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Crispy Cooked Graphics Card



Well, the downstairs PC didn't explode but it does seem the graphic's card has met it's end, so I can't even get on the computer without it looking like Van Gogh threw up all over the screen.


Seems I've rolled a snake eyes, so Aion Nocturnus stuff ain't going to be revealed whether I like it or not at this rate.


The only other notable thing today is that it's the final day of my art class this semester. Seeing as some of the other class mates haven't even finished assembling their structures to draw, I have a head start. Here's to the best and prepping for the worst!


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Cheers brah. Hopefully you can get a new graphics card over the holidays!


The irony is I had been asking for some new hardware for Giftmas as it was. Funny how things work out sometimes.


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