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This one dude did something and an evil villan tries to do something but the one dude stops the one villan but the one dude loses something important and then that one dude tries to get the one villan to tell but the one villan kills himself so the one dude goes off in a frantic search for that one object/girl. So the one dude encounters more that one villans and it delays that one dude's search for that one object. To be continued....

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They all blew up! Except one person, who had to build a time machine even though the earth was non-existant. He went back in time and stopped Earth's explosion! Thus, unfortunatly, making him disappear from existance by the time paradox. Everyone was happy though because he was really annoying, then they had a dance party at a conviently ambigous place.

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Okay, so the cow walked in, right? And then the orange was like "OMG cow, where did you go?" and then the donkey comes in too. This was the best part 'cause the donkey... lol it was so funny... the donkey tells the orange to eat a pie, and guess what? THE ORANGE EATS A PIE! LAWL!


That's about it. =D

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No nose nostril,you all have it wrong.


A llama and full house plus a donkey orange and pie stampeded everyone and had some pie.


Canibalism rocks. ()

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Smallville...is that that one show with the evil muffin and the masked chicken?


Okay, here's what happened, seriously.

The muffin dude was playing Go Fish with an egg, so the egg's like," OMG! I is lik, the awshomest|~~!!~!1!oneexxclamationpoint!" Then the muffin says," Go fish." So the chicken then bursts through the door and starts screaming," HE'S A PINBALL WIZARD, THERE HAS TO BE A TWIST, THAT PINBALL WIZARD HAS SUCH A SUBTLE WRIST!" So lik, Clark Kent burts though the doors and screams," DDO YOU BELIEVE IN MAGIC, IN A YOUNG GIRLS SOUL? THAT MUSIC CAN FREE HER.." Then something goes *BOOM* and then Janus comes and slaps people. Then I come in and scream," Woot!" Then we all bow and everyone runs away.

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Still rong.


So like there was a banana and a muffin talking some spam over some spam while clark kent slaped janus with the robot chicken and the pie bursted from a doggy door a screamed:"NO WAIZORZERZ???///1!111!11111111And ten janus came screamin while some dude named geoff came burstioning from the puie and said:"MY WAI TO GO"And then the pie lauphed and a sock came freom the ground nd screamed:"Poly wana sok?"And then the sock lauphed and clark kent got killed by Janus and nocturn came from the fishbowl and said nohing but losta sentences like..........................But then janus said:"Lets have some pie" and they all wet cannibal eccept for clark kent who was dead and then they ate him and the sock turned into a worm and lauphed at spitty.

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There was summat to do with Klingons, that much I remember.

That's right, it was Chocobos and Klingons. Sprman shot them with his impact vision.

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