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Weekly Update - 4/30

Black Six



How did it get to be this late on a Friday already? I'm glad the semester is just about over. But you probably don't care about that.



Go check out the latest episode of the BZPowercast! It's nice and short this time. Let us know if you like this or if you prefer longer shows.


So Journey's End and the Mata Nui Saga both concluded this week. If you haven;t checked them out yet, you're missing out.


I have so many mailbag questions to answer this week that I don't have time to write anymore here, sorry!



Right, so this stemmed from a really bizarre IM between Sisen and I after we found this person who makes custom fairy wings, and we would like to know....


Ninja fairy or fairy ninja?

Fairy ninja, I think...


1) Answer this:


3(9)-4(5 +33 (6) - 12/5)


2) If vegetable oil is made from vegetables, and corn oil is made from corn, what's baby oil made from?


3) I turn polar bears white

and I will make you cry.

I make guys have to pee

and girls comb their hair.

I make celebrities look stupid

and normal people look like celebrities.

I turn pancakes brown

and make your champane bubble.

If you sqeeze me, I'll pop.

If you look at me, you'll pop.

Can you guess the riddle?


4) Say Thug Aim 3 times out loud.

1) -775.4

2) It's people! Soylent Green is people!

3) No.

4) Ha. Ha. Ha.


1. Are you sad now?


2. Did I make you happy?

1. No.

2. Um, no. Sorry?


1. Paul McCartney or John Lennon: who is the better musician?

2. Longest time away from BZP?

3. Favorite food/drink combo?

4. Halo or Star Wars (not video games, storyline, movies, EU, etc...)?

5. Are YOU the walrus!?!? (please say yes)

1. I like Paul better, but I think John was probably a better musician.

2. Two days? Maybe?

3. Burger and milkshake.

4. I'm not sure what that parenthetical statement means? Halo but not the Halo game and Star Wars but not the Star Wars movies? I'd pick the original trilogy over Halo, but as soon as you add other stuff in, Halo might win.

5. I am the eggman. Woo!


1. What is your least favorite color?


2. What does the room which houses the computer from which you usually access BZP look like?*


3. Are you allergic to anything?


4. Why is Smeag so weird?


5. How do you feel about the Time of the Angels cliffhanger?


*I apologize for the incredibly awkward wording...



1. Puce.

2. It's fairly small and very cluttered. There's a desk with my computer, an entertainment center with my TV and Xbox, a couple of bookcases, a sofa, and chair for my desk. Lots of games and books, and movies, and miscellaneous knickknacks too.

3. I have some mild pet dander allergies.

4. I wish I knew.

5. It's almost tomorrow!


1. Are you Black Six or are you an imposter?

2. Are you shure?

3. Why are you so shure of that?

4. How many days were you a member when you became staff?

5. Wow (?)

6. Have you ever been stalked?

7. Why do you do what you do?

8. What was it like being banned?

9. Did it feel wierd not being an admin for those few days?

10. How art thou doing outside of thee computer life?

11. Hath thee ever spoken in Olden English?

12. What is the meaning of life?

13. How did this happen?

14. Pineapple or kiwi?

15. How many times have you died?

16. Do you play sports?

17. Do you play a musical instrument?

18. Why so?

19. Do you enjoy answering these questions?

20. How did this happen?

21. What is 2 x 3 + 27 - 1007 x 5?

22. What is your opinion on monkeys?

23. Do you read comics?

24. Do you read manga?

25. Are you humourus IRL?

26. Did I spell that right?

27. Have you ever broken a bone?

28. Do you eat cereal?

29. What variant is your favriote?

30. Are enjoying your life?

31. Why did you do it?

32. Hot tea or iced tea?

33. Are you missing any limbs?

34. Are you missing any vital organs?

35. Do you enjoy being an admin?

36. Does the power go to your head sometimes?

37. You do have a head, right?

38. Why do you have my name?

39. Italian or Mexican food?

40. What is the longest mailbag you've gotten?

41. What made you join BZPower?

42. Do you own a pet?

43. What kind?

44. Chocolate or vanilla?

45. What is your favriote word?

46. Do you watch Deadliest Warrior?

47. What is your goal in life?

48. What is your favriote weapon?

49. Is this a question?

50. 50 questions, what am I doing with my life?

51. Armadillo or Kangaroo?

52. Do you perfer cold weather over hot weather?

53. How many times have you been forced to use the almighty ban-hammer?

54. Who is your favriote?

55. Have you ever had amnesia?

56. Spammey sentence.

57. What is your opinion on the way BIONICLE ended?

58. Marvel or DC?

59. T-Mobile or Verizon?

60. Do you know this?

61. Do you know anything?

62. Cheez-its or Cheez-nips?

63. Did you know it took me an hour to write all these?

64. Should I really be spending all this time doing this?

65. Why did I just do all this?

1. I'm Black Six.

2. No, I'm sure.

3. Because I know that I'm me.

4. About four days.

5. I know, right?

6. Maybe.

7. Because I am who I am.

8. It was a nice break.

9. Nope.

10. Lots and lots of work.

11. Every now and then.

12. If I knew, would I tell you.

13. What?

14. Pineapple.

15. Zero.

16. Not regularly.

17. No.

18. You're not making sense half the time here.

19. Not especially.

20. Stop it!

21. -5002

22. They're pretty rad primates.

23. Yes.

24. No.

25. Sometimes.

26. No.

27. No.

28. Yes.

29. Frosted Flakes.

30. More or less.

31. Seriously, not funny.

32. Iced.

33. No.

34. No.

35. Most days.

36. I try to avoid that.

37. Yes.

38. I have my name name, not yours.

39. Italian.

40. Probably this.

41. It seemed better than the other Bionicle community that I was running.

42. Yes.

43. A cat.

44. Chocolate.

45. Defenestrate.

46. No.

47. To be happy.

48. Can't say I've ever thought about it.

49. Yes.

50. Wasting it away.

51. Kangaroo.

52. Yes.

53. I lost track a while ago.

54. I don't have favorites.

55. Not that I remember.

57. It had to happen somehow.

58. Marvel.

59. Verizon.

60. The real question is, do you?

61. A thing or two.

62. Cheez-its.

63. That's sad.

64. No.

65. Some odd sense of dedication.


1. Approximately how much time do you spend on BZPower every day?

2. If you were not an administrator would you still frequent BZP?

3. Why does your signature have six lines in it?

1. I'd have to guess three to four hours.

2. Probably not.

3. It doesn't. Try again.



Sometimes it's just of of those days. This has been one of those weeks... Hope everyone has a better weekend than me!


Recommended Comments

I definitely didn't read through all of Songbird Nuva's questions. =P

And this week has deinitely been one of those weeks.



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