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Number 2.

Edit: I just realized that my entry was one vote away from all of these, talk about tough luck.

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EAAGH! You know, I just can't vote for this one. I wouldn't feel right if I helped 1 beat 2 or vice versa, they're just too evenly matched in my book. They each have their positives and negatives, and 3 is not without some cool stuff too, so I null vote here. Hopefully the finals will be more clear-cut (what with Brickeen's MOC and all :P ).
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Number 2. It has the looks of a real toa and the looks of a real psychic while one is too toa-like and three is too psychic like.


Well, it is a Toa of Psionics.

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Number 2. It has the looks of a real toa and the looks of a real psychic while one is too toa-like and three is too psychic like.


I kinda have to agree with you on that one. To me number 1 looks like the type of Toa who would be more likely to leap into the middle of a physical fight rather than hang back from one, like I imagine most Toa of Psionics would.

Of course, this could just be my mind reading too deep into it. :P

Oh well, I vote number 2 anyway.

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