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Star Trek: Colony 5 Info




Colony 5 will be a BZP-Hosted Star Trek series, with a total of 7 yearly seasons. Each season will start on the first saturday of January, and will have 20 stories per season.

Ideas for a stories will be PM'd to one of the 3 story leaders (one of which will be me). If 2 out of the 3 of them like the idea, it is accepted. If accepted, the person has a choice: Either write the story themself, or ask a volunteer writer to write it. They will have a 2-week deadline to write it. Once written, it will be PM'd to a story leader. They will edit it, for storyline accuracy and what they want in the story. They then PM it to the next Story Leader. They then edit it. Then, they PM it to me, and i edit it. then, I PM it to the origional writer. If they change anything we want to have changed, the cycle repeats. This continues until the story is perfect.

Now, things that will happen:

1st thing: I will have a contest to decide the 2 other story leaders. this will be decided by a 125-question star trek quiz. The first 10 people to volunteer will be sent the quiz, and the 2 highest scores will become the leaders. their duties will be:

*Help me decide the characters, and other basic plot points
*Editing stories sent in
*Judging who becomes the volunteer writers
*Voting on what ideas get in.

This is currently in progress

2nd Thing: I will have a contest to decide 10 Volunteer Writers. They will have to send in samples of their writing, and will be judged by the story leaders. Their Duties will be:

*Write stories for ideas sent in

The 10 people that get in will cycle around, taking turns on who writes.

3rd Thing: I will have an artwork contest to draw the characters decided by myself and the story leaders. It will be judged by the Story Leaders, and maybe myself.

anything in this plan you don't agree with, or have a question or comment about, let me know. i'm open to changes.


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I volunteer as well, and I can say with 95% certainty that KillerMike: Toa of StarTrek will not only volunteer, but win one of those story leader spots.

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erm...sorry, Storyline Leader volunteering is closed. Although we'll have writers volunteer sometime this week ;)

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2 things. What era, and what ship is that in the banner?


1: not that longer after Spock left to the mirror universe, so only 10-20 years after DS9, max.


2:It's a nova class ship, we don't have a name yet.

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