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Time Travel Makes My Head Hurt



I'm off from school today, 'cos I've got a sore throat. So, I decided to make the most of things, and started planning some things for my epic., City of Dreams. Namely time travel.


The problem arises like this. In most stories, someone does something wrong, so they go back in time to correct it. This can't happen, as the event has now been corrected, so it never went wrong in the first place.


Still with me? This means that you have to be incredibly careful with time travel. It can be done, and still make sense. The trick is to confuse the characters - they think the event is wrong, so they go back to correct it, but it's actually been right all along, due to their correction.


My head hurts.




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I understand perfectly. Very soon, some nice men in white coats will come and take you to a room that's all soft! Won't that be splendid?




Sanity is too high a price to pay. Stop thinking about such dangerous ideas; you might make other people think, and who knows where that could lead?


Hee hee hee.



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First,I quite didn`t understand.But after reading again about three times,I finally understood,and there`s also one thing that`s quite troubling about timae travelling,if we went back trough time to correct something,and then time moves on,but won`t time stay at one place only,which is the time that we decided to travel back trough time,wont time be stuck at that time only?


Let's not think about it, it's far too confusing! :D



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That gives me an excellent idea for Eurtheria. Thanks, Seran! Er, I mean, Aero! It is alright that I use the idea of 'The trick is to confuse the characters - they think the event is wrong, so they go back to correct it, but it's actually been right all along, due to their correction'...right?


If you wish. I'm confused enought as it is. -A

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