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Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Is there a "Longest Interests List to Make the Member Spotlight" award?




Actually, Little Miss Krahka's got me beat.





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Well, Congratulations.


Yeah, that pretty much covers it all.


Except I forgot to say congratulations.


What would have been an edit if I had posted this before I remembered it: I didn't know you liked VeggieTales! :P

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What would have been an edit if I had posted this before I remembered it: I didn't know you liked VeggieTales! :P


You don't know Turakii at all, do you?


Anyway, congrats, thought mine was longest 'til I saw yours

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MY INTERESTS LIST: 2777, minus the little poem at the bottom.



Both of which are significantly shorter than any given novel of mine.


And it's going to be really hard to beat me, since I can average about 2000 words a day for about an entire month non-stop, and that's in an on topic story. With my narrisistic ways, who knows how long I can ramble about ME?


Even though my interests list is woefully out of date. I really need to go over and rewrite it entirely. I'll make sure to go for 4000 words, just to spite y'alls.


However, I am shocked and surprised, since yours is actually somewhat more spazzy than mine. That is incredible. It's impossible! It's a TV dinner! It's a series of tubes!

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With my narrisistic ways, who knows how long I can ramble?

Oh yeah!?




Well, I always like tot alk a lot too, especially when I've had Mountain Dew, and I'm not going toy go back and fix my typose, bvacuse then this'll take longer, so this;ll be hard to read, ha ha, and am I past 4000 words yet, I don't think so, so I'm goig to keep talking, and I'm wearing a sweater, but that had nothing to do with anything so I'm going to talk about lamps instead, which don't eat neither forka nor nightlghts, though I dojn't know why, oh wekll, and I have a dictiomary nearby but I can't splell disctionary do I'm going to just keep tpying, yay, and I like Little Miss Krahka's avatar, because i think It's got a lgihtsaber, and oops, hit the caps key too late that time, and...


*Deep breath.*


What was I talking about, now? Vakama, I think, 'cause he's all red and cool and hot and cold and all that fun stuff, only freezers are cold, and marshmallows are not, especially in a s;more, and I like smores too, but since they're not Vakama, I'm going to talk about him, and he's kind of lonely and uncertain and stuff, and he's got this disc launcher, and LMK keeps him on a leash, which is mean, and Nokama's going to get even, only she's being chasde by this huge gigantic raging Muakla and she can't come to the phoine right now, please leave a message and all that stuff, thanks, bye!




Larryboy's all cool too, especialyl since he's green and only got one tooth, which is weird for a cucumber, because they usually don't have any teeth, and he doesn't like sladad anymore than...whoever, and he's got this cool purple helmet and Spiderman's a LarryBoy wannabe, even though he came first, and Batman's completely off-topic and I'm opt even going ot bring him up, so there, and LarryBoy's in my banner right now, 'cause he's, like, sad, and he's got this orange or yellow or some color vest on which is kind of neat, and he's in my blog too, 'cause I like him, he's got this neat voice and he's a cool pickle or cucumber or whatever, and right now he's doing something-orother osmewhere-or-other and theres tons of typos in this, oh well, and I really should learn how to type someday, cause then I might not hit all the wrong keys so often, 'cause it's kinda annoying, 'speciially when I['m trying to spelal "dictionary" and I think Iju ust spelled it right, wow, and...






Am I there yet?




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With my narrisistic ways, who knows how long I can ramble?

Oh yeah!?




Well, I always like tot alk a lot too, especially when I've had Mountain Dew, and I'm not going toy go back and fix my typose, bvacuse then this'll take longer, so this;ll be hard to read, ha ha, and am I past 4000 words yet, I don't think so, so I'm goig to keep talking, and I'm wearing a sweater, but that had nothing to do with anything so I'm going to talk about lamps instead, which don't eat neither forka nor nightlghts, though I dojn't know why, oh wekll, and I have a dictiomary nearby but I can't splell disctionary do I'm going to just keep tpying, yay, and I like Little Miss Krahka's avatar, because i think It's got a lgihtsaber, and oops, hit the caps key too late that time, and...


*Deep breath.*


What was I talking about, now? Vakama, I think, 'cause he's all red and cool and hot and cold and all that fun stuff, only freezers are cold, and marshmallows are not, especially in a s;more, and I like smores too, but since they're not Vakama, I'm going to talk about him, and he's kind of lonely and uncertain and stuff, and he's got this disc launcher, and LMK keeps him on a leash, which is mean, and Nokama's going to get even, only she's being chasde by this huge gigantic raging Muakla and she can't come to the phoine right now, please leave a message and all that stuff, thanks, bye!




Larryboy's all cool too, especialyl since he's green and only got one tooth, which is weird for a cucumber, because they usually don't have any teeth, and he doesn't like sladad anymore than...whoever, and he's got this cool purple helmet and Spiderman's a LarryBoy wannabe, even though he came first, and Batman's completely off-topic and I'm opt even going ot bring him up, so there, and LarryBoy's in my banner right now, 'cause he's, like, sad, and he's got this orange or yellow or some color vest on which is kind of neat, and he's in my blog too, 'cause I like him, he's got this neat voice and he's a cool pickle or cucumber or whatever, and right now he's doing something-orother osmewhere-or-other and theres tons of typos in this, oh well, and I really should learn how to type someday, cause then I might not hit all the wrong keys so often, 'cause it's kinda annoying, 'speciially when I['m trying to spelal "dictionary" and I think Iju ust spelled it right, wow, and...






Am I there yet?




Please make it stop! :begging:

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