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Mauled, Not Maced

Kopaka's Ice Engineering



MAN, that stung.


Let me get one thing straight, Chicago fan:

It's not that no one said you could win that game. It's that no one wanted you to win that game.

There's a difference.


Still, we get the feeling that there's a new attitude about the Saints. It feels like that this season wasn't a fluke, and that we're capable of not-being-laughingstocks, barring apocalyptic injuries.

First thing on the April shopping list: a new cornerback. Fred Thomas, it's been wonderful, but it's time to hang up the cleats, yo. The game is passing you by.



Thank you, Drew Brees.

Thank you, Sean Payton.

Thank you, Reggie Bush.

Thank you, Bless-You Boys. Thank you for restoring some hope and pride in the franchise.




I took the plunge and opened a Maj account. I'm not going to rattle off which one it is...because, uh, I don't remember the number. :lookaround:

But my reasons for getting one are simple: I hauled a good bit of stuff back this weekend, and I just can't tell you all about it without pictures.


No, Omi, I didn't fully tip my hand last night.




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I'll agree, I definitely didn't want the Bears to win. And after the Katrina thing, where of all places, Oklahoma ended up as a giant refuge for those from Louisiana, I've got a soft spot for New Orleans sports teams. The Hornets, the Saints. I crossed paths with too many neat people from down there.


Also, I'm a Packers fan, so I hate the Bears anyway. ^_^

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*Cries* I think my mom is heartbroken, she was watching the game, and I rarely see her like that but....


*Flash back*




Sigh...I pity the saints...Silly bears. Saints deserved it!

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Silly bears? Pssh. Bears needed it anyway. Illinois has been lookig like a loseer sate for a while. We just got one world series. We havent won in the SuperBowl in 20 years. W only have one bad player.. Grossman. Belgh.

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Silly bears? Pssh. Bears needed it anyway. Illinois has been lookig like a loseer sate for a while. We just got one world series. We havent won in the SuperBowl in 20 years. W only have one bad player.. Grossman. Belgh.

Haven't won a SuperBowl in 20 years?!





The New Orleans Saints have won exactly 2 playoff games (2001 Wild Card Round, vs. Rams; 2007 Divisional Round, vs. Eagles) in 40 years.




Don't think the Bears needed it worse than the Saints, unless you're prepared to say teams like the Saints are in the league only to lose games to good teams like the Bears.

(and if you say that, expect the full complement of heck, fire, and brimstone to be levvied upon you and your franchise)



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Silly bears? Pssh. Bears needed it anyway. Illinois has been lookig like a loseer sate for a while. We just got one world series. We havent won in the SuperBowl in 20 years. W only have one bad player.. Grossman. Belgh.

Haven't won a SuperBowl in 20 years?!





The New Orleans Saints have won exactly 2 playoff games (2001 Wild Card Round, vs. Rams; 2007 Divisional Round, vs. Eagles) in 40 years.




Don't think the Bears needed it worse than the Saints, unless you're prepared to say teams like the Saints are in the league only to lose games to good teams like the Bears.

(and if you say that, expect the full complement of heck, fire, and brimstone to be levvied upon you and your franchise)




Even as Bears fan...I actully think Bears are in the league to lose to other good teams. If you looked at all the years after our Superbowl....We sucked. I mean we really sucked. 05 we were ok. This is our year to shine. I bet the Saints will make it next year...They got pretty far. Plus the main reason I belive they lost is...We use real grass you guys use artifical..we had snow...Conditions befor ethey played were bad for them.



Yes I am a a hypocrite. :P

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