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What's Up? Larryboy. He's Stuck To The Ceiling.

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


LarryBoy's hanging above me by one super-suction ear, reading over my shoulder and commenting on all my typos. :lol: Apparently, he's decided my blog is more important to guard than Bumblyburg.


And Matau's standing right behind me, looking over my shoulder as well. Honestly, I can't write anything by myself anymore.


EDIT: Ooh ooh ooh lookie! And I wasn't even done yet!




Well, I'm doing pretty well for a person who only got three hours of sleep last night. Don't ask how. Maybe it had something to do with sleeping with my new Larry plushie. I was paralyzed with fear that I might accidentally lay on him, for fear he'd loudly announce, "I'm Larry the Cucumber!"


His batteries are new, and he's loud. :wacko:


I lay awake until one-thirty AM, thinking about my latest comedies (I got another written last night, by the way, but haven't typed it out yet), and finally gave up and read a Home School Detective book. I finished reading about two AM and tried to sleep again, but sleep had abandoned my like a broken coffee maker, so I read the next Home School Detective Book too. I love those books, although they're actually for ages eight to twelve. (Shh, don't tell that a fourteen-year-old is reading them.) They're about a bunch of, you guessed it, home-schooled kids who solve mysteries. The first one is about how they solve a thirty-year-old mystery involving stolen valuables and a mysterious guy with blue eyes.


Anyone else around here read them?


Anyways, I finished the second book at two-thirty and was finally all snuggled up in bed again (nice, soft bed! Ahh...) by three. I decided that, if I didn't fall asleep in the next half-hour, I'd get up and just stay up all night. I've never done that, though my brother and one of his friends have, at different times.


Unfortunately, soon after coming to that decision, I fell asleep. Drat. And my XMRadio turned off, too. Sigh.


If someone here has managed to keep awake a whole night, I'd appreciate your feelings and thoughts on it. My brother was too tired to talk about it.


I woke up again at six-thirty and didn't fall asleep again. No clue what it was with my not falling asleep.


I managed to make it through the day and only collapsed once, and that was on my bed for a quick nap. (Nice, soft bed.)


---*Abrupt change from one boring subject to another. Boy, I'm tired.*---


I'm listening to Belly of the Whale, from the credits of the Veggietales Jonah movie. That song was the whole reason we bought the video. And the only reason we wanted to hear the song was because Steve Taylor, the best lyricist ever and lyricist for the Newsboys (or, he was) did a rap near the end. He says it so fast, it's hard to figure out what he's saying without the lyrics. Once you know what he's saying, it's easier to sing it with him.


I'm in the belly of the whale

In an underwater jail

It's a tight squeeze

It's a-getting to me

But it's roomier than the tail

Hey, Sailor, got my flow free

Like a salmon to the sea

From the L.A. Symphony

I'm a paddleboat

Paddlin' in their wake

A fake free-styler

But my unemployment pays

I'm avoiding clichés

Like "whale of a tale" say

Or "you can't keep a good man down"

Cause you can

And I've been there, man

But I've been expectorated

I'm elated!

I'm free like Willie!

Happy day!

Oops, that's a bit of a cliché


Those are the entire lyrics. The DVD credits took out the parts marked with red. :glare: I like that part. It's really annoying when I'm trying to rap along with the DVD ones, instead of the ones we got off the internet. I suddenly find myself singing "whale of a tale" alone.


Okay, one more thing, on the subject of my "obsession with LarryBoy." I just thought I'd mention that, since I seem to be the only member drawing and posting pictures of LarryBoy (if I'm not, the fellow LB artists must step forward and show their art), that I have to make up for it by "drawing like the wind," not to mention like mad. :lol:


Anyways, lots of people can have huge topics with over fifty pieces of Bionicle artwork, and no one says they're obsessed. All I did was draw Turakii with plunger ears.


While I admit I am obsessed, I just thought I'd mention why I've become obsessed so suddenly. :D



Turakii: The Sleepy Lavasurfer


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I'm listening to Belly of the Whale, from the credits of the Veggietales Jonah movie.

And I'm listening to the soundtrack as I read this! :lol: Funny...


If someone here has managed to keep awake a whole night, I'd appreciate your feelings and thoughts on it. My brother was too tired to talk about it.

As far as I remember, I've only stayed up an entire night once. I think I was eight, and we were traveling from Colorado to New York by train, and we were waiting for a train at one of the train stations (I forgot where). The train was supposed to be at the station at 10:00 PM, but it was extremely late. My sisters slept on the bench while we waited, but I couldn't sleep. So we waited... then at around 11:30, my dad and I went to the gift shop to bust our boredom, and I got a plastic snake thing to play with while we waited. at around midnight, the train still wasn't there and I was hungry. My mom said if the train wasn't there by 1:00 we could get something to eat at the food court. Sure enough, that happened. I think I had some fries and a soda. The rest I don't remember completely, but sometime later in the morning the train fanally arrived! When I was on the train, I slept till we got to our next stop.


So, I was up all night waiting for a train. I wasn't exsactly miserable. I just thought it was a neat experience. Plus I got to stay up all night! Though later, I couldn't stay awake! :rolleyes:



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If you want comments from someone who has successfully stayed up 'til dawn, Schizo Kaita comes freshest to mind.

M'self, I've pulled the "getting in at 2 & 3 AM" bit, and the "getting up before 4 AM" bit as well. But never in the same night.


Trust me, it's not something of which one ought make a habit. Invariably, you crash pretty hard when you do get to slepp.




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And I'm listening to the soundtrack as I read this! Funny...

:blink: What a coincidence.


Were you listening to it on your computer?


So, I was up all night waiting for a train. I wasn't exsactly miserable. I just thought it was a neat experience. Plus I got to stay up all night! Though later, I couldn't stay awake!

That's just why I want to do it, for the experience.


It's the "being unable to stay awake later" part that makes me uneasy.


Thanks for the input, Air-Master! *Adds to files.* I'll keep it in mind next time I can't sleep.


If you want comments from someone who has successfully stayed up 'til dawn, Schizo Kaita comes freshest to mind.

He has!? Oh, gotta get him to drop by here...


M'self, I've pulled the "getting in at 2 & 3 AM" bit, and the "getting up before 4 AM" bit as well. But never in the same night.

Ooh...I feel sorry for you. :annoyed2: Getting up that early can be a real pain.


Trust me, it's not something of which one ought make a habit. Invariably, you crash pretty hard when you do get to slepp.

Okay. I'll file that, too. *Files it.*


Thanks for the info and for dropping by, guys!



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And I'm listening to the soundtrack as I read this! Funny...

:blink: What a coincidence.


Were you listening to it on your computer?

Yep. And I'm glad I could be of some help! ^_^

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I once stayed up all night under my covers with a flashlight reading Chris d'Lacey's Icefire. It's a book about clay dragons that come to life. Anywho, when I was done I accidentilly(sp?) went to sleep, after planning on staying up 24 hours.


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