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Prologue Of The Lost City



A Prologue to an up-coming epic I am collaborating with Grant-Sud on. :3


“Long ago, a great disaster befell our great city. A massive rock, which could be seen many days prior, due to its brilliantly beautiful tail; plummeted to our world. The Impact site mere miles from our metropolis; and out to sea, the massive wave sent ashore to wash away everything, to nigh upon the horizon.”


“Though we abandoned our home and survived, some of our greatest wonders were left and lost to the ravages of nature. In time we came to settle further inland, where we eventually constructed the megalithic robotic structure only to have it literally blow to pieces.”


“Many millennia later we perfected the source of energy for this kind or robotic being, and with little time to waste. No sooner had this been mastered, we discovered our world was to structurally fail. Thus began our endeavor to construct the Mata Nui Robot.”


“Mere days before the launch of the robot, the spring in the north was taken by the crazed leader of the Fire Tribe, setting in motion the fatal blow to the world upon which we walked.”


“Even now as I write this, we prepare to depart for yet another world, to study yet more of the mysteries of this vast universe of ours. Though I hope that one day, when we truly return to our restored home world, we may once again discover our lost city. I only hope that this book safely arrives upon the shelves of the library of the Great Beings, and that to whoever finds this collection of writings, Good Luck. - Heremus"


--- --- ---


“Good Luck? What in the world is that supposed to mean!” shouted the confused Agori of Ice.


“What’s the matter?” asked the Toa of Earth approaching from across the chamber, a Matoran trailing behind.


“Oh Toa Onua, I was just reading what is supposed to be a book written by one of the Great Beings, Heremus.” The Agori held out the volume, inscribed upon the cover in the language of the Agori and, oddly enough, the programming language of the Matoran Universe; it read “Erandela – Our Lost City”.


“Very interesting, ever since we found this library due to that earthquake 3 months ago, so many intriguing memories of the past were discovered, Though I believe you may have discovered the most important of them all.” Onua said, jovially praising the female Agori.


“So you think this could merit further interest?” asked the Matoran tagging alongside the Toa.


“Think so? No, I know it does.” He calmly responded.


Recommended Comments

So... the Great Beings came to Spherus Magna from ANOTHER planet?

No no no, Thats not what I meant, I sort of envision them as planet-hoppers, studying each culture along the way.

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