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A Weird Dream



OK, so I was Tommy from Rugrats, and it was during WWII, and I was sent to a slave labor camp. For some reason I was building a tennis court, but it looked like a mini golf course. It had like two inch high walls on each side and I was all "we need taller walls," so me and the guy that was running the camp left on a school bus to get new walls. We stopped at some sort of restaurant in the middle of the desert and I ran off down the highway. He gave chase for a while but eventually gave up.


So I came up on a town – Invasion from MW2 – that Hitler had just taken over. He was having some sort of party to celebrate his recent possession of this new city and was making civilians attend. He was also telling him that if they tried to attack him then he would press a button and the world would blow up. So I ran into a house and found a guy that looked like Makarov from MW2 sitting on a load of huge guns from District 9. Then I saw this kid I knew from school run down on the road underneath me. He ran into the building and slapped Hitler in the face with some ribs, and then ran into our hiding place. Hitler made Nazis attack us, but we ran out the back and got away.


Tommy ran off through an area that looked vaguely like a level from Glover and then came upon a city that looked like it was from Assassin's Creed. He was now someone completely different, but still the same person. Meanwhile, some other people that had ran away that were probably involved somehow that I can't remember were in a snowy city from Paper Mario. Someone else I knew from school was there, along with some others I couldn't name. Two walked down a path and found a trading card on the ground.


They picked it up and then a huge Pokémon that looked kinda like Arceus came out and was all "I must defeat Hitler for his crimes!," and flew off.


The end.


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i had a weird dream last night


i got to school half an hour early or something, and this girl in my class asked me to go to her house right so she could put MSN on her dad's computer


i said okay so we got in her plane which was hidden somewhere


then we flew to her house


i said hello to her dad and she put MSN on her dad's computer while i didn't do anything


then we went back to school but i realised we were 20 minutes late for school


then we landed the plane at school and i got expelled for being late to school


but the principal told me this in the bush behind the school


then i think i woke up

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I had a dream, a fantasy, and it helped me through reality. My destination made it worth the while, and I pushed through the darkness still another mile.









Does saying that make me a terrible person? :(

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I had a dream, a fantasy, and it helped me through reality. My destination made it worth the while, and I pushed through the darkness still another mile.









Does saying that make me a terrible person? :(

is this the real life


is this just fantasy


caught in a landslide, no escape from reality


open your eyes, look up to the skies and seeeee~

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I had a dream, a fantasy, and it helped me through reality. My destination made it worth the while, and I pushed through the darkness still another mile.









Does saying that make me a terrible person? :(

is this the real life


is this just fantasy


caught in a landslide, no escape from reality


open your eyes, look up to the skies and seeeee~


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