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R P Gs In The C O T



Okay, so I've noticed a trend of RPGs (that's Role-Playing Games, not Rocket-Propelled Grenades or whatever else it could stand for) down in Completely Off Topic lately. Now I have nothing against them, but there certainly are a lot of them. Too much product without limitation often causes lethargy. Yes, you have choices, but where should you begin? If you don't figure out what you want to do, you stop moving.


So to keep some order and prevent flooding of them in the forum, I'll be limiting approval. No, this doesn't mean I'm going to automatically be saying no to your RPG: it just means I won't be approving everyone of them right as they arrive.


At most, I'll probably only approve a few each week to allow for these games to get their feet off and running. If you want your game to succeed, you have allow for some breathing room. I won't give a definitive number because things can happen, causing the number to change.


Rest assured, if you have submitted an RPG idea, and I have not gotten back to you, it doesn't mean I've denied your game. It means I may not have read it yet; in which case, I'm not ready to approve any games just yet. Or it could mean I'm looking it over, seeing if something can be improved before its "released."


I'm also planning something right now and have other things to take care of, so be patient until I get around to you. If you're too impatient, then the answer will most likely be no because patience is often necessary if you wish to be a leader. In essence, if you are a game's starter, you are its leader. Besides, being pushy only pushes away.


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM


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Now that I think about it, I have never sent request to start an RPG. I don't think I'll be startin' anytime soon, because there's a lot to choose from already.


And why the color change?





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Now that I think about it, I have never sent request to start an RPG. I don't think I'll be startin' anytime soon, because there's a lot to choose from already.


And why the color change?

Someone gets it. ^_^


As for the color change, I felt I should go with something a bit darker and easier to see... besides, it was a good time for some change. :P


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM


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