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Caterpillar! There's Staff Page Info Here

Did you know there is a page about the BZPower Staff with pictures and descriptions of them? Well if you didn’t know before you do now! The reason I’m posting this blog is because I’ve changed my biography to “All work and no play makes Jon a dull boy.”


I’m looking for one lucky person to write a new entry describing me. The best description chosen by the masses, polling, or whatever means will be featured as my new bio. See my old description below for reference.




Premier Forum Assistants

Staff member since February 2009


Sisen is… Wait, Sisen Who? First know as Sisentheforgottentoa and a few other deviations of Sisen after that, his original name holds true to not being entirely well known around the forums. Sisen is derived from Sisenikelet, the reverse spelling of telekinesis, his favorite power. He used to have an older account but lack of interest and forgetfulness led him to disappearing for a year, he rejoined in 2005 and has been a member ever since. Sisen was also the first newb staff member to be promoted in 2009. Completely Off Topic is where he dwells most of the time, with werewolves and vampires, but he makes appearances everywhere else now and then.


A fan of Bionicle, he isn’t one of those hardcore MoCers. He simply enjoys building whenever he has inspiration or for the fun of entering a contest, and collecting whatever sets he is able to purchase. Some say he is a good blacksmith (he agrees) winning the S&T Xian Weapons contest could be proof of this.


Outside of Bionicle (Because he doesn’t have a life besides BZP XD), he is pretty much like every other geeky staff member, even those that don’t admit it. He enjoys science, drawing, reading, and sometimes writing, most of all, he enjoys magic and the arcane. Sorcery, Alchemy, Wizardry, you name it; he probably knows a thing or two about it. If you ask one of his friends, they’d most likely tell you he has a knack for figuring things out, whether he is actually able to predict the future is unknown, it might just be his analytical skills at work. Very rarely is he surprised by something he doesn’t see coming.


He is 21 and currently taking college courses online at the Art Institute of Pittsburg, majoring in Graphic Design. As of now he is halfway through his curriculum but due to rising costs he is going to seek employment in the real world, if only to support his educational expenses, a very scary thought for a paranoid person like him. If you’d like to know more about this young man you can check out his personal profile or blog, it isn’t possible to mention everything single blipping thing here, but he has a few lists that should shed more light on his interests.


Could he be the only member that resides in West Virginia? He is surely the only staff member there.


He’s handling the trauma of being “newb” very well. However, it is unforeseen if there will be any long term psychological effects.


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Caterpillar is a nubby nub nub.


He is also an okay person and a mighty pillar of catering standing between a well-fed wedding reception and a horde of ravenous cannibals.


Someday Caterpillar will blossom into a beautiful butterfly-- I mean, Forum Leader.


But until then, he is a nubby nub nub.



Sisen can bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death.


When he's not saving the world with the Harlem Globetrotters, he's playing a casual game of poker with Voldemort, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the Rugrats.


On the weekends, he herds chinchillas in the Himalayan mountain range and knits sweaters for chilly hippogriffs.



Lady Kopaka


Sisen can bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death.


When he's not saving the world with the Harlem Globetrotters, he's playing a casual game of poker with Voldemort, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the Rugrats.


On the weekends, he herds chinchillas in the Himalayan mountain range and knits sweaters for chilly hippogriffs.



Oh man, Sisen in a nutshell.





Sisen can bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death.


When he's not saving the world with the Harlem Globetrotters, he's playing a casual game of poker with Voldemort, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and the Rugrats.


On the weekends, he herds chinchillas in the Himalayan mountain range and knits sweaters for chilly hippogriffs.



Oh man, Sisen in a nutshell.








It is done, thanks Nukaya Steve!

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