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Lack Of Title Creating Is Getting To Me...



I can't think of any good blog titles lately... <_<


Anyway, I've just completely updated my website. It has a totally new layout featuring two drawings I've drawn recently. The one to the left is my interpretation of me, and the one behind it is a picture of a sunset I drew completely in pen with the character Aqual I told you about in a past entry. I really like this layout, compared to the last one. If you view my past layouts, you can see how my web design skills have improved.


About that drawing of me... I sketched it a few nights ago. I was originally going to just doodle, so I just used a notebook. That's why there's lines on it. Even though I could of Photoshoped those out, I decided to leave them, and I came up with a new technique that gave it a nice, sketchy look. You can see the entire image here.


And if you wanted to, you can view the sunset drawing here. ^_^


I also changed the name of my blog. I personally like this name better.

Nevermind, I actually like this name better. :rolleyes:


IPB Image






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Woah! You are absolutely fantastic at CGing!


Would you mind telling how you do that gradient-style shading? Please? Nobody will tell me. :lol:


Hey, you like all the bands and singers I like. TobyMac, RelientK, Newsboys (listenin' to them now), Chris Rice, Weird Al, Apologetix, Switchfoot, Jump5...:wacko: Must...stop...


You think you could add some space beneath that scroll menu. It may be just me, but I'm kind of uncomfortable about having to read something when I'm not able to move it to the center of my screen.


I really like your banner, though. You did a good job cutting out your character, and I like that shadow you gave him. How did you do that?



Turakii: The LarryBoy-Obsessed Lavasurfer



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Would you mind telling how you do that gradient-style shading? Please? Nobody will tell me. :lol:

Of course! But just so you know, things will be explained asuming you use Photoshop. ;) Anyway, I just color each part a basic color I want, then I use the "burn" tool to darken areas, and the "dodge" tool to lighten areas.


Hey, you like all the bands and singers I like. TobyMac, RelientK, Newsboys (listenin' to them now), Chris Rice, Weird Al, Apologetix, Switchfoot, Jump5... :wacko: Must...stop...

Awsome! :lol:


You think you could add some space beneath that scroll menu. It may be just me, but I'm kind of uncomfortable about having to read something when I'm not able to move it to the center of my screen.

Yeah, I'm working on that. I'm going to get rid of the small scroll area. I just need to change a few things on each page to do that. :wacko: But don't worry, It'll be fixed!


I really like your banner, though. You did a good job cutting out your character, and I like that shadow you gave him. How did you do that?

I just copied him, made the copy darker, blured it a little, moved the copy under the original, diplaced it a little, gave it 25% transparency, and there you go! A shadow! It's a lot simpler than it sounds though. :P

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