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Onto The Fourth

Watashi Wa


Tragedy struck at the Wa^2 household yesterday evening. While trying to setup and enjoy a lovely game of Halo 3:ODST's Firefight mode with good friend Than: Matoran of Anger, my Xbox360 began to not want to work properly. I've had problems with ODST giving me disc read errors (somewhat common among consumers who bought said game), but last night I was getting the error whenever we would try to start any game. What was already an annoying problem turned even worse when my Xbox began to freeze. I turned off my box, turned it on, and only then did I see the Three Red Lights of Death staring deep into my soul...




And so ends the service of my third Xbox360. She was a good one, lasting nearly three whole years. But alas, the time has come to part our ways...


And, of course, all of this happens 5 days before Mass Effect 2, only the greatest game ever, hits store shelves.


I guess this gives me time to finish my adventure in The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass that I started over two weeks ago when I was in the hospital.


Here's to you, Fourth Xbox360! Your fallen comrades have given me numerous hours of pleasure and entertainment! If ye fail too, I fear it may be the last, only because the infamous 3-year Warranty is slowly but surely winding to a close for me.


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Sucks. But at least you'll be able to get ME2 when you get your new Xbox. I don't think I will. =/


Reading entries about the RROD makes me frightened... I haven't had any problems with my Xbox yet but it's only a matter of time, I suppose...



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Sucks. But at least you'll be able to get ME2 when you get your new Xbox. I don't think I will. =/


Reading entries about the RROD makes me frightened... I haven't had any problems with my Xbox yet but it's only a matter of time, I suppose...



It really depends. Newer 360's don't seemed to be plagued by the issues of the original units.


Anyway, I suppose I'm still a lucky one, only having to have 2 (well technically 3, but that one that died the first day because of that update doesn't cont), with the first one serving 2+ years before it had a non-warranty issue.

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Dude, that sucks. And right before ME2. =/


Yeah, and Mass Effect 2 is only my most anticipated game of all time.


Sucks. But at least you'll be able to get ME2 when you get your new Xbox. I don't think I will. =/


Reading entries about the RROD makes me frightened... I haven't had any problems with my Xbox yet but it's only a matter of time, I suppose...



Why can't you get ME2?


That really does suck, dude. I have heard about RROD, and am now afraid to buy a XB360.


Smae goes for the PS3 with the YLOD.


Well, just like all technology, consoles break down after a while. I would probably use my Xbox upwards of 40+ hours a week. Plus, this console that just RRoD'd on my was made in 2006, so it was definitely a refurb, which I am actually surprised it didn't die on my months ago. But like Than says, in newer models (there have been two upgrades to the chipsets since the 360 first launched), RRoD doesn't happen nearly as much as it used to.

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I've gone through two 360 systems, the first died like that a few days after I got it, but Microsoft decided to give me a new one, XBL, and a free game to compensate for the internal issue. That one lasted three-ish years, and died, but this time I replaced it with a different model and got the replacement for $150. I only really did replace it because of how much I actually use it, and plus ME2 was a few months down the road and that game is one I didn't want to pass up. .-.


But yeah, that sucks ><

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I keep getting RRODs 'coz the power cuts out and stuff, but it hasn't really stopped my 360 from functioning.


... That I'm also on my third one is besides the point. :P

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