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So Much To Do!



First thing: BrickFair Mosaic Project! We've got the Onua mosaic up now, which is filling up slowly but surely, but there's still several pieces left that need claiming.


My brother is graduating in less than three weeks from high school (woo!), so I'm working on a card for him. He loves VW Beetles and bough one last year, so I figured a card of his VW with a graduation cap would be something he'd like quite a lot.




(lazy webcam shot because I didn't want to uncover my scanner from under a pile of books and paper)


This is just the first layer of paint, and I'm going to refine it in the next few layers. Any comments or suggestions for improvement? The angle of the gradation cap is a tad wonky I feel, so I'll fix that. It's going to cut it out after, so it'll be more like a post card and that'll get rid of the scraggly edges.


My school held the Spring Fling yesterday, so I went and helped out at the radio station's table. We did a live broadcast for most of the time there, which was an absolute blast. We ended up dragging other club leaders over to promote their groups on-air, and then rambling in the way that we usually do. I think I might sneak into the station a few times in the next few days or the week after this and do an impromptu show, because it made me realize how much I miss being in the radio station and doing a show on a regular basis.


We leave for Indiana on Monday. I'm becoming slightly nervous and paranoid that I'm suddenly going to become injured or sick or something like the poles being sent to the wrong airport and don't get to us in time for the meet is going to happen.


I have way too much homework to finish right now. Dangnabit.


(and 73 days until BrickFair!!!!)


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First of all: No poles are getting left behind or sent somewhere they don't belong, k? ;) You're gonna be just fine.


Now then, onto that cool-looking VW beetle: Make the black shiny! I used to have a die-cast model of one totally black and those things love being shiny.


Btw, just out of curiosity: Is it one of the very first beetles with a split rear-window or some of the later ones?

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Personally, I’d be more afraid of soaring through the air on a pole. I get nervous and paranoid like that too so I wouldn’t worry too much it’s natural, just don’t let it takeover you.


The card looks pretty nice already, although I didn’t realize it was a card until I saw the picture… I thought you were making him a hat or some thing to put on his hat. :lol:


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