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Make Your New Year's Resolution



to join the BZPRPG Season 2011. Because if you don't, I'll make my shore turtles hug you to death :P Savvy?


Seriously, even if you're a newb to RPGs, they're redoing everything, so the convoluted storyline will be gone, and the new environment will be newb-friendly. Everyone will be starting over.


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Chars can be any MU species?


Yep! 'Part from Makuta, and I'm not so sure about Titan (i.e. Axonn, not Roodaka), but you get the idea.

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I can't remember if Titans are allowed or not.


I think they are, Krayz told me that Krayzikk only needed small changes for the year startin' tomorrow.

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Wat about a Vortixx? No Roodaka, as in no Vortixx, or just no Roodaka? and wat about a guy vortixx, with no social standing?

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But yes, both genders are allowed and normally people who play as them completely ignore the Caste system they have. If they're naturalized to Eleven Isle, they likely don't even know it existed.


Take Switch, played by EW, or Sterling, played by Lazok. Granted, this was Aensetr Derrum, a semi-futuristic city where that sort of thing would have a public to be frowned upon, but you get the idea.

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I'm pretty sure they're allowed.


Yeah, seconded. What I meant was:


1) Titans with a "Roodaka" power level=O.K.

2) Titans with "Axonn" power level=N Cool

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Yeah, that's likely what krayz had to change. Maybe the mask too?




I liked it when he could teleport...




Anyways, I've suggested it before, but what would guys say to a round of mock combat, so you can sort of get a feel for it?

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Yeah, that's likely what krayz had to change. Maybe the mask too?




I liked it when he could teleport...




Anyways, I've suggested it before, but what would guys say to a round of mock combat, so you can sort of get a feel for it?


I'm fine. Anyone up to me using a profile I'll use next year as the "training 'bot", though?


EDIT: It'll be basically this gal:


Name: Aexias

Species: Skakdi of Ice

Gender: Female

Alignment: Chaotic

Appearance: Aexias often travels in a periwinkle-blue cloak with a hood, but if the situation requires it, she takes it off, revealing her jumpsuit. Aexias’ jumpsuit is also periwinkle, but with white highlights. Hidden at the hip of the jumpsuit, Aexias wears her two small swords. She also wears white gloves and boots, and carries a tissue in a pocket at her thigh. Although her race is normally ugly to others, Aexias is attractive in a kind of exotic way. Her spine sticks out above her jumpsuit, and like all Skakdi, Aexias has red eyes. Finally, her face is white, revealing her true element.

Powers: Aexias is a Skakdi of Ice, meaning she can harness that power in conjunction with another Skakdi. Her vision power is spellbinder vision, meaning that she can shoot beams of energy from her eyes that disorient opponents when they are hit. Finally, Aexias’ last power is the ability to turn intangible temporarily, in short bursts of a few seconds at a time.

Weapons/Tools: Aexias’ wields two extremely specialized small swords. These swords have no guard at the hilt and, thus, can be concealed more easily. However, if need be, Aexias will generate ice basket-hilts for the blades. Each one is a work of art, made from pure protosteel.

She has a almost extreme obsession with keeping them clean, and always wipes them with her handkerchief after battle.

Fighting Style: Aexias is a fencer, elegant and composed. She believes that footwork and composure are an important part of swordfighting (which she considers an art) and absolutely detests anyone who has sloppy composure or movements when they fight. Her blades move gracefully and quickly in many series of confusing feints and patterns as she attacks or defends with only negligent flicks of her wrist to power them into opponents. Her fighting style focuses on using minimal energy, and thus, she parries easily, or slightly sidesteps blows, all the while attacking with minimal loss of endurance. To make up for the fact that her fighting style is not the best against multiple opponents, she wields two blades. However, the main weakness of her fighting style is that her blows have no power compared to most others-they are quick and elegant, to be sure, but series of power strokes will batter them away, forcing her to retreat. She often incorporates her powers into fighting, if possible, by confusing and disorienting her opponents so that they become easy prey to her thrusts and cuts, along with temporarily turning intangible to retreat, avoid being hit, or to ambush opponents through walls. If there is a friendly Skakdi in the area, she sometimes immobilizes her prey with ice, or covers the ground with it, causing them to slip and fall as they attempt to keep up with her staccato bladework.


Although I don't have the bio, that isn't really needed for fighting.

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would that count as an unofficial rpg?


but anyways, I was thinking for my char


Name: Cassus

Species: Vortixx

Mask: None

Weapon: Hammer Axe (like a picaxe with one end like a hammer), Carving dagger

Bio: Long story short, he didn't like Xia, dithched the system, and is looking for a place to start new. He's very dexterous and likes to carve little figurines. Even though he doesn't come across as a guy who would leap at the chance of adventure, he is.

(more to come?)


Okay, that's all I have so far, it's not done yet, but I need pointers, because I haven't RP'd like, at all. Idk if that's decent, boring, or just plain weird.

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OOC: Go for it. I'll be using 2010 Jolek, if nobody minds. So, how we want to do this, Me and Mangs vs. Ads and KNI?


IC: After Tarex Rose the 20 foot tall, 3-foot thick, Jagged, jet black barrier of Obsidian that spanned the length of the Foireann's Training Colisseum, Jolek leapt off of the bottom row of seats, onto the dusty ground. As he had naturally, by force of habit nowadays, rolled to bleed off of the force of impact, Jolek caught a glimpse of another figure, entering on his side of the field. They looked familiar, but he couldn't tell for sure, as he wiped the dust from his golden eyes. Wasn't his best idea. Gazing back at the barrier in front of them, he asked Obsidius, "Don't ya think this is a little over the top?"


"Shut up, it's awesome!" was the natural response from the Rahkshi, rather, the Toa spirit inhabiting Rahkshi armor.


"Meh." was Jolek's exasperated response. Normally he would agree, but, he just... didn't feel it right now.


Unstrapping his warhammer from his back, he gave a few test swings, went over the basic motions of combat with the massive weapon. It was light to him, 'But yeah. Gotta remember I've been using this since forever, and I've been conditioned to Karz and back, from this, martial arts, and warfare. Let's see what a light swing'll do...' he mused giving a "light swing" that left a crater and multiple cracks in the hard, crystalline wall.


"THE KARZ ARE YOU DOIN'? YOU WANT THE BARRIER OR NOT?" Obsidius, as was his new name he gave himself after he was forced to inhabit the armor, roared in frustration.


"SHUT UP, I'M THINKING!" Jolek shouted at equal volume.


'Really going to have to use more control than that. Meh. I'll probably just mostly stick to fisticuffs and my knives...' he thought, glancing down at the Two blades, one large and heavy enough to block a sword reliably, the other, lighter, smaller and balanced for throwing.


'Yeah, that'll do it. Now, who am I going to be fighting alongside, Apparently this is some two on two training match of some sort...' he pondered, turning to face the new arrival.


OOC: Yeah, Mangs can attest. I type slooooowwww.

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IC: The being was a periwinkle cloaked and hooded, toa-like figure, who seemed to float as it made its graceful way towards Jolek. ITs movements were mesmerizing, and he found it a hard time taking his eyes off the cloak.


Finally stopping, the being shrugged its shoulders, dropping the cloak to reveal a lithe Skakdi in a jumpsuit the same color as the cloak. "Zo, I am to be vighting yoo? Or are ve helping each other?" She turned up her nose at the thought. "Vichever eet ees, vhere are vhe other vighters?," continued the Skakdi, contempt filling her voice at the thought of being late. "I do not vant to vight uncultured barbarians," she finished haughtily.


OOC: Did I mention Aexias has an accent? :P


EDIT: Fine by me, Raz.

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IC: The being was a periwinkle cloaked and hooded, toa-like figure, who seemed to float as it made its graceful way towards Jolek. ITs movements were mesmerizing, and he found it a hard time taking his eyes off the cloak.


Finally stopping, the being shrugged its shoulders, dropping the cloak to reveal a lithe Skakdi in a jumpsuit the same color as the cloak. "Zo, I am to be vighting yoo? Or are ve helping each other?" She turned up her nose at the thought. "Vichever eet ees, vhere are vhe other vighters?," continued the Skakdi, contempt filling her voice at the thought of being late. "I do not vant to vight uncultured barbarians," she finished haughtily.


OOC: Did I mention Aexias has an accent? :P



IC: 'Nice cloak. Somethin' entrancing about it though, wierd. Probably nothing.' the Toa thought as the Skakdi entered the colisseum.


"Well, it looks like we're on the same side. About the others, well, can't tell you, because someone decided to make an over the top barrier." he said, shooting a glare at Obsidius.


"Anyways, you're early. The training bout apparently doesn't start until another... quarter of an hour, or so, has passed." He said, using his knife as a sundial, determining which way was north by the use of his element.


"And about the whole 'uncultured barbarians' thing," he continued, cleaning his knife and beginning to stretch out in preparation of the following battle, "you may want to sit this one out, then, I'm pretty sure we're fighting a couple of newbies to the whole combat thing. Not anyone trained in Martial Arts like you or I." he amended, in the middle of a thigh stretch.

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IC: "Vell, then," the Skakdi sat down on her cloak, legs crossed, "I vill vait. And," she intoned dramatically, "I vill educate them in the art of ze blade." With that, she produced two small swords and a handkerchief from her jumpsuit and began to fuss over her weapons.


OOC: Jsyk, the 'small sword' I'm talking about is the descendant of the rapier, not a literally small sword.

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IC: "Well, don't be too harsh on them, they're only beginners." The Toa chuckled, rolling his shoulders and practicing a few basic combinations of punches, kicks, elbows, and knees. As he practiced, he began to wonder if he himself would, by force of habit, go too hard on their opponents.


"Don't want a repeat of last time..." he said to himself, shaking his head as if that would ward off bad memories, those of the actions that made him a wanted man by the Kin. "No. No, that's not going to happen ever again. I won't take the lives of anyone else unless I **** well intend to. Those two will be the only ones I will allow that to happen to." he vowed, even though that was exactly the case.


"Hm. Still got time. Might as well practice some Kahubara." he said to himself, going into a series of elaborated spins, flips, and kicks, the fighting style, just as it was developed by the matoran slaves of Skakdi, looked akin to a dance, so as to disguise the fact that it was a martial art from their masters. It looked flashy and showy, but in actuality, it took the concept of having offense and defense in one and ran wild with it, and believed everything was better with spinning. Ever since Lazok had begun teaching it to him, Jolek always practiced it when he could, and eventually was able to keep up the constant flow crucial to Kahubara. it made one a veritable windmill of limbs, allowing near nothing to get past, but still able to land powerful blows.


As Jolek practiced, he eyed Aexias and her blades. 'Interesting.' he thought.


'Let's see, they've each got about a four or five-foot cutting edge, they look extremely lightweight, no crossguard, funny, concealment purposes? Maybe, or maybe she just wants to rely more on dodging, rather than gamble on catchin another's blade. And, as any sword-bearer should, she keeps them well-polished, crucial to keep making clean cuts.' he reasoned.


"So," he said as he continued his gyrations. "You a fencer of some sort? Those blades remind me of the western Rapiers they commonly use."


OOC: Mangs and I are organizing a sort of mock combat bout, so KNI and Adriea can get a hang of RPing battles.

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IC: "Yes," confirmed Aexias neutrally, not looking up from her blades. "Ees my art, my life." She had no real pre-combat exercises, so she simply tucked her blades away again and sprung up sprightly. "And I see that yoo are a varrior, too," she said, observing Jolek. Although his style would have looked like a simple dance to less experienced eyes, Aexias was not new to the art of combat. Drawing her cloak around herself once more, Aexias sat again in a meditative pose, though in reality, she was simply watching. Watching and waiting.

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OOC: What's this? The experienced ones verses the noobs? Whatev...


IC: Kinika walks slowly into the training area, scanning for the Vortixx he would be teaming up with for combat.

"If he doesn't get here soon, I'll have to fly this solo."


OOC: Meh, I probably did something wrong. Well, let us continue.

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OOC: What's this? The experienced ones verses the noobs? Whatev...


IC: Kinika walks slowly into the training area, scanning for the Vortixx he would be teaming up with for combat.

"If he doesn't get here soon, I'll have to fly this solo."


OOC: Meh, I probably did something wrong. Well, let us continue.


OOC: Nope, nothing out of line there. And trust us, we've both survived 2010 with no complaints, we know how to RP fairly.


IC: "Yeah. This isn't my normal style, in fact, I only learned it a couple months ago, gotta naturalize my body into it, and eventually, I'll be pulling techniques like this without a second thought. Sounds like our first opponent's arrived." He said, continuing the flowing style. He wasn't confident that he had sufficient control to the movements yet, so he decided against utilizing it in combat with these two.

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OOC: I'm sure of that, Raz. (Not sarcastically, either! :))


IC: Pulling out his ebon longsword, he began charging light energy into it, making his orange glow brightly.

"Two on one? This could get...interesting." he muttered aloud. With hesitation, he surged forward, his Pakari giving him a spring in the bound. Once in range, he spun a beam of light towards Jolek.


OOC: Aderia, I'm gonna need some help! :) :tohu:

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OOC: I'm sure of that, Raz. (Not sarcastically, either! :))


IC: Pulling out his ebon longsword, he began charging light energy into it, making his orange glow brightly.

"Two on one? This could get...interesting." he muttered aloud. With hesitation, he surged forward, his Pakari giving him a spring in the bound. Once in range, he spun a beam of light towards Jolek.


OOC: Aderia, I'm gonna need some help! :) :tohu:



IC: "Karz." Jolek said, as he had begun to fight evasively, managing to dodge a dead-on impact, but the flash of the beam still left a streak in his eyes. 'Better let it fade.' he thought, unsheathing his Large knife. Judging roughly where his opponent was, he gathered his elemental power, and sent a pulse of magnetism towards the area, simultaneously charging his armor with a magnetic field. Now if he could just find the sword... There, a bright orange blade, glowing with energy. Concentrating, he focused on the blade's magnetic charge, intending to make sure it matched that of his armor. Gritting his teeth, he felt the now negligible drain of his elemental reserves when the job was done. Now, to go on the offensive...


Switching the charge of the Toa of light's armor to the opposite of his own, he leapt forward, using his Pakari as well, using the added strength to bolster his already fast pace. he stregthened the charges of the armor and weapons, and, when he felt confident, he shut his eyes, using his innate ability to detect magnetic charges to gauge where the other warrior was. It crippled his reaction time, but it was better than being flashbanged and helpless.


All of this happened in a matter of seconds, and Jolek began to swing his knife in a series of rapid combinations, attempting to overwhelm the Toa of Light with a maelstrom of blows coming from all angles.

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IC: Eyes wide, Kinika jumped backwards, dodging all but three strikes of Jolek's knife; those from behind. His armor took most of the damage, but he fell forwards from the impact. As he got up, he blasted a volley of his charged light power at his enemy, virtually cutting his remaining elemental power in half. Taking advantage of Jolek's momentary blured vision, he created energy spheres which gave off the same magnetic force as himself. With difficulty, he created a dagger of light, hurled it at the Ice Skakdi, and, with as much strength as he could muster, threw a roundhouse kick at Jolek's head.


OOC: I'm pretty sure I didn't auto-hit, or g-mode...

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IC: Eyes wide, Kinika jumped backwards, dodging all but three strikes of Jolek's knife; those from behind. His armor took most of the damage, but he fell forwards from the impact. As he got up, he blasted a volley of his charged light power at his enemy, virtually cutting his remaining elemental power in half. Taking advantage of Jolek's momentary blured vision, he created energy spheres which gave off the same magnetic force as himself. With difficulty, he created a dagger of light, hurled it at the Ice Skakdi, and, with as much strength as he could muster, threw a roundhouse kick at Jolek's head.


OOC: I'm pretty sure I didn't auto-hit, or g-mode...


OOC: No, no, you're doing very well. In fact, I think the volley, unles it was really carking big, wouldn't halve his power.


IC: "Karz, that hurt." Jolek grunted, reeling from the miniature explosions caused by the volley of light. The spheres were interfering with his magnetic sense, he would be forced to use his eyes. Opening them, he was relieved that the only real effect was the distorted and blurred vision, but he could still make out Kinika. Good thing, too, as he nearly got hit in the tmple from the kick, which would have likely knocked him out. Twisting his body a full 180 degrees, he used the built up torque from the motion to lash out in a spinning sidekick, an attack that conentrated most of the force onto the small area of the heel and drove it into the opponent. Hopefully, it would have the same effect on Kinika.

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OOC: Yeah, Raz is right. Though I'm not sure how Kinika knows that his second opponent is an Ice Skakdi just yet...


IC: There was a blur of motion near the sitting figure's arm-


-and the light dagger fell to the ground.


It became apparent to the watcher's startled eyes that a small sword had been produced in the cloaked being's hand where none had been seconds before.


Languidly rising, a feline predator whose rest had been disturbed, Aexias made her slow, hypnotic way towards the other two combatants, holding the small sword before her in perfect poise...

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OOC: @Mangai Meh. I don't think it will make much of a difference. @Raz Ok, then I still have lots of power. :)


IC:Because Jolek was on the ground, a small jump dodged the kick. Using his light powers, he speeded ultra-fast at Jolek, sticking his leg out at his heart light.


OOC: Remember, I'm three feet from you, and flying at you at the high speed.

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OOC: @Mangai Meh. I don't think it will make much of a difference. @Raz Ok, then I still have lots of power. :)


IC:Because Jolek was on the ground, a small jump dodged the kick. Using his light powers, he speeded ultra-fast at Jolek, sticking his leg out at his heart light.


OOC: Remember, I'm three feet from you, and flying at you at the high speed.

IC: No way in karz would Jolek have time to dodge. In fact, it was an impressive feat that he managed to turn, so the attack hit him in the shoulder, rather than the chest. Even so, the sheer kinetic energy of the attack sent him tumbling, the force on his arm numbing it. "Thank karz it didn't break," he grunted, whipping out his throwing knife in the blink of an eye. activating his Pakari, he took a few seconds to judge the flight path of the weapon, and then hurled it towards Kinika, controling it's path with magnetism, intending to use the knife to harrass him with multiple small cuts, to keep him on edge. After all, this was only a training bout. Glancing at Aexias, who seemed to be preparing for the right time to enter the fray, he began to circle the Toa of Light, attempting to set up a Pincer movement with the Skakdi.

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