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Mass Effect



is such an amazing game. It took some time getting used to, but all the interaction and role-playing elements are great. The only problem I have with it is selecting my team members.


I love having Ashley Williams as part of my team along with Tani. My custom character is a Vanguard, and that combination of team members doesn’t seem to be fairly balanced. I can make more balanced teams if I use other character and make all three expertise balanced, but I like them so much.


Garrus, Wrex, and Kaidan have only been on my team once or twice for missions, and I haven’t even used Liara T’Soni yet on my team.


My paragon point count just keeps growing, and I’ve only received Renegade points once.



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First time through I played as a Soldier with Tali and Wrex.


FYI Liara isn't very good and if you put points in all her abilities there's a glitch where she can't use either Warp or Overload, I don't remember which.



I've thought about using Wrex but he isn't as easy on the eyes as Ashley. ;)


I'll keep that in mind about the glitch. I don't remember how I spread out her points... I almost put them in everything but ran out.

Lady Kopaka


What?? Wrex is oh so beautiful.


I love Mass Effect. You'll love ME2 even more. I need to start playing it again...



Wrex is real purty with that white and pink armor I put on him. *teehee*


Actually, he’s pretty cool now that I have different armor on him. He’s the second person I use in certain conditions. Seeing him up close on the television is amazing though. He really is beautiful to look at.


I almost have Mass Effect finished. :D


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