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Things That I Believe Have To Come To An End



And that's how the world began...and that's how the world will end.


Unsurprisingly, I didn't ask her out. I didn't even try. I've decided that it's time to give up...as incredibly sweet, cute, funny, and lovable as she is, I can't bring myself to ask her out. She never responds to text messages (something I do kind of understand). But she also never talks to me unless she needs to ask something band-related, and she never makes eye contact. I actually turned around one time tonight and caught her eye - she looked away almost immediately. I don't know what to think, but the impression she's given me is that of disinterest, and I think I need to assume that's what she's trying to say. So I think it's time to give in and give up. After all, maybe I'll have the chance to get to know her better sometime, and if I ask her out and she rejects me now, I'll never have the chance to ask her again. If there's really something I find so incredibly attractive about her, it'll still be there a few months..or a year..from now. In the meantime - I suppose I continue on miserable. It's not like it's such a huge change from the norm, anyway. If I asked her out, I would be crushed. If she said yes, I would be elated. If I don't do anything, I can continue on with the comfort of a familiar feeling.


I'd still love to know when it was that I lost that leg, though.


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Well, just don't dwell on it for too long. I've been puttering around with asking one girl I know out for years now. After a long time of consideration and realizations, I realized that not only is she just not that interested in me, but that there are so many others around me that I could take a liking to, who could share the same feeling. People I'd never thought of until I gave up the idea of "It must be her." A lot more ways to go and different people to meet than I've realized.
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she never makes eye contact. I actually turned around one time tonight and caught her eye - she looked away almost immediately.

speaking from personal experience on doing the same(yes i know im a guy :P), that might mean she actually likes you.

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If you're giving up, I say might as well go for broke and lay all your cards on the table. What's the worst that could happen? Worst case scenario, she says "no", and you can get over her. Best case scenario, she says "yes", you get married, and name your first born son after me.


Then again, what do I know? I'm just some guy on the Internet. You do whatever makes you happy. ;)

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SPIRIT is a god. Everyone should name their kids after him.


Go for it. Pretty much worst thing you can get is no. Unless you're me.


In my case, I got no then 2 weeks later, said person is dating my best friend. Sorta sucks, but you have to accept some things. If they were meant to be, they will.

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Well, just don't dwell on it for too long. I've been puttering around with asking one girl I know out for years now. After a long time of consideration and realizations, I realized that not only is she just not that interested in me, but that there are so many others around me that I could take a liking to, who could share the same feeling. People I'd never thought of until I gave up the idea of "It must be her." A lot more ways to go and different people to meet than I've realized.


Quoteth for truth.



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Well, just don't dwell on it for too long. I've been puttering around with asking one girl I know out for years now. After a long time of consideration and realizations, I realized that not only is she just not that interested in me, but that there are so many others around me that I could take a liking to, who could share the same feeling. People I'd never thought of until I gave up the idea of "It must be her." A lot more ways to go and different people to meet than I've realized.


I know the feeling...I've never spent years thinking about asking a girl out, but it certainly takes me weeks...or months. But yeah, sometimes you really do have to just move on if you realize there's no mutual feelings. Which absolutely sucks.


speaking from personal experience on doing the same(yes i know im a guy :P), that might mean she actually likes you.


I know. Same thing with her avoiding talking to me...but it seems so much more likely that it's a way of saying she doesn't like me.


If you're giving up, I say might as well go for broke and lay all your cards on the table. What's the worst that could happen? Worst case scenario, she says "no", and you can get over her. Best case scenario, she says "yes", you get married, and name your first born son after me.


Then again, what do I know? I'm just some guy on the Internet. You do whatever makes you happy. ;)


True. I was just remarkably depressed on Friday; thinking about it again - you're right. Might as well do something if I've decided to do nothing...


Spirit would be a great name for a kid, by the way. Assuming it's in the sense of being an attitude of inspiration.


SPIRIT is a god. Everyone should name their kids after him.


Go for it. Pretty much worst thing you can get is no. Unless you're me.


In my case, I got no then 2 weeks later, said person is dating my best friend. Sorta sucks, but you have to accept some things. If they were meant to be, they will.


That's terrible - I'm sorry. Though for the record, unless your friend didn't know you asked her out, that's a pretty nasty thing to do...


And I know it always seems as simple as the worst being no...but I always think of what it's going to be like after that. How I'll feel, how she'll feel/act...I believe part of my problem is over-analysis.


So today, I say I'll ask her out. Come Friday, I'll probably decide not to...but we can hope my small shred of confidence might survive the week.

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