Denizens Tiebreakers Round 2
Please add a comment here with the category and letter, then the number for your vote as to which tied entry should move on to the next round of polls.
This tiebreaker ends at midnight EST Wednesday January 13.
(These links go to the entry posts. Don't press any scroll buttons while it's loading and it should go right to the post you need. If server messes it up, wait a bit and refresh, or just scroll till you find it. NOTE: each member was allowed to enter up to three entries in this contest. Two or three of their entries may be in the same actual post, so make sure that once you've got their post loaded, you scroll to the actual entry in that post that you are judging at the time.)
Desc B for 5th:
1) Jedi Master J.: Kano the Insane
2) -Toa Lhikevikk-: "Glitch"
MOC A for 4th:
1) Iranu: Za'gnok
2) .::Sumaru::.: Merr'int
3) Legend of Lesovikk: Gier
4) Turaga Dlakii: Atrumnis
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