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To The Stars



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My collection of Stars is now complete. Of course, now that means I must review them.


I do hope to indepthly review each with spiffy pictures and all that, but for now [considering I'm not at home and on vacation for the next couple days], you'll have to do with just quick notes on each. For the most part, I am quite pleased. But enough of that. I believe I've already talked about Tahu and Takanuva [both of their masks are the main problem -- too small for Tahu, and should be white on Taka], as those two I bought a while ago.


Gresh ~ He is quite lovely, actually. In fact, I think he looks better in real life than he does on his canister [though I have seen better pictures of him]. The main problems are the fact that his swords and mask are a little too big [i'd much prefer the large mask to a smaller one, like Tahu had]. The swords I don't really mind, either, since I've wanted silver [and black] Gresh swords since they came out. Unfortunately, all the silver this year seems to be inferior, and a lighter -- more dull -- silver. Ah well. But his recolored mask is awesome, and the spike motif he has going on fits him quite well. The colors are pretty evenly distrubuted, so that's another plus for sure.


Skrall ~ As this is the first Skrall [Fero, Atakus, Skrall, Stronius, etc.] set I have, it's new to me. The most obvious thing is the neck, and how incredibly awkward it is. It's one of his leg pieces attached to to his Photok-styled torso, which is quite obvious [especially since the socket on the end of it is at the bottom, and is quite obvious that it's there]. Then of course there's a light gray connector piece connecting the two, helping to the obviousness. As for the shoulder spikes, I'm not quite sure what to think. They seem incredibly huge, but at the same time don't look all that bad. Then there's the helmet itself. I think I wish it would be a little wider, but it's an interesting design. Unfortunately, if you try to turn his head too much, then it'll hit his shoulder spike-things. The last [obvious] flaw is that they don't have a lime green joint at his feet [the Y-connector piece], which would distribute the colors mnore evenly. But despite all that [and I'll go into more depth in the review], he looks quite good, and that black Kopaka sword was too much to resist.


Rahkshi ~ As Shan said in his review, it's definitely a Rahkshi. There may be a few glaring differences [the feet, the height, etc.], but he still looks like a Rahkshi -- which is good. Again, it has that awkward neck connection that Skrall had. The head is also awkward, because it's a bendable plastic, and also doesn't quite fit, and restricts movement. If it were extended a stud, it would be much more pleasing. Though, of course, I'd prefer if the head and spine came separately, as that would not only give a yellow Rahkshi head, but it would look better and allow more movement. I am pleased that they kept the eyes the same as the original Rahkshi -- trans-orange Y-connector [AKA, 'hand' piece]. The feet I don't think are a flaw, as I think they look quite good, but that's just my opinion, I guess. The staff is alright, but only allows so much movement, which is disappointing.


Piraka ~ I'll start with the head. The face isn't as appealing as the other Piraka [except maybe Avak, whose face I didn't like], but doens't necessarily look bad. The spine isn't as awesome as the original Piraka, either. I don't really like how it comes out of the side of his head, and on top of that, the spikes point just straight up, whereas on the original they would curve around to the arm and just look more awesome -- it looks more like a spikey crown, now. Then there's the gray. I'm just not really a fan of it, especially since both the Rahkshi and Taka were already gray. And his feet look odd on him, for some reason unknown -- they just don't seem to fit. I'll probably have a proper explaination when I write up the full review, as I'm trying to get this done ASAP [since I'm about to leave], but for now I'll just leave you with the fact that they look odd. Then there's his weapon -- again, nothing like the original Piraka. I would have liked to have seen some awesome launcher-esque thing like the other Piraka had [harpoon, ice launcher, lava launcher, etc.], or just any awesome weapon [like Zaktann's three-pronged blade], but alas we are stuck with Antroz's blade and a Mahritoran blade. Don't get me wrong, those are awesome weapons, but just would be as cool as something else. Is he recognizable as a Piraka? Not at first glance, no. If you were to line him up with other Piraka, then you can see the resemblance [especially Vezok], but still. Not nearly as much as the Rahkshi.




That was longer than expected. So, yeah, those are just quick thoughts, really. I do hope to review each [even Tahu and Takanuva] in-depth. If you'd like to see a specific one first, just let me know.




I'll leave you with a question: From best to worst, list Kiina, Mata Nui, and Stronius.


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Now, I don't have any Stars, so I can't argue/agree, but I have to say, nice reviews! My opinions on the sets have changed after reading these.


Also, Stronius

Get him.

Save Mata-Nui, then Kiina, for last. Stronius is EPIC.

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So which Stars set is the best to get? =Þ








Kiina (Possibly the closest thing to torso creativity in these new generations), Mata-Nui, and then Stronius


If you mean which set should you rather get, then Mata-Nui, Stronius, Kiina

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Mata Nui is the best of the three in every way: he has a solid build, nearly perfect color distribution, and a ton of both new and recolored pieces. And he just looks bloody awesome on top of that. I don't know who would be a second. Kiina has 16 new pieces out of 43 total, whereas Stronius has only 10 out of 55 – Kiina is much stronger as far as new parts goes, but Stronius has more total, though you get much less new stuff for the price. However, I think Stronius's aesthetic is a bit better than Kiina's. I have her in person now and she's more than a bit awkward and gangly; Stronius is the complete opposite, being short and bulky and (though I don't have him) looking awfully good that way. In my case, the awesomeness of some of Kiina's recolors (namely the light blue feet and Vahki leg) outweighed her awkwardness, and since I care an awful lot about those, she just put Stronius to shame in their respect.


So agree on the Rahkshi. The only possible reasoning for the new rubbery mess I can see is that the cost of one new mold must be cheaper than the cost of one new mold and one recolor. But that's not worth it to me, since a separate yellow Rahkshi head would both be much much cooler by itself and also greatly liberate posing. Though I do imagine the neck would look a lot less awkward than on Skrall, since the Rahkshi at least has something covering up its back and that extra ball joint up there...


Still think Skrall is unbearably adorable, but I do need to actually acquire him first.


Also, I like the title of this entry.

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So which Stars set is the best to get? =Þ


Probably Tahu and Gresh, though I'm not completely decided yet. When I get back home, I'll line them up and decide. Really, the only thing about Tahu is his mask [and his sword, but it still looks alright], and he does look quite good. But, yeah, I'll make a more definite answer later.


Mata Nui is the best of the three in every way: he has a solid build, nearly perfect color distribution, and a ton of both new and recolored pieces. And he just looks bloody awesome on top of that. I don't know who would be a second. Kiina has 16 new pieces out of 43 total, whereas Stronius has only 10 out of 55 – Kiina is much stronger as far as new parts goes, but Stronius has more total, though you get much less new stuff for the price. However, I think Stronius's aesthetic is a bit better than Kiina's. I have her in person now and she's more than a bit awkward and gangly; Stronius is the complete opposite, being short and bulky and (though I don't have him) looking awfully good that way. In my case, the awesomeness of some of Kiina's recolors (namely the light blue feet and Vahki leg) outweighed her awkwardness, and since I care an awful lot about those, she just put Stronius to shame in their respect.


See, that's what I thought [about Mata Nui], but I went to Toys 'r' Us, and they had him on display. Well, he didn't look all that pleasing, though he was in a terrible position [reminds me of the ToyFair poses]... But he does look quite good in DV's review, so I'll probably pick him up first. I'd have to agree with you on Kiina and Stronius [from what I've seen, at least], so I'm still undecided about those. Stronius was also displayed with Mata Nui, and he just looked lovely [when I was originally going to get Kiina first, but he just looked so good, I decided to as you to see what others thought].


So agree on the Rahkshi. The only possible reasoning for the new rubbery mess I can see is that the cost of one new mold must be cheaper than the cost of one new mold and one recolor. But that's not worth it to me, since a separate yellow Rahkshi head would both be much much cooler by itself and also greatly liberate posing. Though I do imagine the neck would look a lot less awkward than on Skrall, since the Rahkshi at least has something covering up its back and that extra ball joint up there...


It's not really all that much less awkward, since the main awkward points are on the front of both torsos from the Rahkshi and Skrall, because it sticks out and is just noticeable.


Still think Skrall is unbearably adorable, but I do need to actually acquire him first.


Yeah, he does look quite good -- the main thing is just the chest, but he still is nice looking.


Also, I like the title of this entry.


Haha, I just noticed that you used the same title -- that was definitely not purposeful, but amusing nonetheless. =P

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I thought you already got Mata Nui (from your Xmas gifts entry)?


Yeah, well, Gelu, Mata Nui, and the Stars hadn't come yet [not that they were ordered, but just my parents didn't have time, since I gave them my list on the 23rd =P] -- I got the Stars yesterday, and I'm getting Gelu/Mata Nui [or whatever two Glatorian I want -- definitely Gelu, but maybe someone else instead of Mata Nui] as soon as I find them. Though, I think I'll stick with Mata Nui for now, and maybe buy Kiina/Stronius on my own later.


I hate Stronius with a passion.


How come?



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Well, if you already have Ackar, I see no reason to buy Gelu. He's essentially the same, but more boring.


Buy Mats and Stronius instead.


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