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Go Khaki!

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


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Image borrowed from Wikipedia.

Dune III it is not. :lol:

Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn was the game that all but made the RTS genre. Released by Westwood Studios and [the now defunct] Virgin Interactive in 1995 as just "Command & Conquer", it had every element of turn-based strategy, but without the turns. Pitting a military arm of the U.N. called the Global Defense Initiative against the quasi-religious terrorist group the Brotherhood of Nod, this game packed a lot of effort into such a, by today's standards, lowly package.

And Michael & I bought that game back in 1995. I played the good guys; he played the bad guys.
Neither of us got around to finishing the game, until we "rediscovered" it in a drawer at the house.

So, I brought it back to the apartment Sunday, and I'm ashamed to say it, but I haven't been on Ultima Online since. I was up to 1:30 AM Monday morning, and 11:30 last night, playing this.
I'm kinda hung up in the Hungary scenario (GDI level 9), and I really need a break from it. I mean, I missed out on a launch of a new piece of Virtue armor in UO over the weekend.

I'm such a slacker. And that's not even considering the time at work spent to draw up this entry.



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