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The Thursday Five...



...because Tuesday doesn't exist in my world. =D

  • What's your favorite 2006 part?
  • Havem you even been in the member spotlight?
  • Why did I accidentally spell "have" with an m at the end in the prior question?
  • What color is the shirt you're wearing right now?
  • How many computers does your household own?


Recommended Comments

  • The creation of the Inika (EDIT FROM DOK: Dude, I meant piece. :P) In that case: Nuparu's mask.
  • No, never, not even once.
  • Becaue you were trying to spell "haven't" and changed your mind at the last minute.
  • White-ish with red accents.
  • Functional ones? Seven.
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  • I'll say the Zamor "magazine"...it was odd to see a piece intentionally bent like that....like an oversized #5 Technic connector or something.
  • Staff are excluded from the member spotlight, if I'm not mistaken.
  • No clu what gos on in your mnd. Not gona touch it.
  • Blue denim
  • Not counting the computer inside my cell phone, 1.


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* What's your favorite 2006 part? the new ball joint

* Have you even been in the member spotlight? no idea

* Why did I accidentally spell "have" with an m at the end in the prior question? Conner told you to

* What color is the shirt you're wearing right now? navy blue

* How many computers does your household own? three

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My favorite new part is a tie between new ball joint piece and those double articulated arm pieces for the Piraka. I just know the gnomes are behind the lack of the new ball joints in 2007 sets...

I wouldn't know... I don't pay attention.

It's the gnomes. They are launching an insidious campaign to kill all proper spelling and are holding you hostage to use your celebrity status online to jump start their evil plot and spread the verbal degradation...

Lemme see... *Looks under layer of shirts and sweaters to check* Black.

I think maybe six......

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Yous hould have went with the Thursday Four!

* What's your favorite 2006 part?

I don't know...um...the fight between Brutaka and Axonn or Vezon, maybe.

* Havem you even been in the member spotlight?

I don't know...

* Why did I accidentally spell "have" with an m at the end in the prior question?

Havem you ever spelled it correctly? Because it sounds cool!

* What color is the shirt you're wearing right now?


* How many computers does your household own?

Three...my brother's, mine, and the main computer.

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What's your favorite 2006 part?


The last part. =D


Havem you even been in the member spotlight?


No. =(


Why did I accidentally spell "have" with an m at the end in the prior question?




What color is the shirt you're wearing right now?


#1: Long-sleeve Red shirt. #2: Short-sleeve white one.


How many computers does your household own?



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  • 2006? I have no idea what 2006 is about. Mask of Life. That's all I know. XD
  • Yup, I even took a screenie. =D
  • ... 'Cause your a llama. :fear:
  • Green w/ white stripes.
  • 3 or 4... I think.
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What's your favorite 2006 part?


The 2006 part of it. =D


Havem you even been in the member spotlight?


Not that I'm aware of.


Why did I accidentally spell "have" with an m at the end in the prior question?


Because M and the space button are close together.


What color is the shirt you're wearing right now?


Mainly white, with a hockey guy in space shooting a puck.


How many computers does your household own?


4. If you include laptops.

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What's your favorite 2006 part? The components of Axonn's axe.

Havem you even been in the member spotlight? Once that I know of.

Why did I accidentally spell "have" with an m at the end in the prior question? You just said -- it was an accident.

What color is the shirt you're wearing right now? White -- just a t-shirt.

How many computers does your household own? One.



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What's your favorite 2006 part?

Dunno. The party part?


Havem you even been in the member spotlight?

I don't think so.


Why did I accidentally spell "have" with an m at the end in the prior question?

Because of you didn't, your left eyebrow would have been stolen by pickup trucks driven by cello strings.


What color is the shirt you're wearing right now?



How many computers does your household own?

Including laptops, 4. Excluding laptops, 2. Throwing the laptops out a window, 1 because my computer would have to be sold to pay for new laptops.


And a question for you, why did I accidentally put 'of' instead of 'if' for my third answer?

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When The Piraka were in that water trap with fire bars surounding them

Too lazy to look

You got milkm

White under shirt

Brains are computers,so there are very little in my house.





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What's your favorite 2006 part?

The first one.

Havem you even been in the member spotlight?

Yes. Actually, I took way to many screen shots.

Why did I accidentally spell "have" with an m at the end in the prior question?

Because you are starting to become tired in your creation of these questions.

What color is the shirt you're wearing right now?

Neon day-glow hot ..... black.

How many computers does your household own?

Well, this is one...


~ :kakamanu: ~

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