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Chrono Storm

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Traku, you should be all over this entry. ;)



Yet another picture borrowed from Wikipedia


I had bought this game back in 2002, after enjoying Command & Conquer: Red Alert so thoroughly. I even brought it with me to Akron when I went to graduate school.

But, as luck would have it, I had to do a factory reset of my computer to uninstall the Cisco software that let me log in to the UofA network, losing a few custom maps in the process. Then, upon my return home (May 2003), I was instructed that I wasn't supposed to tie up the phone line (To this day, my parents are still on dialup.) unless it was in the process of becoming gainfully employed. No internet connection meant no BZP or Ultima Online, so I had to find something else to bide my time, waiting for phone calls [from employers] that weren't coming.


I got pretty good at wars of attrition in this game. Strategically placed GIs, mass quantities of GIs moving-then-dropping, diversions followed by tank rushes, luring into mirage/GI ambushes, mirage camping of soviet ore fields, I loved terrorizing the red computer. I even got so far as the final Allied level, and then in July my parents relented: I was allowed a bit of personal time online.


3½ years later, my brother calls me on the phone and mentions he's going to return the CD set to me. I was wondering where it was. I got the CDs Sunday and I fired it up Tuesday night. Even picked up a patch I didn't know I needed.


Now, I'm back online. And, assuming you all go easy on me from the outset (I am rusty.), I'd love to entertain someone in an online match. My Westwood ID is the same as my no-longer-working AIM name in my profile, less the space.


-KIE, British commander


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Yeah, custom maps are a pain to lose, especially when you've made or generated an oil field that could make you so rich your money quits going up eventually. I remember this one custom Tiberian Sun map where there was some red Tiberium that, when it was harvested, it made you money shoot up so high that the counter froze.


Terriorizing red armies is an intresting thing to do when you're waiting for some Superweapon to be ready. Mirage tanks by ore fields is the most annoying thing in the world.


So, the last Allied level is slightly difficult, but in comparison to the GLA in Generals, it's a piece of cake. I actually completely cleared the city of the defenders.


Something I found intringing about the tenth or so Allied mission, where you must defend the lab and Chronosphere from Soviet attack, is in Yuri's revenge, Soviet, second mission, you play as the red in that exact mission, minus the two allies.


It would be fun should I try playing against you online. I have permission, but it would need to be tested if it works.



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