"Does the character share the Author's/Player's name? (This can be their first name, middle name, or the name they go by in chat or an online forum.) 10 Points. Yes, 10 Points. This is actually pretty mild; most Mary Sue litmus tests will automatically flunk a character for this. I admit I'm tempted to do the same.)"

I'm not sure. I do go by this name on online forums, but I created the character before I started using the name. (10)


"Does the character have a really cool name, like Hunter, Killer, or Death? (2 Points. 4 Points if the name sounds like an AOL user name or a fourteen-year-old wannabe hacker's handle.)"

No (10)


"-Does the character's name include the name of a weapon? (Darksword, Gunbot, or just being called Scythe) (1 Point)"

No (10)


"-Does the character have more than one name (i.e. a nickname or a pseudonym)? (1 Point for each name)"

No (10)


"-Does the character's name have anything to do with disease? (Plague, Virus, Pox, that sort of thing.) (1 Point)"

No (10)


"-Is the character's name based on an existing character's name? (Mega Tahu, that sort of thing. If the name is based on more than one character, such as "Gopaka", count the Points for each character.) (2 Points each)"

No (10)


"-Is the character's name based on or include a musical term? (1 Point)"

No (10)


"-Does your character's name include a color? (1 Point)"

No (10)


"-Does your character's name include a title that you use constantly such as Father, King, or Warrior? (2 Points)"

No (10)


"-Does he have a name that sounds like an occidental trying to sound Oriental or American Indian (i.e. "Midnight Tiger")? (1 Point)"

No (10)


"-Did the character choose his name himself?"

No (10)


"-Do you ever, even just to yourself, refer to the character as "me" or "I"? (10 Points. Do not count this if you write from first person.)"

The character himself, no. But since then the name has taken on more of a meaning to me than just the character - now that name is also my name, to an extent. (20)


"Is your character the leader of a major organization?"

No (20)


"-A leader of a group of Toa? (1 Point)"

Yes (21)


"-A leader of a group that fights evil? (2 Points)"

Yes (23)


"-A leader of highly trained mercs that kill people for money? (2 Points)"

No (23)


"-A leader of a major political power? (2 Points)"

Yes (25)


"-A leader of a group that kicks puppies because they're evil like that? (3 Points)"

No (25)


"-A leader of a group of power hungry people who want to rule the city/world/universe/space-time continuum? (3 Points)"

No (25)


"-A leader of a group of people who want to rule the city/world/universe/space-time continuum for the lulz? (4 Points)"

No (25)


"-A leader of highly trained ninjas? (6 Points. If your men are stealthy and specialize in assassination then count this towards them.)"

No (25)


"-Is said organization part of some kind of resistance against a power greater than itself? (2 Points. Note: Six Toa against a Makuta does not count. Six Toa against the government and its Vahki do.)"

No (25)


"-A Matoran? (0 Points. If he has Toa powers count him as a Toa)

-A Toa (1 Point)

-A Rahkshi (1 Point)

-A Bohrok (1 Point)

-A support unit (rahi or something similar)? (0 Points)

-A some other species (Krekka, Vortixx, etc.) (1 Point)

-A Toa/Matoran/Rahkshi/Other with powers beyond the norm (5 Points)

-A hybrid of two or more things (2 Points, hordika are exempt from this rule)

-An alien from another planet/galaxy (3 Points. Note: Going from Bara Manga to the Matoran Universe counts as this)

-A Makuta with limited powers and abilities (5 Points)

-A Makuta with regular powers and abilities (7 Points)

-A Makuta with regular powers and abilities, and then some (10 points

-A cosmic and/or supernatural being such as a god, great being, great spirit, or an old one (Honestly, this isn't the test for you. Gods tend to surpass regular beings to the Point they automatically fail)"

Toa (26)


"-The usual, I guess; nothing to write home about (0 Points)

-A Matoran turned into a Toa by Toa stones (1 Point)

-A Matoran turned into a Toa by some other means? (2 Points)

-From the future (3 Points)

-From the past (2 Points)

-From another dimension (1 Point, if he is from one of the universe above in the hanging out question, count those Points)

____That just happens to closely resemble, or in fact be, modern-day Earth (5 Points)

____Where the universe he's in now is fiction (5 Points)

-Did your character suffer a traumatic effect in his/her past?

-Was an ordinary Matoran/toa until Something Happened (2 Points, and see below)"

I haven't decided this (26)


"Does your character undergo any physical or metaphysical transformation in the story or back-story? (i.e., was he something else before?)

Note: MAJOR upgrades count, but most "normal" upgrades don't. A Matoran to Toa would not count. Toa to cyborg that shoots lasers out of his eyes does.

-Genetically enhanced? (1 Point per aspect. Speed. Strength. Etc.)

-Specifically, a Toa/Matoran into a robot/cyborg/similar? (2 Points)

-If so, did they die before being "rebuilt" as a robot/cyborg/whatever? (5 Points)

-Do you wish you could be transformed into something like the character? (2 Points)

-Does the character angst and/or complain about his new form, despite it being more powerful than his old form? (1 Point)

-Or, conversely, does the character just cheerfully accept it and move on like nothing happened? (2 Points. There *is* a happy medium for this sort of thing, you know.)"

None (26)


"Tell me, what is your day job?

-Fight Evil (1 Point)

-Own his own lab? (1 Point)

-Sit around all day for no good reason? (1 Point)

-Travel the world as a wanderer? (1 Point)

____In order to get revenge on an enemy? (2 Points)

-Work for a BoM of OoMN? (3/4 Points respectively)

-A pirate? (2 Points)

____A Pirates of the Caribbean esque pirate who really has a heart of gold? (4 Points)

____A pirate that uses a katana? (Automatic failure. You can try to justify it all you want, but I refuse to accept any excuse for this)

-A Ninja (3 Points)

-Kill people for money? (3 Points) (If your character is a bounty hunter, assassin, Dark Hunter, or mercenary, answer "yes.")

-Have an established character (i.e. Taipu) as a student/flunky? (3 Points, 5 Points if he happens to be a major character such as Makuta)

-Hang out with characters from wildly different games/cartoons/movies/TV shows?

____Sonic? (10 Points)

____Mario? (5 Points)

____Megaman? (3 Points)

____Kingdom Hearts? (10 Points)

____ Naurto/Bleach/some other generic anime show (12 Points)"

Fight evil (27) (Also why is Sonic worth more points than Mario, since Mario's more famous and thus more cliche)


"Does your character use some kind of weapon to fight? (Multiple weapons are cumulative.)

-Can't fight (-2 Point)

-My own two fists (0 Points)

-A typical zamor launcher (1 Point)

-A cordak blaster (2 Points)

-A firearm(3 Points)

-A *really powerful* firearm (4 Points)

-Telekenesis (2 Points. 1 Point if this is your only offensive technique besides fists.)

-Explosives (3 points for regular grenades sized explosions. 5 points for medium sized explosions. 10 points if you can take out a base with your explosions)

-A staff or whip (0 Points)

-A knife(1 Point)

-A spear, mace, flail, morning star, or some other kind of medieval weapon that is not a sword (3 points)

-An Exo-Toa or similar robot (5 Points)

-A sword (3 Points)

-A Katana or some other ninja weapon? (5 Points)

-I don't lift a finger. I just use my INCREDIBUL POWURZ (15 Points. note, Toa/Mask powers do not count as this, but stuff such as huge magical beams do)"

Two swords (33)


"-My weapon is huge like a claymore or a rail gun (1 point)

-My weapon is made out of protosteel (2 Points)

-My weapon is made out of a material stronger than protosteel (3 points)

-My weapon has laser atributes such as a lightsaber or a laser gun (4 Points)"

Stronger than protosteel (35)


"Count each element as a separate power. (e.g. Controlling both Gravity and Shadow would net you 8 Points. 5 from Shadow and 3 from Gravity)

-Does your Toa control a traditional power? (Fire, Earth, Rock, Wind, Water, Ice) (0 Points)

-Does your Toa control an unorthodox power? (Electricity, Plants etc.) (1 Point)

-Does your Toa control a custom power?

-Does your Toa control gravity or Iron? (3 Points)

-Does your Toa control Light/Shadow (5 Points. If you control both then take 10 Points)"

My Toa can control each element as a separate power. So, uh, 0 from traditional elements, plus 10 from light and shadow, plus 6 from gravity and iron, plus 6 more from the other elements... 22 points! (57)


"What's your mask power?

Note: If your species can not use a mask or your character does not use a mask skip this section

-Elda (-1 Point)

-Kaukau, Rau, Ruru, Rode(1 Points)

-Hau, Miru, Akaku, Sanok, Iden, Arthron, Zatth(2 Points)

-Kakama, Paraki, Mahiki, Komau, Calix, Kandin, Huna, Volitak, Kulasi(3 Points)

-Jutlin, Avsa, Felnas, Mohtrek, Shelek, Crast (4 Points, 8 if a Toa)

-Olmak, Tryna(5 Points)

-Olisi, Krahkan, or Avohki(7 Points)"

All but the Elda, Avohkii, Kraahkan, Olisi, Jutlin, Avsa, Felnas, Mohtrek, Shelek, and Crast. So 55 points. (112)


"From here to there. How does your character move about?

-Walks? (0 Points)

-Ride a Kikalano or something similar? (1 Point)

-Takes a Boat/Airship? (1 Point)

____That He/She owns? (1 more Point)


____Via jetpack? (2 Points)

____Via wings? (3 Points)

-A personal hover bike ala Ussa-Nui or something similar? (1 Point)"

Own airship (I'll admit I made this up on the spot, but by now I'm failing so badly I figure I might as well go all-out (114)


"If your transportation is mechanical, how customized is this thing?

-No bells or whistles or this thing. It's got default factory settings. (0 Points)

-I payed a little bit more for a few little doodads. Nothing spectacular. (1 Point)

-I bought a regular thing and then tooled it to fit my own style. (2 Points)

-I built it from scratch. (3 Points)"

Bought & retooled (116)


"-Does the character save other character(s)? (1 Point.)

-The Koro/Wahi? (2 Points.)

-The island that he inhabits? (3 Points)

-The world? (4 Points)

-At the last minute? (1 Point)

-Do you fail? (-2 Points.)

-Using a newly-developed move which "takes a lot out of them?"

-Does he then proceed to pick himself up and repeat the move several times, taking less and less time to recover every time?

-Is said move capable of seriously damaging a robot with one hit (i.e. would do 50% damage or more if it was actually in real life)?

-Was that "newly-developed move" literally thought of in the last couple of seconds?

-Does said move kill your character?"

Saves the island at the last minute (What self-respecting Mary Sue doesn't wait until the end?). Has a special move that could seriously damage a robot in one hit, cannot repeat it easily, does not die. How about... 3 points? (121)


"-Is the character the son/daughter/creation of a standard character? (2 Points)

-Does the character fight/oppose an army of bad guys? (2 Points)

-And whoop them all with one hand?

-This time, is it personal?

-Does the character rehabilitate a villain?

-Any BoM/DH members? (1 Point)

-Roodaka, Lariska, any other established character?(3 Points)

-A Makuta? (8 Points)

-Does your character accomplish something single-handedly that others have not been able to accomplish, or have been able to accomplish only at great cost, such as killing a Makuta? (5 Points)

-Does your character die? (1 Point)

-Heroically? (2 Points)

-At the hands of the ultimate villain? (3 Points)

-Are the other characters deeply shaken by your character's death? (1 Point)

-Even though they're professional fighters, knew this sort of thing was going to happen sooner or later, and have probably lost comrades in battle before? (2 Points)

-Does the character return from death or apparent death? (5 Points per "resurrection")

-With more power than before? (5 Points. This is being generous. Really, this should make for an automatic flunk.)

-Does the character keep Makuta/The Shadowed One/Some other powerful character on a leash at home, untying them only to use them as training dummies? Do said training dummies enjoy it? (5 Points)

-Does your character's normal moves look like an ordinary game character's super moves? (Let's be perfectly honest, if your character's elemental attacks would be considered a nova blast by many, you should automatically fail.)

-Does the character magically learn an opponent's moves (and/or how to counter them) just by looking at them being used? (2 Points for each one that applies.)

-Does the character dodge everything that gets thrown at him, just 'cause?

-Does the character have really impressive sounding move names, such as "Blazing Super High-Speed Whirlwind Kick of Sudden Death?" (2 Point.)

-And does he/she shout them out in full during battle? (2 Points. Double Points if move names/shouts are in Japanese and your character's not Japanese. Points added at others' discretion if it's really poor, welfare, gutter Japanese that you learned from too much subtitled anime.)"

No to all of them, actually. (121)


"Why do you do it?"

I don't. (121)


"-Does/Did your character work for the Dark Hunters? (1 Point)

-Does/Did your character work for the BoM? (3 Points. Note: Makuta should not count this)

-Does/Did your character work for OoMN? (5 Points)

-Does your character have a "dark past"? (1 Point)

-Does the character feel guilty about something from the past? (Not just forgetting to send a family member a Christmas card, but guilt over major events) (1 Point)

-Despite the fact that it wasn't really the character's fault? (5 Points)

-Does the character have amnesia at any Point in the story? (1 Point)

-Is the amnesia because of something in the character's past? (1 Point)

-Is the character cured of amnesia sometime during the storyline? (1 Point)

-Does the character wish that he hadn't been cured of the amnesia? (-3 Point. Note: This is only if you do it well. If your character is giving off major angst vibes because his past is grim 'n' dark, you don't lose any Points.)

-Have people close to the character died? (1 Point per death. By close I mean something like a good friend, not an acquaintance)

-Is the character primarily motivated by revenge for one or more of these deaths? (2 Points)

-Despite having had an active, strenuous lifestyle that would cause most lifeforms or machines to break down? (2 Points)

-Is your character easily provoked to anger and/or violence? (1 Point.)

-Especially after "being made fun of?" (1 Point.)

-Has your character ever killed someone after being provoked? (2 Points.)

-Does your character kill or destroy anyone/thing he pleases? (3 Points.)

-Does your character ever switch from good to evil, or from evil to good, without major introspection and self-doubt? (1 Point per switch)

-Has your character ever destroyed a fortress, Koro, or similarly major piece of real estate? Even if they didn't mean to? (2 Points)

-Is your character a 21st-century Earth citizen transported to the Bionicle world? (3 Points.)

-Must they stay in that world? (2 Points.)

-Is your character's history remarkably like the history of a canon character? (2 Points)

-Is your character the sole survivor of anything? (3 Points Point)

-Does your character get away with doing things that other people would get into serious trouble for? (3 Points)

-Does he or she make authority figures look like bad guys in the process? (2 Points.)

-Is your character undeservingly despised by the majority? (1 Point)

-Is your character adored by the majority, undeservingly or otherwise? (1 Points)"

None, although the 21st century human thing was originally part of the back story. I retconned that out though. (121)


"-Because it's what my mentor/bestfriend/loved one/dead dog/morality pet would have wanted/wants me to do (1 Point)

-Because I need to right the wrongs of modern society and/or to create a better world (1 Point)

-Because I have an overarching thirst for REVENGE!!! (2 Points)

-Because I need more power/wealth/personal goods/whatever (2 Points)

-Because I feel like it (3 Points)

-Because some things just need to be done. (3 Points)

-The lulz. (4 Points)

-The Evulz (5 Points)

-Reasons? You mean I actually need those? (5 Points)"

Right the wrongs (122)


"-I taught myself after years and years of hard practice. (2 Point)

-I taught myself after a couple of years of hard practice (3 Points)

-I taught myself after a few months of goofing around (4 Points)

-I taught myself after a few weeks of goofing off (5 Points)

-I just picked it up and suddenly was an expert! (Automatic failure)

-I was taught by an expert in the field over many years (0 Points)

-I was taught by an expert in the field over a couple of years (2 Point)

-I was taught by an expert in the field over a few months (3 Points)

-I was taught by an expert in the field over a few weeks (4 Points)

-I was taught by an expert in the field and mastered the technique in a few days so that I surpassed the teacher and now no one can best me in the field (Automatic failure, and you should be ashamed of yourself)

-Does the character happen to be or has been a student of one or more of the major (or even minor) characters in the series? (2 Points)

-If your character has an established character as a mentor, are you deliberately mischaracterizing the mentor to account for her tutelage? (1Point per teacher; 3 Points if this includes the character actually having to not be dead.)

-Does said teacher/teachers respect said student, or even consider him their "successor" and/or newest "rival"? (1 Point (and one pint, too) per applicable teacher and quoted thingie that applies)"

Taught self over couple of years (125)


"-I don't know him (0 Points)

-I saw him once (0 Points)

-An acquaintance (0 Points)

-A good acquaintance, not quite a friend (0 Points)

-A friend (1 Point)

-A good friend (2 Points)

-A childhood friend (2 Points)

-I'd take a bullet for him (2 Points)

-He'd take a bullet for me (3 Points)

-He *has* taken a bullet for me (4 Points)

-A friendly rivalry (1 Point. Note: Any following Point values towards rivalries override this one)

-A friendly rivalry that he's winning (0 Points)

-A friendly rivalry that I'm winning (2 Points)

-A bitter rivalry over a woman (3 Points)

-A bitter rivalry that will only end in one of our deaths (4 Points)

-Look, the rivalry's bitter, okay? Don't ask why (4 Points)

-I...will...have...REVENNNNNNGGGGGGEEEEEEE!!! (5 Points)

-He respects my incredible skillz (6 Points)"

None, actually (125)


"I fought my rival, and:

-I lost (0 Points)

-I won (1 Point)

-I lost, but it was a long time ago (1 Point)

-I lost very badly (0 Points)

-I lost very badly, just now (-1 Point)

-I won, just now (2 Points)

-I won, easily, and my opponent nearly died (3 Points)

-I killed him (4 Points)"

I don't have one. (125)


So, I wound up with 125 points. That is why I don't write fanfics, and Canama-the-character will never appear if I do. I don't like reading about Mary Sues, but I like imagining myself as one.



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I feel like this survey is biased toward assassins...


Given that assassins and mercs are extremely common tropes in RPGs, I decided that they should take a decent chunk for being cliche.

Hmm I always felt like they are attempted in the beginning of RPGs, at least in Bionicle ones, and then the concept is abandoned pretty quickly.



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So, I wound up with 125 points. That is why I don't write fanfics, and Canama-the-character will never appear if I do. I don't like reading about Mary Sues, but I like imagining myself as one.

Ouch. All those elements and masks really cost you..

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I might as well take this test...


What's in a name?

-Does the character have a really cool name, like Hunter, Killer, or Death? (2 Points. 4 Points if the name sounds like an AOL user name or a fourteen-year-old wannabe hacker's handle.)


I suppose 'Nova' counts as such. That name doesn't sound like an AOL username or fourteen-year-old wannabe hacker's handle, so:




What is your character?

-A Toa (1 Point)




What's your character's origin? (Choose all that apply.)

-A Matoran turned into a Toa by some other means? (2 Points)

-Was an ordinary Matoran/toa until Something Happened (2 Points, and see below)


This is not looking good...




Does your character undergo any physical or metaphysical transformation in the story or back-story? (i.e., was he something else before?)

Note: MAJOR upgrades count, but most "normal" upgrades don't. A Matoran to Toa would not count. Toa to cyborg that shoots lasers out of his eyes does.


Thank goodness:




What do you do?


Nova wanders around, looking for jobs to do for pay.


Tell me, what is your day job?

-Travel the world as a wanderer? (1 Point)

____In order to get revenge on an enemy? (2 Points)


If I were testing my story version of Nova, I would do +3. But since I'm testing the RPG version, Nova isn't getting revenge on an enemy any time soon.




Does your character use some kind of weapon to fight? (Multiple weapons are cumulative.)

-My own two fists (0 Points)

-A sword (3 Points)




Because there's nothing cooler than shooting fire from your fingers.

Count each element as a separate power. (e.g. Controlling both Gravity and Shadow would net you 8 Points. 5 from Shadow and 3 from Gravity)

-Does your Toa control a traditional power? (Fire) (0 Points)




What's your mask power?

Note: If your species can not use a mask or your character does not use a mask skip this section

-Kakama (3 Points)




From here to there. How does your character move about?

-Walks? (0 Points)




Take half Points if you're a Role Player for this next section.

All in a day's work

-Does the character save other character(s)? (1 Point.)


I plan for him to save other characters, so:





Triple all Points for this section if your character just came into existence






Tell me about your parents.


He has none. He's supposed to be one of the first Matoran created (not born! I'm going by canon here) and helped build Mata Nui's giant robot body, just like hundreds of other Matoran.


-Does your character have a "dark past"? (1 Point)

-Does the character have amnesia at any Point in the story? (1 Point)

-Is the amnesia because of something in the character's past? (1 Point)

-Is the character cured of amnesia sometime during the storyline? (1 Point)


Nova's 'amnesia' was only caused because someone else erased his memories, but since I'm sure that's still somewhat cliche...




Why would you do something like that?

-Because some things just need to be done. (3 Points)


That's considered cliche? Agh...




Where did you learn to do that?

Note: This counts towards stuff like expert swordsmanship, accurate marksmanship, and power manipulation. I will allow you to skip this section if your skill tends to be general, such as going from working on automobiles to working on motorcycles. However this is not skippable if the two fields are related but different. For example, spears and swords are both used in combat, but the fighting styles are completely different so you can not justify going from an expert swordsman to an expert spearsman


Nova's nowhere near being an expert at fighting yet. If and when he does become an expert, it will be because he's trained himself to be at least average in most categories of fighting. I plan for him to use his brains more than his brawn, but just to be safe...




What other kinds of relationships does your character have with established characters, if any? Add the Points up for each character who qualifies.

Note: Major characters in RPGs such as Zyrul from the Academy count towards this.

-I don't know him (0 Points)

-I saw him once (0 Points)


RPG version: No friendships with well-known RPG personalities yet -- and I doubt that'll ever happen. Story version: Nova has dueled Lariska, but they only saw each other once.




Final Scores:


RPG Version: 22.5


Story Version: 24.5



Fanfiction authors, you might just want to start over. Role-players and original fiction authors, at this Point your characters are likely to provoke eye-rolling and exclamations of "yeah, right!" from your readers. (Well, at least from me.) Immediate work over is probably in order.


The odd part is, Nova's never seemed cliche to me... Maybe I just haven't been exposed to enough different stories to realize. I don't know. But at least neither character's score is over 26.

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The odd part is, Nova's never seemed cliche to me... Maybe I just haven't been exposed to enough different stories to realize. I don't know. But at least neither character's score is over 26.

Remember, this is mostly just a guide, and so long as you right him well you can probably still avoid most of the eye rolling... and it's not as bad as 125. :P


Still, you may want to be careful. XP

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So, I wound up with 125 points. That is why I don't write fanfics, and Canama-the-character will never appear if I do. I don't like reading about Mary Sues, but I like imagining myself as one.

Ouch. All those elements and masks really cost you..

I came up with that in my noob days back when I was 8. I now detest Mary Sues (Which is why I hate Ender's Game), but I've grown fond of that god-modding golden Toa of mine, so I keep the character around.


I came into this fully expecting to get a score like that.


The odd part is, Nova's never seemed cliche to me... Maybe I just haven't been exposed to enough different stories to realize. I don't know. But at least neither character's score is over 26.

Remember, this is mostly just a guide, and so long as you right him well you can probably still avoid most of the eye rolling... and it's not as bad as 125. :P


Still, you may want to be careful. XP

Oh, I don't think anybody's gonna do worse than me. :P



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Well, I'm a newbie here, and wanted to join the BZPRPG when it reopens. My first character idea seemed... Bleh. I'd get bored of playing him in no time at all.


So I started over with a Po-Matoran bartender/sculptor.



What is your character?

-A Matoran? (0 Points. If he has Toa powers count him as a Toa)


What's your character's origin? (Choose all that apply.)

-The usual, I guess; nothing to write home about (0 Points)


Does your character use some kind of weapon to fight? (Multiple weapons are cumulative.)

-My own two fists (0 Points)


From here to there. How does your character move about?

-Walks? (0 Points)

(I assume everyone has this, if their character is capable of walking)


I think a score of 0 is pretty good, eh? I was going for a thoroughly average citizen to play as. And maybe, if I'm good enough, he'll get a Toa Stone at some point in the story.

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I don't really like the idea of you can't have certain types of traits. I am personally terrible at naming and most of my names gain lots of points. I am not good at creating characters I guess. Maybe someday I'll get better.


Edited to tone down language as requested.

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You don't have to make a weak little nobody to get close to passing. You are perfectly capable of creating a dynamic, interesting character and still pass the test easy. You're not required to take the test, and if you have a problem with it then don't take it. I'm just going to have to ask you to not be so hostile towards the whole idea and tone down your language a little bit.

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I decided to take this test for my BZPRPG character, Raknar, who's actually turning out to be a more dynamic character than I expected.


Who are you?


What is your character?

-Some other species (Krekka, Vortixx, etc.) (1 Point)


He's a Skakdi, which I suppose would fall under 'other species'.




What do you do?


Tell me, what is your day job?

-A pirate? (2 Points)


It was the closest I could find to being a mercenary -- and, besides which, he was an actual pirate at one point.




Does your character use some kind of weapon to fight? (Multiple weapons are cumulative.)

-My own two fists (0 Points)

-A spear, mace, flail, morning star, or some other kind of medieval weapon that is not a sword (3 points)


I suppose an axe would fall under 'medieval weapon that is not a sword'? If so...




Because there's nothing cooler than shooting fire from your fingers.

Count each element as a separate power. (e.g. Controlling both Gravity and Shadow would net you 8 Points. 5 from Shadow and 3 from Gravity)

-Does your character control a traditional power? (Fire, Earth, Rock, Wind, Water, Ice) (0 Points)


He's a Skakdi who controls rock.




From here to there. How does your character move about?

-Walks? (0 Points)




Take half Points if you're a Role Player for this next section.

All in a day's work

-Does the character save other character(s)? (1 Point.)


Because he's a BZPRPG character...




Why do you do it?

-Is your character easily provoked to anger and/or violence? (1 Point.)




Why would you do something like that?

-Because it's what my girlfriend wants me to do (1 Point)

-Because I need more power/wealth/personal goods/whatever (2 Points)




Where did you learn to do that?

Note: This counts towards stuff like expert swordsmanship, accurate marksmanship, and power manipulation. I will allow you to skip this section if your skill tends to be general, such as going from working on automobiles to working on motorcycles. However this is not skippable if the two fields are related but different. For example, spears and swords are both used in combat, but the fighting styles are completely different so you can not justify going from an expert swordsman to an expert spearsman

-I taught myself after years and years of hard practice. (2 Point)

-I was taught by an expert in the field over many years (0 Points)


It was a little of both, I suppose; I haven't really thought it out.




What other kinds of relationships does your character have with established characters, if any? Add the Points up for each character who qualifies.

Note: Major characters in RPGs such as Zyrul from the Academy count towards this.

-I don't know him (0 Points)

-I saw him once (0 Points)

-An acquaintance (0 Points)

-A good acquaintance, not quite a friend (0 Points)


He's not much of an established character yet, and he's not friends with any major characters (assuming the Daedra would count as 'major characters'), so...




I ended up with 12.5 points, so...



A character can go either way at this point, so authors should pay attention to ensure that their characters aren't getting too Sue-ish. For an RPG or original fiction character, however, you're probably perfectly fine.


And indeed, my character is perfectly fine. More developed than Nova, at any rate.

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Thought I'd give this a go, just because why not. Used my original Matoran character from six years ago, and also a newish one based on a recent moc.



» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Who are you?


What's in a name?

-Does the character share the Author's/Player's name? (This can be their first name, middle name, or the name they go by in chat or an online forum.) 10 Points. Yes, 10 Points. This is actually pretty mild; most Mary Sue litmus tests will automatically flunk a character for this. I admit I'm tempted to do the same.)

Tricky one here. My first display name here was Cohrii; however, it was named AFTER the character, not vice-versa; the character was created several months prior to when I joined BZP. I'm going to leave this up in the air until somebody with experience can answer this.


Is your character the leader of a major organization?



What is your character?

-A Matoran? (0 Points. If he has Toa powers count him as a Toa)


What's your character's origin? (Choose all that apply.)

-The usual, I guess; nothing to write home about (0 Points)



Does your character undergo any physical or metaphysical transformation in the story or back-story? (i.e., was he something else before?)

Not even once.


What do you do?


Tell me, what is your day job?

-Fight Evil (1 Point)

As a member of the Ta-Koro Guard, this is probably the closest match.


Does your character use some kind of weapon to fight? (Multiple weapons are cumulative.)

-My own two fists (0 Points)

-A spear, mace, flail, morning star, or some other kind of medieval weapon that is not a sword (3 points)

As all the Ta-Koro Guardsmen wield spears, I'm not sure why that should merit so many points, but whatevs. :P


From here to there. How does your character move about?

-Walks? (0 Points)

-Takes a Boat/Airship? (1 Point)


Take half Points if you're a Role Player for this next section.

All in a day's work

-Does the character save other character(s)? (1 Point.)

In the job description, no? Has contributed to saving the Koro, but never done so singlehandedly, so I'm not counting that


Why do you do it?


Tell me about your parents.

-Does your character have a "dark past"? (1 Point)

Hunted kraata in the Charred Forest without anyone's knowledge


-Have people close to the character died? (1 Point per death. By close I mean something like a good friend, not an acquaintance)

As he's a member of the Guard, I wouldn't be surprised if he lost some comrades.


Why would you do something like that?

-Because some things just need to be done. (3 Points)

Well yeah, it's his job.


Where did you learn to do that?

-I was taught by an expert in the field over many years (0 Points)


What other kinds of relationships does your character have with established characters, if any? Add the Points up for each character who qualifies.

Nothing to speak of, really.


I fought my rival, and:

-I won (1 Point)

If kraata count as rivals, then yeah.

TOTAL: 12 points (or 22 if the name thing counts despite the chronological differences)





» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
Who are you?


What's in a name?

-Does the character have a really cool name, like Hunter, Killer, or Death? (2 Points. 4 Points if the name sounds like an AOL user name or a fourteen-year-old wannabe hacker's handle.)

More like 'kinda cool than 'really cool.' "Vert" is short for "vertical," as he's pretty darn good at climbing. 1 point sound fair?


Is your character the leader of a major organization?

Nein, danke.


What is your character?

-A some other species (Krekka, Vortixx, etc.) (1 Point)

Vaguely reptilian. Could possibly be a runt of a male Vortixx with clawed feet and triple jointed legs due to a birth defect. Idunnolol.


What's your character's origin? (Choose all that apply.)

-The usual, I guess; nothing to write home about (0 Points)

Grew up in homeland, left to do other stuff, you know the drill.


What do you do?


Tell me, what is your day job?

-Travel the world as a wanderer? (1 Point)

Vagrant burglar-for-hire. Seemed to be the closest match


Does your character use some kind of weapon to fight? (Multiple weapons are cumulative.)

-My own two fists (0 Points)

-A knife(1 Point)

Again, closest match I could find. It's really just a climbing hook with a sharp, pointy tip.


Because there's nothing cooler than shooting fire from your fingers.

-Does your Toa being control a traditional power? (Fire, Earth, Rock, Wind, Water, Ice) (0 Points)

Low-level Fire powers - enough to heat things up and cast a bit of light, but no shooting fireballs from hands or making stuff explode.


From here to there. How does your character move about?

-Walks? (0 Points)

-Takes a Boat/Airship? (1 Point)


All in a day's work

-Does the character save other character(s)? (1 point)

On occasion


Why do you do it?


Tell me about your parents.

-Does/Did your character work for the Dark Hunters? (1 Point)

For a while, back in the day.


Why would you do something like that?

-Because I feel like it (3 Points)

Or "Needs something to do."


Where did you learn to do that?

-I taught myself after years and years of hard practice. (2 Point)


What other kinds of relationships does your character have with established characters, if any?



I fought my rival, and:

-I lost, but it was a long time ago (1 Point)

Hasn't done much fighting for the past few centuries


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My BZPRPG character, Elmara.


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
What's in a name?

-Does the character share the Author's/Player's name? (This can be their first name, middle name, or the name they go by in chat or an online forum.)


Okay, this is a bit hard to answer. I created Elmara several years ago, long before I joined BZP. So I think I'll leave this one.


What is your character?

-A Toa (1 Point)

1 point.


What's your character's origin? (Choose all that apply.)

-A Matoran turned into a Toa by Toa stones (1 Point)

1 point.


Tell me, what is your day job?

-Kill people for money? (3 Points) (If your character is a bounty hunter, assassin, Dark Hunter, or mercenary, answer "yes.")

3 points.


Does your character use some kind of weapon to fight? (Multiple weapons are cumulative.)

-A firearm(3 Points)

-A staff or whip (0 Points)

I think a crossbow would fit under firearms. 3 points.


What's your mask power?

-Kakama, Paraki, Mahiki, Komau, Calix, Kandin, Huna, Volitak, Kulasi(3 Points)

3 points.


Why would you do something like that?

-Because I need more power/wealth/personal goods/whatever (2 Points)

2 points.


Where did you learn to do that?

-I taught myself after years and years of hard practice. (2 Point)


2 points.


Total: 15 points, or 25 if the name thing counts.



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