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Strange Activities

Inferna Firesword


'Round 4AM today, I was lying awake in bed, minding my own business and trying to go back to sleep, when some really weird stuff started.


First off, there was a lot more light shining through my window than usual (easy to tell in the suburbs). Then flashes that were too frequent to be passing cars came in, and when I went to go check it out, I saw a man running past my room in our backyard.


By now I had gotten fairly suspicious, but -- thinking that it might just be my dad -- I ran out to the living room, and what I saw (my brain was a little fuzzy at the time, so I'm not quite sure if this is quite right) the flashlight guy chasing someone else out to the pizza place across the street.


That was enough for me. I went and woke my parents (it wasn't Dad running around outside), and we went to watch. While my parents asked what was going on, we saw more antics going on in the Sorelli's parking lot, with a police cruiser in there. We think it was an officer that was in our yard, but I couldn't see properly, and anyway none of us wanted to go outside. My parents went back to sleep about fifteen minutes after I woke them, but I stayed up in case anything else happened.


Well, not much happened during the vigil (unless you count Cynthia kicking my butt in Pokemon Platinum), though I saw the crusier moving at one point. There was nothing on it in the news (no big surprise), but my dad's planning to talk to the cops once he can. I, personally, would like to know what the heck was going on outside my window early this morning.


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Wow... creepy. Actually, i had an experience like that once. I was lying in bed at around 4 in the morning, and i randomly got up cause i heard something. i looked over at my bedroom window... and there was like... a fox, wolf, thing...


Needless to say i had nightmares for a week.


i'm pretty sure it was only a cyote or fox tho.

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