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Kopaka's Ice Engineering




I realize it's been a solid 4 months since I've posted anything worthwhile. In fact, this entry may go largely unheralded, but I'm not worried.



I've been equal parts Busy and Distracted during this summer. My wife & I planted a garden, and tomatoes were never this much fun growing up. Beyond that, it's been good to scratch out a living, so to speak.


Amanda & I went back to where it all began: Akron, Ohio. Well, we were in Akron to go to Canton for the Pro Football Hall of Fame enshrinement ceremonies for Rickey Jackson, the first Saints player to march into Canton. I didn't fully realize it in 2003, 2 years after the Summer That Changed Just About Everything, but here in 2010, 9 years after the fact, I do understand: time marches forward. Many things change, yet some stay the same. The world in my memories now exists only there: in my memories.

And yet, it's a good thing. By the same token that it was good for BIONICLE to not sit & spin where it was in 2001, it's good that I don't sit & spin where I was in 2001, regardless of my wishes at the time for that to be the case.


I promised thoughts on the Deepwater - Horizon oil spill. By virtue of some emails Congress decided to leak, this falls purely on British Petroleum's head. Whether or not upper management created a culture that some engineers had to forfeit their ethos and send unsafe, unsound directions to the rig, I don't know. I don't really care, either: Obama's shut down of deepwater drilling cost my dad his job: 35 years with one company, only to be laid off 2 years before he can start drawing Social Security.


I'll try to hunt & peck at more thoughts to come, but this is all I've time for at the moment. Rest assured, big things are on the horizon here.





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Nice to see you updating. Things going all right then?


I am not keen on the shutting down of deep-water drilling; the media really exaggerated the entire thing. I'm sorry about your dad's job.

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Man it's good to see an update from you. Glad to hear that things seem good, despite busy, for you and Mrs. KIE. I hope your father is all right. Hang in there, all of you!

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