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Matt Smith...

Black Six


...gets two thumbs up!


Sure, he's no David Tennant, but he is definitely The Doctor.


And Steven Moffat is awesome beyond compare - I can't wait to see the weeping angels come back.


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Yes he does and yes he is. Whoa!


The weeping angels are definitely my biggest excitement. I hear they've outdone themselves as for story-lines, the arc, and a "fairytale theme." River Song will prove interesting.



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I concur wholeheartedly.


But might need to see a bit more of him before I decide if he's better than Tennant or not.

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I'm already looking forward to getting my Matt Smith Sonic Screwdriver.

I'm looking forward to building a LEGO version. :sly:

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David Tennant wanted to leave.


At the end of last year with The End of Time Part 1 and 2.


That's odd, because in the interveiw that Top Gear did with him, he said that was really the only reason why he wanted to become an actor.


Oh well. :P

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When did the Doctor Who series change the actor of the doc?

Whenever the actor had had enough. (Or in one of their cases (6th?) the studio decided on the change.) (And 9th, Eccleston, actually only signed on for one season.)



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I haven't watched the show since the says of the seventh Doctor, but Tufi showed me the bonny Scottish lass accompanying this newfangled eleventh guy.


She is very attractive. :o

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I haven't watched the show since the says of the seventh Doctor, but Tufi showed me the bonny Scottish lass accompanying this newfangled eleventh guy.


She is very attractive. :o



I know, right! As much as I liked Donna's character, she wasn't all that pleasing to the eye. ;)


And who is this again? :P

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Matt Smith is indeed legendary. Although, what really made the episode what it was was Stephen Moffat's superb writing. Prisoner Zero, like all of his monsters, was well-thought of and very chilling.

There is finally a Scot playing a recurring Scot (Go Scots)! :D

The rest of the series looks interesting, as well - I look forward to this Saturday's episode, which involves a futuristic UK in space.

Also, British-enslaved Daleks and space battles in episode 3. ^_^

I haven't seen the first Weeping Angel story yet - that's one of my goals before seeing their new two-parter episode.

Silurians are returning as well. :)


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I haven't seen the first Weeping Angel story yet - that's one of my goals before seeing their new two-parter episode.

You need to see the weeping angels. It's by far Moffat's best story, save perhaps for the library one.

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The Green is actually a very nice hue and very nice to look at. The blue becomes hard on the eyes after a while.

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