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Kopaka's Ice Engineering


I'm not posting my weight, if only to say it's too much. :o


Right outside my office door, on the counter across the hallway is the coffeemaker.

There is both significance and irony in that fact. The significance is that there is often congregation outside my door. The irony is that I do not drink coffee.

I don't know...something about coffee beans has never stroked my taste buds well. Nasal passages, sure: I can appreciate the aroma. But I've never acquired a taste for it, and caffeine just doesn't do that much for me.


I mentioned modafinil a couple of weeks ago, maybe I should get a prescription or something....nah.


While not patronizing the coffeemaker, I need something else for a warm drink, especially since the A/C is hardwired to 68°F (20°C, yeah, that's cold when it never heats to that temperature). Thus, I keep single-serve packets of hot cocoa in my desk.




I kid myself sometimes that I work for peanuts. Well, I'm not mocking my salary, but there are times I'm just goofing off, listless as it were, and digging the peanuts out of the 3½ lb. tin of mixed nuts (since I've already gotten out all the cashews).




I bet you're wondering how I'm going to tie those together. Well, if you're allergic to milk, soy, cocoa, peanuts, or tree nuts, look away.


1 envelope dark chocolate cocoa mix

7 fl oz hot water

1 not-heaping forkful of creamy peanut butter


Using hot water, prepare cocoa according to directions.

Stir in peanut butter.



I shall call it: Reese's cocoa.





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Roffle my waffles! Coffee-swilling Finns would have you certified insane if they saw you preparing such a vile brew! Personally, though, I'm a pal of peanut butter, and actually rather inclined to try out your ingenious little recipe.



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Very interesting if I do say so myself. I might try it out as PB is the coolest stuff around.


I dun like coffee the smell is awful. >< So I will stick to tea thank you very much....Which in fact I am sipping now.

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And, since the subject has turned to tea, I hereby declare that I, too, am a tea drinker. Not a tea snob, I just like tea. There are so many varieties to try!



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Being a boy scout, I highly respect hot chocolate, and will have to try this new recipe soon.


I also like tea. But I don't really drink stuff like coffee/tea regularly. But I do enjoy tea with lemon and honey.



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Wow, I should try that recipe, that sounds good. Anyway, I like coffee, both the smell and the taste. Have you tried Starbucks Frappiciono? It's kinda like coffee, but it's cold and doesn't taste as, I would say as bold as coffee. But that's my opinion. If I don't have any coffee, "Frap" is always good. ;)

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Ooooooh thank you for giving me a reason to finally splurge on some Swiss Miss.


I've always loved the smell of coffee but 6-9pm classes have made me appreciate having it in my system.

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I'm for both coffee and the Reese's cocoa thing. Then again, I'm not sure I can find peanut butter around here so easily, seeing as how it's more popular in the Netherlands than here in Belgium.


Coffee gets me through the day just dandy. Can't start the day without my roasted bean juice. Especially when I've only slept four hours before starting a 9-5 working day. It's a good thing I'm still (relatively) young.

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I tried your recipe yesterday, it was pretty darn good. Then I went and made my standard hot chocolate with ice cream, it was better. :P

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