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Did You Know...

Lewa Krom


...that if Greg keeps writing at the same pace he is now (roughly one new chapter every 2-3 weeks), The Yesterday Quest and The Powers That Be won't be finished until about this time next year?* And that's not even counting Sahmad's Tale.


I'm really not buying the whole "Greg is too busy thing". In 2007 he's update every serial with a chapter every 1-2 weeks in addition to writing the books, the comics, and his regular job at Lego and he still had time to write The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet. 2008 he'd get one chapter a week (roughly) in addition to the book, the comics, etc. Now, yes he has diabetes now. That is very unfortunate and I should be laying off Greg a little, but so far this year we've had maybe 8-9 serial chapters while Greg works on... his regular job. :( I'm just a little flustered about how we aren't getting any story.


*(Assuming that TYQ and TPTB are +/- 10 chapters each.)


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the 2007 stuff was deadlined...that's part of it.


and he has his child, which is big....My English teacher believes in getting our weekly papers back by class the next week, and was intent on it. But because of her baby this year, we were getting papers back a month + later.


It's a valid reason. (though keep in mind that my english teacher is the woman, thus the one doing more work, so my situation was a little worse, but the husband does a whole lot as well.)

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I understand that but the baby hasn't even been born yet. I know there's alot going on even before the baby's born. But this has been the trend since 2009 - we only got three serials that year, one which carried over into this year.

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