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Writers' Alliance Weekly Update--10/31/10

Riisiing Moon


Clueless? Not for long!


Also, check this out!


This week's theme will be--


Epic Scenes


This one's pretty simple, yet harder to accomplish than many would think. It is an entirely optional tool of writing, and an unbelievably fun device to incorporate into your writing every once in a while. Additionally, if done correctly, it can drastically increase the reader's level of absorption into your story, and the story's general intensity. So, what exactly is it? It's creating just that--an epic scene. A huge, illustrious, magnificent sight that leaps off the page and captures the reader, creating the sensation of a over-realistic, larger-than-life, miracle world that makes you stop and hold your breath. For those of you who've seen Avatar, it's a pretty good example--massive. Beautiful, or utterly chaotic and destructive, or both. Most movies try to have at least one scene that accomplishes this, regardless of genre. Can you do it?


Vocab Words


You get one extra point for every word (or derivative of the word) used correctly in your weekly submission! Words can be used as many times as you want, but beyond the first time of all your entries this week no points will be awarded. Words are--






--Ever-[Fill in the blank]






You'll notice these aren't necessarily big, fancy words. They're not supposed to be--they're words that are fun to use, maybe roll of the tongue; words you can learn to use exactly when you need them in your writing, which is exactly what the concept of word choice is.


RM's Weekly Tips


As this week's theme is pretty straightforward and there's limitless ways to interpret it, only one tip for the week. Submit your own!


[submitted by Rising Moon]--Epic scenes are not only created by the vision you make, but by word choice. If the scene is, for example, of a lush, unfathomably beautiful pool of life erupting from the ground, choose lush, unfathomably beautiful, erupting words! They encapsulate the experience you're trying to create. If I use a robotic, metallic-sounding word to describe the magnificence that is life, it's going to be hard to capture the reader's love (and your own), and it disrupts the flow of the passage. Choose words that can be descried in the same way they themselves are describing what you're writing, and the rewarding feeling when you reach ideal perfection will be unbelievable.


Recommended Comments



[submitted by KNI]-- Epic scenes seem to slow down as they happen. It's much easier to do in movies, but still possible to do in your writing. Try and incorporate words that make the writing intense yet still family friendly.

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New chapter of Reawakened added. I had an epic battle, but I wrote it without reading this week's update, so it isn't exactly an entry.


As much as this week's topic is appealing to me, it just isn't my style to go into detail about the surroundings, and I'm afraid that it will stick out too much if I put an epic scene in the middle of my story. 'Fraid I'll have to miss out on this one again.

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I'm determined to enter a piece one of these days.

Perhaps I'll start my western this way. Maybe a cool explosion or chase scene will fit the epicness.

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