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So, I have an annoying accent.


Spending five of the seven formulative years of one's speech just shy of the Oklahoma-Texas border, then spending the rest of your life northeast will do that. Worst part is it's not even a pleasant, midwest flavour - It's a disturbing mixture of north and south colloquialisms.


And one particular colloquialism I hate is the fact I have a tendency to slur the letter S. Does anyone have any suggestions to try and fix this?


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I know your pain, though honestly my weird accent is equal parts mixed languages and genetics. My advice is to just keep on talking; do some speeches, sing some, talk with people. You pick up accents better that way, so if you talk enough it'll eventually right itself out.
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Necro uses southern colloquialisms? HILARIOUS


It's okay, I have a little bit of a southern accent but I've been in the south for like 11 years. I have a tendency to leave G's off the end of some words.

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Necro uses southern colloquialisms? HILARIOUS


It's okay, I have a little bit of a southern accent but I've been in the south for like 11 years. I have a tendency to leave G's off the end of some words.

I dun have the accent, and I spent only ten years in TN, but I, too leave the G off of infinitives.


I also say "Y'awl"

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Depends on how easy you pick accents up, and how long you retain it after you've left an area. I still pronounce a lot of words with a sort of south-western accent (don't know exactly what category Colorado is in, as far as regions go, but I spent my first eight years there), but, for some reason, I'll occasionally slip into some variation on a British accent. It's hilarious when I'm speaking Spanish.

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